Tear Gas Used Once a Month At Border Under Obama

Sure, BO used tear gas once a month at the border, but it was done with love and compassion, not with hatred, the way Trump uses it. Besides, BO is black...er half black, so he isn’t as racist against brown skin as lily white Trump.
Sure, BO used tear gas once a month at the border, but it was done with love and compassion, not with hatred, the way Trump uses it. Besides, BO is black...er half black, so he isn’t as racist against brown skin as lily white Trump.

And....Hussein hated people....

“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

That happened on Tuesday when a quote by Neera Tanden, a former Obama aide and current president of the Center for American Progress, appearing in a story by John Heilemann in New York raised eyebrows:

"People say the reason Obama wouldn't call Clinton is because he doesn't like him. The truth is, Obama doesn't call anyone, and he's not close to almost anyone. It's stunning that he's in politics, because he really doesn't like people."
Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People - The Atlantic

“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.”
Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'
“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.”
Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'
Another plus! I kind of agree. Most people suck. I prefer the company of animals to most humans. They lie and cheat every chance they get.
“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.”
Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'
Another plus! I kind of agree. Most people suck. I prefer the company of animals to most humans. They lie and cheat every chance they get.


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