Teenager Accused Of Poisoning Goat

I got attacked by a goat once. Hate those little shits.

Well I think that they're cute, but I'm glad that you agree that Willie should get justice.
Honestly! There's a difference there! :rolleyes:

What she did was flat out evil and insane. And I hope they throw the book at her. BUT (as much as I hate to agree with him) frigidweirdo does have a point. I know this is an extremely unpopular thing to say, but when you eat meat, you are paying someone else to not only kill animals, but in factory farms they're put through a living hell, from start to finish. I don't want to take this thread off topic, so I won't, but the bottom line is, farm animals suffer too, in many cases worse than that goat did. When you really look into it, the animal industries are diabolical. Which is why as much as I hate to be the bad guy on threads like this, I feel almost obligated to point out the cognitive dissonance. (I'll put on my flame suit, because once again I know no one wants to hear that.) :rolleyes:
Ahh yes...the faux outrage from the right.

17 year old girl who murdered a goat vs. a 40 year old woman (The governor of SD) who shot her dog in cold blood.

On one hand, you have a 17 year old girl who the OP hates vs a 40 y/o woman who the OP loves with heading one of our governmental agencies....

Ahh yes...the faux outrage from the right.

17 year old girl who murdered a goat vs. a 40 year old woman (The governor of SD) who shot her dog in cold blood.

On one hand, you have a 17 year old girl who the OP hates vs a 40 y/o woman who the OP loves with heading one of our governmental agencies....


Seriously!? One's a matter of self-defense and one isn't. For crying out loud! :rolleyes:
Well when slaughtering animals humanely you don't poison them and make them suffer.
Or at least that's what they tell you to make you feel good about your meat eating.

"Some of the worst aspects of chicken farming, such as live-shackle slaughter and forced molting, are being challenged by consumers and companies alike."


"Arguably no animal on a factory farm enjoys a fulfilling life, but chickens in both the egg and meat industries get a particularly raw deal."

" Most factory-farmed chickens are not allowed to spend time outdoors, confined instead to crowded indoor sheds for the vast majority of their lives."
Well I think that they're cute, but I'm glad that you agree that Willie should get justice.
Some people just can't lose. For this teen it was some goat competition, for some old fart it's an election. They do ANYTHING to "win".
Some people just can't lose. For this teen it was some goat competition, for some old fart it's an election. They do ANYTHING to "win".

Trump never murdered anybody.
How surprising! A 17-year-old kid did something really stupid. I'll bet that has never happened before. Poisoning a goat is a little more stupid than a silly girl usually does, but not much more stupid.
How surprising! A 17-year-old kid did something really stupid. I'll bet that has never happened before. Poisoning a goat is a little more stupid than a silly girl usually does, but not much more stupid.

What other teenagers have you heard about doing this before?

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