Taxing the 227,202 with Taxable income over $1M WOULD NOT cut DEFICIT by 48%!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
Last edited:
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???

Wait, dont you know progressives consider anyone who makes over $250k "millionaires"?
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

Read this thread on this board!!!
The stupid "shit" is NO ONE seems to read the FACTS as put out by the IRS!! Dum...f...!

The original poster OP of this THREAD

Couldn't as I pointed out do simple math much less get their facts straight!
GO go the sources I always supply and please apologize for saying I was saying "stupid shit" when I was retorting idiocies by others and YOU never read it!
Think before you iterate!
YOu know "dumb..f..."... What we should do is REDUCE repatriated overshore capital with a 5% tax!
Then use that 5% of the $1 trillion that would come back and use to create Venture Capital Insurance Corporation ˙© a for profit insurance company that would use the $50 billion in the one time tax to fund a reserve! This reserve would then be used to insure ANY new venture that applied for VCIC coverage up to $20,000 per SMALL investor. The small investor's principal would be insured by VCIC and then the capital raised would pay a premium for the insurance!

In this way any future Venture capital small investor's principal is INSURED by the VCIC!
As the VCIC insured venture becomes secure, small investor can sell stock BUT the VCIC insurance drops!
Small investor wins without ANY risks. VCIC reserve fund will be infrequently tapped because for ever 20 investments 10 may be losers fund tapped.. but the winning 10 will be huge successes.
If the rhetoric Obama has been spouting was implemented, all he'd be getting is 28 billion annually. That's NOTHING. Just the interest on our debt is approaching a half-trillion and will be a full trillion by the end of the decade on our current path. 28 billion isn't a drop in the bucket. THAT's why he's being accused of "class warfare" and rightly so, because it's POINTLESS politics.
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

Read this thread on this board!!!

What does France have to do with it? Your OP wasn't about France and their taxes. WTF?
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

You could take ALL their money and you'd be able to run the gov't for a month or so. Then what?

It's all bullshit.
REaL FACTS from the IRS.......
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41%

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

75% times total adjustable taxable income of $486.7 billion is $365,082,746,00 AGREE???

$123.7 billion is what THE already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract that $123.7 billion THEY PAID from the tax of 75% or $365 billion and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount that would be added if the tax was 75%

Obama Deficits FY 2012*: $1,327 billion
US Federal Deficit by Year 2007_2017 - Charts Analysis

So divide $1.3 trillion by $241 billion is ONLY 18% NOT 48%
SORRY BUT FACTS get in the way of hyperbole!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

You could take ALL their money and you'd be able to run the gov't for a month or so. Then what?

It's all bullshit.

So if tax rates have absolutely nothing to do with it, why don't we just cut all taxes to 5%? I mean if tax rates don't matter at all, why have any taxes? When we are talking about the need to control or cut the deficit, we can see that there are two causes to the problem; one is too much spending, and the other is not enough revenue. I don't care what you goofballs think, we can't cut enough to get it under control. You are correct that we can't raise taxes enough to get it under control either, but you constantly insist that cutting is the only answer, and because of that, everyone knows you're all full of shit.
I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

You could take ALL their money and you'd be able to run the gov't for a month or so. Then what?

It's all bullshit.

So if tax rates have absolutely nothing to do with it, why don't we just cut all taxes to 5%? I mean if tax rates don't matter at all, why have any taxes? When we are talking about the need to control or cut the deficit, we can see that there are two causes to the problem; one is too much spending, and the other is not enough revenue. I don't care what you goofballs think, we can't cut enough to get it under control. You are correct that we can't raise taxes enough to get it under control either, but you constantly insist that cutting is the only answer, and because of that, everyone knows you're all full of shit.

I said no such thing at any time.
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???

Should millionaires sacrifice anything towards balancing the budget?
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???

Should millionaires sacrifice anything towards balancing the budget?

As is always the case, the answer from the Right is 'no', or a stunned silence that means 'no'.

It's clear that conservatives have no genuine interest in balancing the budget.
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???

Should millionaires sacrifice anything towards balancing the budget?

The rich could give 100 percent of their income and it would not even put a dent in the debt... We dont have a money problem we have an ENTITLEMENT problem..
See folks the problem with Obama and supporters is THEY CAN'T do simple math!
$241 billion is the additional amount of taxes if those over $1 million were taxed at 75% NOT 48% as the idiot who earlier had a thread saying it would pay 48% of the annual deficit!

But these math challenged Obama supporters are CHALLENGED on even simple math like:
subtract 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million covered by Medicaid and 18 million that are paying their OWN health expenses and you get 8 million UNINSURED
NOT 50 million! But this number was used and believed by MILLIONS including conservatives!
WHY? Why was destroying health care as we know it to cover really 8 million NOT 50 million???

Should millionaires sacrifice anything towards balancing the budget?


Of course, it should only be the middle class and poor who should sacrifice. Let's leave the wealthy alone.
Why should the demographic of those who wealth has jumped dramatically during the recovery, sacrifice? Why shouldn't those who have been losing wealth and have had flat wages for 3 decades be the ones who sacrifice? Seems fair,,,,in a plutocracy!
Of course most economist agree that it should be a shared sacrifice, but why? Why not nail those who can't create jobs and who don't have a pail to piss in? Of course that would include 99% of those who post on these boards.
I haven't heard anyone say anything about raising taxes on top income earners to 75%. Where do you come up with such nonsense? What has been discussed is letting the rates go back to the levels they were at under Clinton, which is only a 11% increase going from 35% to 39%, and that percentage is only on income over $388,350. If we allow the Bush tax cuts to completely expire for everyone, then we shall see a rise in revenue of about 10 to 15 percent total. Of course this is not enough to wipe out the deficit, and nobody really has suggested it would, yet you throw stupid shit like this out there all the time.

What we should be raising is the Capital Gains rate, back to where it was under Reagan. While I don't agree with Reagan on the idea that the Capital Gains rate should be the same as the income tax rate, there is no doubt that the Capital Gains rate is currently much too low.

Read this thread on this board!!!

What does France have to do with it? Your OP wasn't about France and their taxes. WTF?

My g... are you f...king DENSE!!
The above message was comparing FRANCE's raising to 75% and said the USA should do the same and cut the deficit by 48%!
YOU idiot! MY point was that regardless whether it was France or Spain or whomever.. YOU can't change the math which in this raising US taxes for people earning over $1 million would cover 15% NOT 48% of the deficit you dumf..k!
Why don't you READ before you show how dumb you are?

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