TB was eradicated in america. Now it's epidemic in sanctuary states


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Damn stinking illegals are now infecting us with TB. Another of jeb bush's "acts of love".

Tuberculosis Back in the U.S.; Obama, Illegals to Blame | American Free Press

April 03, 2014 AFP
• Four states account for more than half of all TB cases: California, Texas, New York and Florida.

By the 1960s, tuberculosis (TB) had been almost totally eradicated in the United States. But 50 years later, according to a March 20 Reuters article, “Half a million people fell sick with dangerous superbug strains of TB in 2012, but fewer than one in four were diagnosed.” The World Health Organization has called drug-resistant tuberculosis (DRTB) a “public health crisis,” predicting that worldwide two million people may be infected by next year. If TB was on the outs, why is it coming back now in more virulent strains?

The culprit? A massive unregulated flow of lawbreakers crossing our southern border from Mexico and Latin America has led to a resurgence of fatal airborne diseases like TB that attack the lungs.

Cities in the U.S. such as Los Angeles and Jacksonville, Florida have seen dramatic rises in TB. The situation has become so dire that in the City of Angels, police officers are now advised to wear surgical masks when dealing with illegal aliens.

On March 20, this reporter contacted Salina Smith, a spokesperson for the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to inquire as to why TB is again plaguing our shores.

“Despite declines among other demographics, DRTB has taken a heavy toll in the U.S. along racial and ethnic lines, not to mention the homeless and those infected with HIV,” said Ms. Smith. “Geographically, four states account for more than half of all TB cases: California, Texas, New York and Florida.”

Continuing with specifics, Ms. Smith stated: “Hispanics and blacks have rates seven-times higher than whites, whereas Asians now exhibit TB rates 26-times higher than whites. Overall, foreign-born residents are 13-times more likely to have TB than are U.S.-born citizens.”

Considering that working-class taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill for illegals and foreign-born patients, Ms. Smith was asked about the costs for medicating patients with TB.

“Treating typical TB comes in at $17,000, while costs associated with DRTB rise to $134,000,” she said. “In cases of extreme DRTB, we’re looking at $430,000 in hospital fees.”

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