Donald Trump is the biggest political advocate for women in US history, hands down!!

Trump may have a lot of faults, but one of them is not failing to protect women from the trans cult.

Polls show that pretty much all of America agrees

Of the 2,128 people who participated, 79% said biological males who identify as women should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports.

Of the 1,025 people who identified as Democrats or leaning Democrat, 67% said transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete with women.

Even the lunatic fringe in the DNC understands that this is not acceptable, but only Trump has the courage to stand up to the lunatic fringe it seems.

Democrat politicians. like the democrat governor in Maine who recently said she would see Trump in court defying his order not to put trans women in women's sports, does not give a flip about what her own base of democrat voters wants.

How insane and anti-democratic is the judicial branch regarding this issue?

We shall see.
Scene in the Oval Office where Trump signed his EO banning biological males from women's sports:

You guys keep making this a political issue when it's not. NO ONE wants trans competing with women. NO ONE. It's why you love this issue. It riles up you goobers and attacks a very small minority. Vergogna.
The xiden admin did, and the Gov of Maine apparently does

So why do you lie?
They like other dudes that dress like women

Democrat dudes dress like this so they can invade woman's spaces and expose themselves to little girls.

Democrats = perverted freaks

Americans need to protect children from democrats
You guys keep making this a political issue when it's not. NO ONE wants trans competing with women. NO ONE. It's why you love this issue. It riles up you goobers and attacks a very small minority. Vergogna.
??? Dude. Every single member of your cult, save 2 voted for boys to compete against girls.

??? Dude. Every single member of your cult, save 2 voted for boys to compete against girls.

??? Dude. Every single member of your cult, save 2 voted for boys to compete against girls.

I can only say, I'm sorry. I didn't know they were such idiots.

206 voting against and one voting present. Two Democrats from Texas — Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez — joined all Republicans in support of the bill. Democratic Rep. Don Davis of North Carolina voted present.

"An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that men don't belong in women's sports

You've seen my thread I'm a Republican Now? Every day it's becoming more and more true. You know those Americans you've won over to your side? I'm slowly becoming one of them. I still don't like it or trust it, but I like a lot of what they are doing. So I'm sort of on the band wagon.

The only other time I was on your side was right after 9-11 and boy did Bush squander that opportunity to unite us. Lying us into Iraq, and using 9-11 to pass his bad agenda of deregulations and tax breaks to the rich. He caused the Great Recession. It happened right at the end of his 8 years. If you ask me, it was on purpose. Just like they lied us into Iraq, they caused that Great Recession and boy have the rich benefited ever since 2000 huh?

I just want all of my social security and I'm 54. I don't want to have to work a day past 62 or 65 to get my ss and medicare. Ya dig? All the savings Trump is finding should mean they can put back the money the corrupt politicians on both sides took from the fund.
Women like what exactly?
Women like being taken care of. How many women in America are 100% dependent on a man? My aunt is one. 82 and she's been taken care of her whole life. How many woman out there are like this? Parasitic in a way. Anyways, a lot of these women didn't give a fuck about other women's right to choose. In their world, they have the babies if they get pregnant. So they lack empathy.

Then there are the women who may work, but that paycheck ain't what's paying the bills. Actually after you take out the second car, insurance, day care, gas, time, make up, clothing needed for business casual, a woman contributes very little after all the costs are taken out. And a lot of them WISH their husbands made enough they could stop working.

My sister in law married my brother who ended up being a millionaire. But she never wanted to give up her certifications for what she does in the medical field. So she has always worked 2 days a week. So she makes $40K a year. If she worked 5 she'd make $100K.

And these women don't care about affirmative action. They aren't over achiever or super ambitious. They admit that when climbing the corporate ladder.

So they are pro life, don't care about women's lib and they want a man to take care of them or "protect" them.
No one is defending trannies swimming with girls. Like I said, this can EASILY and QUICKLY be decided by the Supremes. Why haven't they yet? Because you are using this as a political wedge issue. Without it you might not win.

Russia Russia Russia is a political wedge issue. The vast majority of Americans do not want men in woman’s sports.

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