Teens mauled by Shark on NC beach.

o that is why my feet stay on terra firma

we were discussing paragliding in the car.....when son's gf says.....do you not see the sharks in the water.......sharks rule the waters....and that is fine with me....land sharks i might begin to panic
No one blaming Booooosh and global warming yet I see.

Just wait, they will. Remember the last time there was an unusual number of attacks?

Surge in fatal shark attacks blamed on global warming Environment The Guardian

Surge in fatal shark attacks blamed on global warming

Three decades have passed since the movie Jaws sent terrified bathers scrambling out of the ocean. But as any beach lifeguard knows, there's still nothing like a gory shark attack to stoke public hysteria and paranoia.

Two deaths in the waters off California and Mexico last week and a spate of shark-inflicted injuries to surfers off Florida's Atlantic coast have left beachgoers seeking an explanation for a sudden surge in the number of strikes.

In the first four months of this year, there were four fatal shark attacks worldwide, compared with one in the whole of 2007, according to the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.

'The one thing that's affecting shark attacks more than anything else is human activity,' said Dr George Burgess of Florida University, a shark expert who maintains the database. 'As the population continues to rise, so does the number of people in the water for recreation. And as long as we have an increase in human hours in the water, we will have an increase in shark bites.'



lol shut the fuck up....the oceans are warmer off the coast of nc...and the water is higher....or did they just move the lighthouse for the fun of it....years ago
The water is warmer so more people hop in for longer periods of time. Not this guy though, the east coast ocean/beach is boring to me anyway.
lol shut the fuck up....the oceans are warmer off the coast of nc...and the water is higher....or did they just move the lighthouse for the fun of it....years ago

Yet, here in Florida sea levels have not raised a bit. We are AT SEA LEVEL. Let me know when I should move.


They are, they are blaming global warming, LOL!!! OMFG they are tards.

Remember 2008, June 12th?

i love the outer banks

now here is a crock

OAK ISLAND, N.C. (AP) -- After two young people lost limbs in separate shark attacks in costal North Carolina this weekend, the beaches were open Monday and the mayor said she didn't think emergency workers had enough time between incidents to close the beaches.

A 12-year-old girl was attacked just after 4 p.m. Sunday in Oak Island, and a 16-year-old boy was attacked less than two hours later about two miles away.

Oak Island Mayor Betty Wallace told The Associated Press on Monday that she didn't think that gave workers enough time to decide to close the beach between attacks. Beaches were closed after the second attack.

News from The Associated Press

shades of the movie jaws...oak island is not that big
lol shut the fuck up....the oceans are warmer off the coast of nc...and the water is higher....or did they just move the lighthouse for the fun of it....years ago


Using this chart it appears that since 1870 the sea level has risen about 8.8 inches. Makes one wonder why they did move the light house you mentioned.
i love the outer banks

now here is a crock

OAK ISLAND, N.C. (AP) -- After two young people lost limbs in separate shark attacks in costal North Carolina this weekend, the beaches were open Monday and the mayor said she didn't think emergency workers had enough time between incidents to close the beaches.

A 12-year-old girl was attacked just after 4 p.m. Sunday in Oak Island, and a 16-year-old boy was attacked less than two hours later about two miles away.

Oak Island Mayor Betty Wallace told The Associated Press on Monday that she didn't think that gave workers enough time to decide to close the beach between attacks. Beaches were closed after the second attack.

News from The Associated Press

shades of the movie jaws...oak island is not that big

No connection but it is reported that the mayor bought a bigger boat.
Holy shit. They did. They are blaming the shark attacks on GLOBAL WARMING!!!

Predictable as rain.

Dear Lord I hate liberals.
yeap its happening more and more on the shores of nc.....this was oak island...as the seas rise and warm....this will continue..

More people more shark attacks.

"As the seas rise and warm"........!

What a fuckin' crock of shit.

I had to fight off a shark last week on my patio here in Vegas. Those F'in seas have really risen.....
lol shut the fuck up....the oceans are warmer off the coast of nc...and the water is higher....or did they just move the lighthouse for the fun of it....years ago

Here is the real reason for moving the lighthouse, at least moving a lighthouse.

In 1999, the Cape Hatteras Light Station, which consists of seven historic structures, was successfully relocated 2,900 feet from the spot on which it had stood since 1870. Because of the threat of shoreline erosion, a natural process, the entire light station was safely moved to a new site where the historic buildings and cisterns were placed in spatial and elevational relationship to each other, exactly as they had been at the original site. While the National Park Service has met its obligation to both historic preservation and coastal protection, the much-heralded move of the historic station, especially the lighthouse, was hotly debated and closely watched.

Moving the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse - Cape Hatteras National Seashore U.S. National Park Service

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