2017 Trump Tax Cuts did not go to the wealthiest 1%

no they passed a bill lowering the tax rate.
The rate goes up according to the bill Trump signed. He is the one responsible for rates going up. Not Dems.
Dimwingers run the show now. If they do nothing any tax hike on working folks will be on them, Clown.
yep and they opposed the tax cut for working american then, they do now. Taxes will go up and more taxes will be added
Dimwingers run the show now. If they do nothing any tax hike on working folks will be on them, Clown.
Because they followed the law that Trump signed?
Hey Stupid, there is nothing stopping them from making the Trump tax cuts for working folks permanent, is there?

Why are they not even talking about doing that? Once again, Dimwinger piss on working folks.
Hey colfax_m you want evidence the Dimwingers don't care about working folks?

How many Dimwingers voted to give working folks a tax cut in 2017?

House: 0
Senate: 0
Dimwingers run the show now. If they do nothing any tax hike on working folks will be on them, Clown.
Because they followed the law that Trump signed?
Hey Stupid, there is nothing stopping them from making the Trump tax cuts for working folks permanent, is there?

Why are they not even talking about doing that? Once again, Dimwinger piss on working folks.
Trump was perfect. There's no need to fix anything he did.
kyzr said:
] It's not the tax rates, its the loopholes. Trump didn't pay anything, neither did many of the wealthiest.

Indeed! Hyper-partisan claptrap aside, tax equity is a fantasy.

How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

Hyper-partisan claptrap aside, tax equity is a fantasy.

Of course it is. The rich have always paid more taxes than the rest of us.

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