The muslim country of their choosing.
So you would deport a muslim family, who's lived for generations in the US - to a foreign country? For no reason other than they are Muslim?
You can't deport citizens of one country to another country "of their choosing" do realize that don't you? Other countries have to agree to take them and you will need to alter the constitution.
If they've lived here for generations without incident they're good.
As far as solving the problem..
First we need to stop importing them and then concentrate on finding and eliminating the problem muslims and eventually that'll end the problem.
Why the rush to import millions of them into western society these days when in the past we set up refugee camps in the same region as the conflict?
You'd have to be a complete dolt not to see whats going on.
No because it is always the same with muslims and the violent hate crimes against non muslims make them selves visible once their populations arise and until then they fool you with Taqiyya!!! Wake up! Again read:
Every single muslim on the planet supports islam which reveals the fact that every single muslim supports islam deeming acceptable violent hate crimes against non muslims and proof of this is that they are supporters of islam where violent hate crimes against non muslims are deemed acceptable and happening in countries around the world in modern day when muslim populations rise.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
What evidence do you have that all Muslims find "acceptable violent hate crimes against non muslims"? I mean like data, not opinion?