The FBI Says Biden Bribe Scheme Whistleblower Is 'Highly Credible' FBI Confidential Human Source Used By The FBI In The Past

Remember when CBS released those memos, supposedly from a National Guard Lieutenant Colonel named Killian, that purported to show special treatment for then Air Guardsman George W. Bush?

Once the memos were made available to the public, sharp-eyed citizens saw that the memos used a word processing font not available on typewriters in the 1970's, and the story was debunked completely.

Wray may be in fear of something like that happening if he released the FD 1023 to the committee and it is released to the public.
Wow, you're very sensitive abou seeing Lesh' misinformation corrected. Why is that?

Mainly because what she said is lies but this isn't the thread for that discussion. If you want to try to wow me with some innuendo, speculation or conjecture regarding the Mueller investigation, I am game. Send me an invite. It'll be fun. I'll drink some beer too.

Lesh brought the Steele Dossier. Do you understand the irony that Democrats are now using the Steele Dossier as an example of obviously faked evidence?

I don't know who told the whistle blower his story. I don't know if the whistle blower and the source for the FD 1023 are the same person. I don't know that the whistle blower and/or the source are actually credible. I know that the FBI has paid him $200K+ over the last two years, which many are taking as evidence that the FBI has confidence in him.

The whistleblower is not the same person as the person who allegedly claimed Biden took bribes.

But, after the FBI saw the Steele Dossier, they paid Christopher Steele to continue to dig up dirt just a month before the 2016 election. So the fact that the FBI pays someone doesn't mean they have confidence in them to tell the truth. In Steele's case they paid him hoping for more lies.

I don't know a lot of what we need to know becuase the FBI is hiding it.

I do know that it took almost two months for FBI Director Wray to even admit that the 1023 existed, and that he is very, very, concerned that it not be viewed by the public, even though we now know in summary what is in it.
More lies to be in that thread you need to make.

Hope to hear from yah soon.
'The individual behind the information that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national is a "highly credible" FBI confidential human source who has been used by the bureau in multiple investigative matters dating back to the Obama administration.

The confidential human source who provided the Biden information to the FBI was a "pre-existing" FBI source who has been used in multiple investigative matters separate from the Biden information
. The confidential human source has been "consistently reviewed by the FBI" and has been "found to be highly credible."

Wray had no choice but to admit the FBI form FD-1023 the whistleblower referred to was real and that the FBI had it be cause the whistleblower is a known, highly credible human source.
The whistleblower is a serious problem for Wray, the FBI, and Biden, as is this FD-1023 ... which is why Wray has conti ued to release it to the Oversight Committee.

It seems, as a result of this newly expoaed info, the FBI has finally agreed to bring physical documents, believed to include the FD-1023, to the Capitol for viewing by the Committee (or at least Comer and Grassly) in a SCIF on Monday.

To continue to protect tbe President, it will be interesting to see what Wray and the FBI have instore on Monday.


Chris Wray: I have a special practice, I represent only one client: the Biden Crime Family
Mainly because what she said is lies but this isn't the thread for that discussion. If you want to try to wow me with some innuendo, speculation or conjecture regarding the Mueller investigation, I am game. Send me an invite. It'll be fun. I'll drink some beer too.

The whistleblower is not the same person as the person who allegedly claimed Biden took bribes.

More lies to be in that thread you need to make.

Hope to hear from yah soon.
I'm not making a thread to talk about something that was brought up on this thread. If Leah refrains from comparing the FD 1023 to the entirely fraudulent Steele Dossier, I see no reason to waste time on that well debunked pack of lies.

I'm not making a thread to talk about something that was brought up on this thread. If Leah refrains from comparing the FD 1023 to the entirely fraudulent Steele Dossier, I see no reason to waste time on that well debunked pack of lies.

Ok. It was your call.

Have a good day.
I'm not making a thread to talk about something that was brought up on this thread. If Leah refrains from comparing the FD 1023 to the entirely fraudulent Steele Dossier, I see no reason to waste time on that well debunked pack of lies.

Sorry but this is very similar to the Steele situation.

That you need use to see that is your problem
All of our President's and DOJ's time is being used covering up for the criminal Biden family. That's what makes it impossible for them to do their jobs.
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News Flash: Nothing burgers are on sale!

“Well, my understanding is that there is information provided by an FBI source who has been credible, but has no firsthand information,” Goldman replied. “So, this FBI source is reporting information to the FBI that was provided by the source from somebody else. Now, that relates to the completely debunked and false allegations about sort of corruption related to then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who was on the board of Burisma.”

Goldman then addressed the allegation against Joe Biden that Republicans have long lobbed against him, which is that as veep, he facilitated the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the company. However, Goldman cited witnesses in the first Donald Trump impeachment investigation who said the opposite was true.

The congressman stated that those expert witnesses said was “that what Joe Biden was doing in Ukraine in urging Ukraine to remove their prosecutor general was done consistent with U.S. policy because this prosecutor general was not investigating corruption, including at [companies] like Burisma.”

He added, “This is complete garbage” and noted the Trump Department of Justice declined to prosecute the Bidens.

“And they determined it was not worth pursuing these allegations,” Goldman said. “This is a complete nothing burger.”
Firing Shokin was US foreign policy. The guy refused to prosecute corruption.
'The individual behind the information that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national is a "highly credible" FBI confidential human source who has been used by the bureau in multiple investigative matters dating back to the Obama administration.

The confidential human source who provided the Biden information to the FBI was a "pre-existing" FBI source who has been used in multiple investigative matters separate from the Biden information
. The confidential human source has been "consistently reviewed by the FBI" and has been "found to be highly credible."

Wray had no choice but to admit the FBI form FD-1023 the whistleblower referred to was real and that the FBI had it be cause the whistleblower is a known, highly credible human source.
The whistleblower is a serious problem for Wray, the FBI, and Biden, as is this FD-1023 ... which is why Wray has conti ued to release it to the Oversight Committee.

It seems, as a result of this newly expoaed info, the FBI has finally agreed to bring physical documents, believed to include the FD-1023, to the Capitol for viewing by the Committee (or at least Comer and Grassly) in a SCIF on Monday.

To continue to protect tbe President, it will be interesting to see what Wray and the FBI have instore on Monday.

Yeah you got to love another anonymous unnamed source. who says the other unnamed source is credible.

"But the tip relayed information the source heard from someone else. "says Comer and Raskin

so this is not first hand knowledge but what someone else told him. This should be inadmissible as it is hearsay in any court setting. Unfortunately this is just republican senators gunning for Biden in a hearing.

Does history repeat itself

McCarthyism had the nation in the red scare mode.

Now we current have McCarthyism that has the republican in the Joe Biden scare mode

Based on heresy evidence

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