Teens mauled by Shark on NC beach.

All sharks better stay away from the Oregon coast . I'm going camping there in a couple weeks and I'm already packed.:rock:
In these waters you need a wet suit or you'll freeze.

I watched that movie "Open Water" recently. I cant imagine being left out in shark invested waters. There wasn't a thing they could do to save themselves. All they could do is accept their fate...as shark bait.:confused-84:

Uhhh yep!
yeap its happening more and more on the shores of nc.....this was oak island...as the seas rise and warm....this will continue..
Yer fucking kidding.....Yer gonna toss the climate change card?
Save it.
Predatory animals are inherently laze creatures They will hunt the prey that's easiest to catch.
Remember those little Zehphyrs called hurricanes? Yeah, So when a storm of large magnitude rolls through, the balance of the ecosystem is thrown out of kilter. It takes years for equilibrium to take effect.
I've been saying for years: Jaws is a Public Service Announcement!
"Never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make an idiotic political point that the prog base would believe"...paraphrased from a high profile democrat. As a result of the uncommon cold winter in the East Coast the ocean is actually colder than usual for this time of the year. Maybe the environment is actually cooling rather than warming. Thanks to the environmentalists the ocean is cleaner and the shark population is increasing so ....duh.

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