Target! is not just


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
A human weenie wokeified place to shop.It's also how an agency
or two { Justice Dept. and FBI } are run.Any which way plus loose.
Translation ... not on the up and up.Far from it.At least a Target
Department store doesn't hide their weenieness.Or disdain for
Wal*Mart shoppers.This isn't a difference like between the Tartars
and the Cossacks.But it mise well be.Because We the People are
implicated,and too often the victim.Of Bad ... Like really terrible
Government.Where honesty and straighforwardness are honored,
respected and almost cherished.Of course history has many examples
of how Religion { The Catholic Church } also went thru centuries of
bad governing.
So how telling that mere hours before a House vote to find
FBI Director Ray in Contempt,his FBI decides to cave.And allow
viewing for the entire Comer House Oversight Committee.
Well gee golly gosh.Don't forget this Wray FBI let it be known
that " after weeks of Refusing to admit that the FD-1023 record
existed. "Which now does more than merely beg the question
... what other shenanigans is this { Our } FBI capable of
promulgating onto the American Citizenry.?

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