Couple Beaten by Teens in Chicago, Pregnant Wife Loses Baby After Attack

Can't give you a percentage. I doubt anyone could. But there are a significant number of black superbadpunks out there.

The majority of violent offenses are the result of approx. 3 percent of our population....young black males.
Black males between 15 and 45—the portion of blacks that tend to be in the criminal justice system—comprise about 3% of the total population.
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Just like there is a significant number of white meathead punks out there.
There are more whites in America than blacks, but there are more black punks than white. Murder rates prove that. I mean fuck, about 3% of Americans (black punks like yourself) commit half the murders in the US. Fortunately, most, but not all their victims are superbadpunks like you.
If you are so unhappy lving in America maybe you could move to Africa.
That's just it, I shouldn't have to move anywhere and I ain't moving anywhere. That's the weak ass racist line, why don't you move your racist punk ass to Siberia. Pretty shouldn't I have given as much if not more to this country as you have.
Anyone who lives, works, or travels through a black neighborhood, needs to think about the danger of black crime.

You do not need to worry about blacks using post Einsteinium mathematics in a computer related scheme to defraud the Stock Market.

You need to worry about a huge Negro, with super human strength and sub human brutality and stupidity hitting you over the head with a club and stealing your wallet, your wedding ring, and your wrist watch.
A lot of those African nations would never accept a BLM black. They have traditional values. Remember some of the African countries outlaw homosexuality.

Otoh I’m sure most American blacks would be accepted into traditional African countries. As the blm/far left blacks represent a very small portion of black Americans.
Anyone who lives, works, or travels through a black neighborhood, needs to think about the danger of black crime.

You do not need to worry about blacks using post Einsteinium mathematics in a computer related scheme to defraud the Stock Market.

You need to worry about a huge Negro, with super human strength and sub human brutality and stupidity hitting you over the head with a club and stealing your wallet, your wedding ring, and your wrist watch.
Most whites are murdered by other whites.
A lot of those African nations would never accept a BLM black. They have traditional values. Remember some of the African countries outlaw homosexuality.

Otoh I’m sure most American blacks would be accepted into traditional African countries. As the blm/far left blacks represent a very small portion of black Americans.
How many European Nations would accept racist whites or members of the Klan?

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