Ted Cruz doesn't know much about military chaplains

Probably more than that thing you put in as President in there now

this didn't seem to get the lefts panties all bunched


Clearly you don't understand the difference between someone mispronouncing a word, and someone making an off-the-wall statement.

Wow, they really just don't come any dumber than you.

that was hilarious, what an idiot Obama is.

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.

Where does he violate freedom of religion? You know freedom of religion doesn't mean you don't have to hear things you don't like

Uh Kaz...try reading the post I responded to, not just mine. Slow down big feller!

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.

Where does he violate freedom of religion? You know freedom of religion doesn't mean you don't have to hear things you don't like

Uh Kaz...try reading the post I responded to, not just mine. Slow down big feller!

Yes, in your last sentence, you made a statement that I was challenging, where does Cruz violate Freedom of Religion in the Constitution? It's your poor reading skills again? They are atrocious, you need to do something about that.

As for "the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote," yes, they were wrong about blacks, weren't they?

"Argh! These stage lights are hot!" (or something) :)

12 ridiculous Ted Cruz quotes that show why the ‘proud wacko bird’ will never be president

"4. “It is the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists”

Speaking at a home schooling convention, Cruz said that “we have never seen an administration with such hostility to religious faith. Last year, there was a chaplain in the Air Force up in Alaska who wrote in a blog post the phrase ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ He was ordered by his supervising officer to take it down. I guess it was deemed insensitive to atheists. I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”"

In fact, this is how military chaplains are to regard atheists. ...And Satanists, and Wiccans, and Muslims...


"American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca"

Each group above has info on how military chaplains should perform their various rituals and rites.

Some truth then when arabs refer to us as the great Satan seeing as how Satanism's a recognized religion to the military.

When I was in the Navy though, though I identified as atheist I was told they don't put that on id tags. Had to settle for 'norelpref' or no religious preference.
Clearly the Scriptures of end time events reveal that God used the Assyrian people as a rod of correction (punishment) on his own people who departed from Him. America's founding fathers never intended for freedom of religion to mean Baal Worship, idolatry, and erecting altars of Baal. Our founding fathers would be shocked to see what is going on inside of our military, Delta. This is partly why the judgment of God is falling on America.

God is falling on America? Do we yell "Timber"?

You know, the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote...but they were pretty damn clear on the Freedom OF Religion part.

Where does he violate freedom of religion? You know freedom of religion doesn't mean you don't have to hear things you don't like

Uh Kaz...try reading the post I responded to, not just mine. Slow down big feller!

Yes, in your last sentence, you made a statement that I was challenging, where does Cruz violate Freedom of Religion in the Constitution? It's your poor reading skills again? They are atrocious, you need to do something about that.

As for "the Founding Fathers never intended women or blacks to vote," yes, they were wrong about blacks, weren't they?

I wasn't talking about Cruz, Kaz, I was responding to Jerimiahs statement about not allowing people who worship "Baal" in the military. At no point was I talking about Cruz. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

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