Ted Cruz challenges Big Ethanol in Iowa


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Takes guts to challenge those on the ethanol dole in Iowa....but with Cruz neck-in-neck with Trump (who supports Big Corn) it appears many Iowans are ready to put other issues in front of a subsidy program that does nobody any good....

Should he win in Iowa this issue would probably help him win New Hampshire....

Ted Cruz Challenges Big Ethanol in Iowa
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From the article:

>> Sen. Hillary Clinton attacked ethanol welfare as “equivalent to a new tax” on gasoline; candidate Clinton lauded the dubious fuel for “limiting our dependence on foreign oil.” <<
She had it right the first time; the latter is bullshit. Always was.
ethanol is a government program for the most part.
Remember what Reagan said about government programs.
per the article...."Ethanol is a political creation. The American Automobile Association warned that E15, with 15 percent ethanol, could damage cars. Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute called it “an inferior fuel that damages automobile engines and fuel systems.”"
at some point gasoline will drop lower than the cost of production of ethanol. When that happens watch the feds jump in to make sure gas prices stay above that level
I don't know about it damaging engines, and at one time OPEC had us over a barrel - face down with our pants around our knees and they weren't bothering to use lubrication before giving it to us like a Catholic Priest.

But, with rising meat prices and no shortage of cheap oil, and shale plentiful at $50 or so a barrel, it's simply corporate welfare that makes no sense since the farmers could grow cattle feed just as easily.

If Hillary and Cruz are for killing it, kudos from me.
ethanol is a government program for the most part.
Remember what Reagan said about government programs.

Was that before or after he grew the government?

Ronald Reagan talked smaller government, but grew it exponentially (Your view)
Reagan didnt grow the government. And the thread is about Cruz opposing an ethanol mandate that Democrats proposed and passed and that has wreaked havoc with the world, literally killing millions.
ethanol is a government program for the most part.
Remember what Reagan said about government programs.

Was that before or after he grew the government?

Ronald Reagan talked smaller government, but grew it exponentially (Your view)
Reagan didnt grow the government. And the thread is about Cruz opposing an ethanol mandate that Democrats proposed and passed and that has wreaked havoc with the world, literally killing millions.

And yet some right winger drug him into it.
ethanol is a government program for the most part.
Remember what Reagan said about government programs.

Was that before or after he grew the government?

Ronald Reagan talked smaller government, but grew it exponentially (Your view)
Reagan didnt grow the government. And the thread is about Cruz opposing an ethanol mandate that Democrats proposed and passed and that has wreaked havoc with the world, literally killing millions.

And yet some right winger drug him into it.
Yes, Cruz' father educated him on economics and drug him into understanding that the ethanol mandate is a mistkae.
ethanol is a government program for the most part.
Remember what Reagan said about government programs.

Was that before or after he grew the government?

Ronald Reagan talked smaller government, but grew it exponentially (Your view)
Reagan didnt grow the government. And the thread is about Cruz opposing an ethanol mandate that Democrats proposed and passed and that has wreaked havoc with the world, literally killing millions.

:lol: You can't ignore actual facts...well maybe YOU can, but everyone else knows better.
I don't know about it damaging engines, and at one time OPEC had us over a barrel - face down with our pants around our knees and they weren't bothering to use lubrication before giving it to us like a Catholic Priest.

But, with rising meat prices and no shortage of cheap oil, and shale plentiful at $50 or so a barrel, it's simply corporate welfare that makes no sense since the farmers could grow cattle feed just as easily.

If Hillary and Cruz are for killing it, kudos from me.

Hillary is not for killing it....

Hillary Clinton once opposed the ethanol mandate, which harms drivers, consumers, ranchers, the environment and the economy.

Now, as she runs for president, Clinton supports the mandate, which benefits the state of Iowa — and in exchange, presumably, she's earned the endorsement of former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, an ethanol-subsidy aficionado.

Hillary's ethanol flip-flop reveals a Democratic sclerosis on cronyism
Probably not the best thing to do politically. Unless, of course, he is fine with his place in the Iowa polls. I could see this being a pivot to shore up support in other states. If you were trying to win Iowa then maybe he should have held off on this.

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