Tax Breaks for population controll


Feb 21, 2013
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:
Why? We don't need to reduce the population. Quite the contrary.
I think we should eliminate those of the population who spell control with two Ls at the end.
We got more than enough people.

What we don't have are enough jobs for those people.
Immigration control (actually having borders) would do more to control population than any sterilization scheme that was not 100% mandatory. Including illegals the moment they are apprehended. do know that a lot of (mostly white...) rural counties are actually below replacement levels for natural population growth???

On top of that the natural population growth for Mexico seems to be dropping below replacement level also. Meaning in the future hispanic immigration will become a much less important issue.

And yes...even the birth rates for African Americans is dropping.
how about canadas ID system this seams to prevent border jumpers there
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

In order for social security to work, we need to keep the relative population of payers above payees, all good Ponzi schemes work that way. Not a good idea if you want social security to be solvent.
We got more than enough people.

What we don't have are enough jobs for those people.

We need to make the environment for more jobs ;)

More education
More science
More tech
More Favorable environment for innovation
More infrastructure
more manufacturing

All very good for this country!

More education, science, tech, innovation and infrastructure all lead to less manufacturing jobs. But then, it's not like any politician I have ever met said he/she wanted his/hers children and grandchildren to work as a laborer in a manufacturing job.
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

I think its a brilliant idea for non whites. For whites I would do like Russia has done and give them at least 9K to have a 2nd child. There is a book called Dark Millennium great book,they end up shipping all negroes to south Florida and the Caribbean and giving them as much sex,food,drugs,alcohol as they want and ALL the food,drugs,drinks are laced with a drug that makes sure they can produce no more little pickaninnies. :D Sounds like a great plan to me. Humane and Easy.
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

I think its a brilliant idea for non whites. .

You're a fucking idiot. Are you going to spam this thread with your cowardly bullshit?
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

I think its a brilliant idea for non whites. For whites I would do like Russia has done and give them at least 9K to have a 2nd child. There is a book called Dark Millennium great book,they end up shipping all negroes to south Florida and the Caribbean and giving them as much sex,food,drugs,alcohol as they want and ALL the food,drugs,drinks are laced with a drug that makes sure they can produce no more little pickaninnies. :D Sounds like a great plan to me. Humane and Easy.

Please off yourself immediately.
How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

I think its a brilliant idea for non whites. .

You're a fucking idiot. Are you going to spam this thread with your cowardly bullshit?
Depends. You gonna scream I am a closet fag the whole time? :lol::lol::lol:

How about a tax program that awards thru limited child birth Or an base amount of tax money for females an males willing to seek birth control procedures such as an vasectamy or tied tubes This would provide a means of reducing population thru thye tax system:eusa_boohoo:

I think its a brilliant idea for non whites. For whites I would do like Russia has done and give them at least 9K to have a 2nd child. There is a book called Dark Millennium great book,they end up shipping all negroes to south Florida and the Caribbean and giving them as much sex,food,drugs,alcohol as they want and ALL the food,drugs,drinks are laced with a drug that makes sure they can produce no more little pickaninnies. :D Sounds like a great plan to me. Humane and Easy.

Please off yourself immediately.
Nah. You first!
We got more than enough people...

No, we don't.

There's six billion of us. How is that not enough?

"Us" meaning the United States, but every developed country will soon be facing the consequences of population decline (several are already), with most of the developing world following suit in due time. In 50 years of so global population rates will begin a downward trend overall.

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