Ted Cruz doesn't know much about military chaplains


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Probably more than that thing you put in as President in there now

this didn't seem to get the lefts panties all bunched

Probably more than that thing you put in as President in there now

this didn't seem to get the lefts panties all bunched


Clearly you don't understand the difference between someone mispronouncing a word, and someone making an off-the-wall statement.

Wow, they really just don't come any dumber than you.

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.
But the real question is who will god give cancer to because of it?

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.
But the real question is who will god give cancer to because of it?
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jimmy Carter

Why is that?
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jimmy Carter

Why is that?
Erika Johnsen - Hugo Chavez: The U.S. Is Infecting Latin Leaders with Cancer, Or Something
The history on Communism is the inner circle members actually called their inner circle - hell - you'll find many communists are into the occult - worshipers of Lucifer / goddess worship - many reports of witches who have also been under the curse of cancer. The judgment of God is real - of course - but the people do not acknowledge God- in fact you'll find that witches despise the children of God - targeting them with curses - which is why many end up dying of such diseases. God counts it a righteous thing to bring tribulation on those who trouble his children. How stupid can these communists be to be targeting Christians? Very. Obviously.
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jimmy Carter

Why is that?
Jimmy Carter isn't a world leader anymore. He sold his own soul for the praises of men by endorsing same sex marriage and claiming Jesus would too! Carter knew that Jesus would never condone such an act. He is a liar and an enemy of God. He needs to repent.
All sickness and disease comes from Satan although we see in the Bible instances of people being struck with disease because of the evil they had done. There are many cases of innocent children, people who have been diagnosed with cancer and the answer is to pray until the answer comes. I've seen people who were diagnosed with cancer be cured completely. With God all things are possible.
Here is an example @Ogibillim of what I am speaking of -

Testimonies - Asia Harvest

Henan, China: Testimonies from the House Churches

God’s Wrath Leads Many to Repentance

The persecutors of the church in Henan have done unmentionable things to the believers, but they haven’t always had things their own way. Some government officials who ordered a crackdown on the church were suddenly struck with cancer, while the family members of some persecutors began to die in accidents. The officials knew they were being judged for their actions against God’s people.

There was one well-known official whose actions against believers had been particularly brutal. He showed no mercy or remorse, and treated Christians like animals undeserving of compassion. The one person this official loved dearly was his young daughter. She was the apple of his eye. One day he returned home to find that daughter had suddenly become insane. For weeks she was unable to respond normally to her parents or anyone else. Leading doctors and psychiatrists were brought in to treat her, all to no avail. The official’s daughter could only say one sentence during this time. Constantly, day and night, she declared, “You should stop persecuting the Christians! You should stop persecuting the Christians!”

Finally, realizing God’s wrath had fallen on him, the official decided he wouldn’t persecute God’s people any more. On the same day he repented his daughter was fully restored to sanity.
So as you can see the communist government officials who cracked down on the Christian church were suddenly struck with cancer while the family members of the persecutors began to die in car accidents. The officials - although they were communist knew that the judgment of God was falling upon them for their treatment of Christians. Again - it is 1 Thessalonians 1:6 in action. I can tell you a personal story as well. When I was a young christian a man who lived in the same apartment complex as I did was stalking me. He was separated from his wife and lived there and had become obsessed with following me - at church, driving down the road - he was seriously troubling me even though I had asked him to leave me alone. Finally, one day I posted a note to his front door with a warning - You are provoking the Lord to wrath. Please stop following me and leave me alone. and I signed my name.

About a month later I was at the altar of my church praying and he approached me and said, do not worry! I am not here to trouble you! I am asking for you to pray for me! I have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I know it is because I was following you around. I ask for your forgiveness and for you to pray for me. I said, Yes, I forgive you and I will pray for you.

He then returned to my church one last time - about a month later (it was a short time I cannot remember exact number of days) and he said he had gone to the doctor and they said that the cancer was completely gone. He returned to his wife and thanked God for his mercy and thanked me for praying for him. That is a true story and I do not care if you believe me. God knows it is the truth. I could not tell you, were it not the truth. People who lie cannot go to heaven.
Last edited:
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jimmy Carter

Why is that?
Jimmy Carter isn't a world leader anymore. He sold his own soul for the praises of men by endorsing same sex marriage and claiming Jesus would too! Carter knew that Jesus would never condone such an act. He is a liar and an enemy of God. He needs to repent.
And yet God cured his cancer

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.
Interesting comment, Og. You see, some time ago the Communist leaders were convinced that there was a conspiracy against Communists because so many of their leaders are dropping dead from cancer. The story came out some time after Chavez died of cancer. There seems to be a pattern. Take it up with God.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jimmy Carter

Why is that?
Jimmy Carter isn't a world leader anymore. He sold his own soul for the praises of men by endorsing same sex marriage and claiming Jesus would too! Carter knew that Jesus would never condone such an act. He is a liar and an enemy of God. He needs to repent.
And yet God cured his cancer
No, he took a drug that is extremely expensive and only the elite wealthy can afford it. Still he is not out of the woods. That is what the world has to depend on, the arm of the flesh. But those who know God and abide in His Son can receive from the throne room of God.

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.
The judgment of God is falling on America. And you are a fool for mocking God's judgment.
Yes, they were which is why Islam, Wicca, Satanism and all other forms of Baal god worship was never intended to be included. EVER.

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.

Most of those quotes are pretty good and the rest are who cares

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.

Where does he violate freedom of religion? You know freedom of religion doesn't mean you don't have to hear things you don't like

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