Teacher shortage = Virtual Teacher + "teaching assistant"

This will be the wave of the future: your child will have a "virtual teacher" on the screen and a teaching assistant in the room. That is if school districts can find people to work in classrooms for whatever peanuts they will pay them to act as "teaching assistants" and deal with exploding student behavior problems and mental health issues.

We are in a real fix. I can tell you that.

CHAPIN, S.C. — Amanda Mignault has been teaching for three years and has yet to step foot in a classroom.
"I live in South Carolina, and my classes are in Louisiana and Georgia,” said Mignault.
Her students are in person sitting side by side at their desks while she is at home teaching virtual lessons, remotely.

It's made possible by an Austin, Texas, based company called Proximity Learning which helps school districts fill the need for teachers.

Local school district using innovative way to fill teacher shortages
THAT WON'T WORK. Believe me, this will only further serve to dehumanize our children making them better suited to texting on machines than dealing with actual human interaction. And those children will grow up and face running the world.

I'm all goosebumps. :smoke:

Yep. Sure sounds like it.

Figures. Socialist Central. And I predict that soon, they won't even use real people anymore to teach kids, they will create synthetic computer generated artificial CGI models to just look and talk like people.

How else will these companies stay in business and make money?

Gee, I hope nobody already thinks and wonders why we have so many kids NOW who already have emotional, reality and violence issues! Kids being forced to live in and grow up in an unnatural, synthetic environment!
What is wrong with this?

There is an instructor and an assistant to ensure the students are kept on task and learning.

This is exactly how COVID should have been handled, hire some 20 somethings to run a class, a VERY easy thing to do, and teachers that were high risk could have taught remotely as there are more educational requirements for that position. Further, the assistants can easily be a lower salary position for people starting out rather than having to take years of education first allowing for fewer students per assistant than current teacher ratios.
What is wrong with this?

There is an instructor and an assistant to ensure the students are kept on task and learning.

This is exactly how COVID should have been handled, hire some 20 somethings to run a class, a VERY easy thing to do, and teachers that were high risk could have taught remotely as there are more educational requirements for that position. Further, the assistants can easily be a lower salary position for people starting out rather than having to take years of education first allowing for fewer students per assistant than current teacher ratios.

Kid has a problem with anything. Math, whatever. Assistant doesn't know how to help.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to convey one on one help on a screen?

What a joke.
Kid has a problem with anything. Math, whatever. Assistant doesn't know how to help.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to convey one on one help on a screen?

What a joke.

You don't need a Master's degree to explain simple arithmetic to a child.
Kid has a problem with anything. Math, whatever. Assistant doesn't know how to help.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to convey one on one help on a screen?

What a joke.
Seriously? You do not think an assistant can help with basic math?

Your assertion is rather asinine.
Seriously? You do not think an assistant can help with basic math?

Your assertion is rather asinine.

If you think the teaching force is lacking, wait til you see the "assistants".

But keep going
If you think the teaching force is lacking, wait til you see the "assistants".

But keep going
So no actual evidence that this is a bad thing. No actual points that make any sense. Just your proclamation that this would be terrible.

How convincing.
So no actual evidence that this is a bad thing. No actual points that make any sense. Just your proclamation that this would be terrible.

How convincing.

You need convincing that an experienced teacher in the room is better than a teacher on the screen and an unexperienced "assistant"?

Do you also need data that grass grows green and the sky is blue or what?

Tell you what. Go to the dr for routine visits, something you've had before, and do virtual. Should work most of the time. But now you have a thorny problem, maybe something new. You trust that virtual visit now? Maybe with a PA?
You need convincing that an experienced teacher in the room is better than a teacher on the screen and an unexperienced "assistant"?

Do you also need data that grass grows green and the sky is blue or what?

Tell you what. Go to the dr for routine visits, something you've had before, and do virtual. Should work most of the time. But now you have a thorny problem, maybe something new. You trust that virtual visit now? Maybe with a PA?
Almost all of my visits are virtual.

I am not wasting the time to go into a doctors office and wait around for them to finally see me. Call me when you are ready, order the tests and ill take them on my timetable.

You go on and waste your time going to see your PCM, it is an asinine thing to do with new tech. I, for one, really like technological advancement.

And I already explained the possible benefits. Sorry you are not able to understand them. Try going back and reading it again. Or better yet, get an assistant to help you.
What a great way to save money!

Maybe we don’t need registered nurses in person 24/7 in the hospital. Maybe LPNs and aides could do all the assessments as long as there’s a RN available via FaceTime or something. What a money saver!

I’m sure having patients treated by the least educated staff possible will have just as good outcomes as having our kids taught by 14$ an hour assistants. What could possibly go wrong? I mean there’s real teachers and RNs available remotely on tablets, right?
What a great way to save money!

Maybe we don’t need registered nurses in person 24/7 in the hospital. Maybe LPNs and aides could do all the assessments as long as there’s a RN available via FaceTime or something. What a money saver!

I’m sure having patients treated by the least educated staff possible will have just as good outcomes as having our kids taught by 14$ an hour assistants. What could possibly go wrong? I mean there’s real teachers and RNs available remotely on tablets, right?
Good idea. Why even have nurses. They should all be doctors. Indeed, why do we allow teachers without a PHD. We should require all teachers to have a PHD and include the office staff as well.

Good idea. Why even have nurses. They should all be doctors. Indeed, why do we allow teachers without a PHD. We should require all teachers to have a PHD and include the office staff as well.

Professional licenses and certifications exist for a reason.

Aside from more training and education and the obvious benefits those provide, licensure creates *accountability*. A licensed nurse or certified teacher has a lot more to lose if they fuck up than an unlicensed aide does.

Of course there’s a place for teachers aides in education. But that place isn’t replacing the real teachers.

Of course having classrooms with only an uneducated, underpaid aide with a real teacher “on-call” on some tablet is a stupid idea. Of *course* it is.

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