Ted Cruz Exposed


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Ted is a very educated man, a very intelligent lawyer who is also a pandering weathervane who will bend in whichever direction the political winds are blowing.

As a lawyer, he knew broadcasting baseless claims was dangerous, but then went and, without a shred of evidence, jumped onboard the crazy train anyway.

All those promoting the stolen election knew they had nothing but still ran with it. They still are.

Poor losers just like the Democrats that ran with the Russia thing.
Ted is a very educated man, a very intelligent lawyer who is also a pandering weathervane who will bend in whichever direction the political winds are blowing.

As a lawyer, he knew broadcasting baseless claims was dangerous, but then went and, without a shred of evidence, jumped onboard the crazy train anyway.

Ted Cruz was literally the first Senator to rise to oppose certification of the election as the insurrection was kicking off.

What kind of man defends the lies of a man who slandered his wife and father? Only the most submissive cuck lickspittle of all time does that.
What kind of man defends the lies of a man who slandered his wife and father?
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

How far we have fallen.
Ted is a very educated man, a very intelligent lawyer who is also a pandering weathervane who will bend in whichever direction the political winds are blowing.

As a lawyer, he knew broadcasting baseless claims was dangerous, but then went and, without a shred of evidence, jumped onboard the crazy train anyway.

He will do whatever his wealthy donors demand just as all the other assholes in DC do, with a tiny few exceptions.
Ted Cruz was literally the first Senator to rise to oppose certification of the election as the insurrection was kicking off.

What kind of man defends the lies of a man who slandered his wife and father? Only the most submissive cuck lickspittle of all time does that.
For an insurrection to be an insurrection there has to be a path whereby the insurrectionists can take power of the Government. Wouldnt you agree? If that path doesnt exist then even if the "insurrectionists" are violent it's just a group of people being violent regardless of where the violence takes place or who it takes place against.
For an insurrection to be an insurrection there has to be a path whereby the insurrectionists can take power of the Government. Wouldnt you agree? If that path doesnt exist then even if the "insurrectionists" are violent it's just a group of people being violent regardless of where the violence takes place or who it takes place against.
The insurrectionists attempted to overthrow the duly elected government of Joe Biden. Just how much dumber can you idiots get?

So as I was saying, Ted Cruz was the very first Senator to rise in opposition to the certification as the insurrection kicked off.
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Three words I never have to see again...

Ted Cruz exposed...

Ted is a very educated man, a very intelligent lawyer who is also a pandering weathervane who will bend in whichever direction the political winds are blowing.

As a lawyer, he knew broadcasting baseless claims was dangerous, but then went and, without a shred of evidence, jumped onboard the crazy train anyway.

You'd know about being exposed wouldn't you Mr Stolen Valor
The insurrectionists attempted to overthrow the duly elected government of Joe Biden. Just how much dumber can you idiots get?

What's the path? How do the people who participated in that riot take control of the Government?

Don't bother with whatever bull shit answer you're going to come up with because the answer is there wasn't one. A bunch of morons going into the Capitol can't overthrow the US Government. Even if their intent was to kill everyone inside and they were wildly successful that doesn't put them in charge. It doesn't give them the reigns of power. it would have just made them bunch or morons who committed murder.
Ted Cruz is slimy as fuck. I can only assume the people that like him don't have a deep intuition.
No. We just recognize that vermin like you are indecent and unprincipled.

Ted suggested to Maria B that a news broadcast ought to rely on better sources than just a tweet. This somehow makes him “wrong?”

You libtards are completely dishonest.

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