Television - a Cultural Cancer


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Those of us who have any sensitivity about morality and traditional American values have long known that Television (and to a lesser extent Film) has had a horribly destructive effect on American culture, and is especially harmful to children, whose exposure generally to the Outside World is quite limited.

The disclaimers from "Hollywood" that "art" doesn't influence behavior ring quite hollow, given that they exist on the revenues generated by advertising, which is ENTIRELY based on the premise that entertainment influences behavior (i.e., consumers' buying behavior).

Further, it is manifest that the writers, directors, and actors in Hollywood revel in their ability to influence the Culture and behavior, invariably with negative effect.

How does it work, exactly?

Television's greatest strength is its ability to create fictional characters with whom the viewers will relate. Most often they try to create characters that will be liked/loved and/or admired, but occasionally they create characters that the viewing audience will "love to hate" or "love to mock."

Then, when the viewers have come to love a character, the writers imbue the character with attitudes that reflect the prevailing attitudes in Hollywood (i.e., degenerate), and do things with which most moral people are at the very least, uncomfortable.

Murphy Brown, a woman with no prospects for marriage, ever, decides to have a baby out of wedlock. Doctors McDreamy and Gray, both admired professionals at the top of their fields, decide to "get married" via an exchange of Post-it notes. And of course, 25% of all of the characters on network television are handsome or beautiful, articulate, compassionate, professional, well-adjusted homosexuals and lesbians. The number of intact, faithful, successful marriages on network TV is approximately zero. Essentially all TV marriages are either one of a series of marriages for the parties, or characterized by adultery, hate, indifference, or constant sarcastic assessment by both parties.

Every religious person is either evil or a buffoon, or both. You will never see a Black person on television who is average or mediocre - they are always the BEST doctor or lawyer or athlete. Inter-racial romance is ubiquitous, as are inter-racial adoptions.

A normal understanding of middle-class economics is totally missing from network television. They have police officers living in multi-million dollar homes in L.A. or New York. Indeed few TV personnae other than those whose profession is part of the story line seem to have any concept of what employment entails.

I personally don't worry much about violence on television, except to the extent that it is portrayed as a preferred method of dispute resolution. A kid who becomes too prone to violence is usually cured by the occasional ass-kicking from his comrades. But the erosion of ethics and morality is a serious problem with no solution on the horizon. Parents who are willing to turn off the crap on TV are apparently an endangered species. In fact, like "global warming," the problem promises to get worse before it gets better.
Those of us who have any sensitivity about morality and traditional American values have long known that Television (and to a lesser extent Film) has had a horribly destructive effect on American culture, and is especially harmful to children, whose exposure generally to the Outside World is quite limited.

The disclaimers from "Hollywood" that "art" doesn't influence behavior ring quite hollow, given that they exist on the revenues generated by advertising, which is ENTIRELY based on the premise that entertainment influences behavior (i.e., consumers' buying behavior).

Further, it is manifest that the writers, directors, and actors in Hollywood revel in their ability to influence the Culture and behavior, invariably with negative effect.

How does it work, exactly?

Television's greatest strength is its ability to create fictional characters with whom the viewers will relate. Most often they try to create characters that will be liked/loved and/or admired, but occasionally they create characters that the viewing audience will "love to hate" or "love to mock."

Then, when the viewers have come to love a character, the writers imbue the character with attitudes that reflect the prevailing attitudes in Hollywood (i.e., degenerate), and do things with which most moral people are at the very least, uncomfortable.

Murphy Brown, a woman with no prospects for marriage, ever, decides to have a baby out of wedlock. Doctors McDreamy and Gray, both admired professionals at the top of their fields, decide to "get married" via an exchange of Post-it notes. And of course, 25% of all of the characters on network television are handsome or beautiful, articulate, compassionate, professional, well-adjusted homosexuals and lesbians. The number of intact, faithful, successful marriages on network TV is approximately zero. Essentially all TV marriages are either one of a series of marriages for the parties, or characterized by adultery, hate, indifference, or constant sarcastic assessment by both parties.

Every religious person is either evil or a buffoon, or both. You will never see a Black person on television who is average or mediocre - they are always the BEST doctor or lawyer or athlete. Inter-racial romance is ubiquitous, as are inter-racial adoptions.

A normal understanding of middle-class economics is totally missing from network television. They have police officers living in multi-million dollar homes in L.A. or New York. Indeed few TV personnae other than those whose profession is part of the story line seem to have any concept of what employment entails.

I personally don't worry much about violence on television, except to the extent that it is portrayed as a preferred method of dispute resolution. A kid who becomes too prone to violence is usually cured by the occasional ass-kicking from his comrades. But the erosion of ethics and morality is a serious problem with no solution on the horizon. Parents who are willing to turn off the crap on TV are apparently an endangered species. In fact, like "global warming," the problem promises to get worse before it gets better.
What about the beneficial educational value of TV? What about the history channel, A&E, news, weather, sports, and documentaries? What about the programs that teach children to read, spell, and do math? TV doesn't harm anyone. I've watched it all of my life since the age of 5 ( 1952 ), my kids watched it growing up, and now my grandkids watch TV. I was never harmed by it, my kids were never harmed by it, and my grandkids aren't harmed by it. My kids learnt a lot from Sesame Street, and other educational programs. I still learn a lot from the History Channel and A&E. I watched the events of 9/11, the assassination of JFK ( I was in high school at the time ), the space program's disasters, the landing on the moon, the Iraqi and Afghanistan war coverage, and I've watched the world tragedies unfold.

TV is a wonderful invention and learning tool. Between TV's and computers, we're able to stay informed, get entertainment, and keep up with important issues and events around the world on a daily basis. If you personally find harm in TV's, then don't watch TV, plain and simple. But, I would highly recommend watching TV, as well as using a computer. A lot of what I know today is the result of watching TV.
The OP is incorrect in his details but its true that TV is a vast wasteland.

Thing is, its what people want. They want really stupid reality shows showing survival nutters, people killing animals for fun, the mindless violence of boxing and fake wrestling, the intellectual exercise of watching cars drive reeel fast while turning left, Kardashian Krap, Fox not-news lies, the ridiculous nonsense of bible thumpers trading your eternal soul for money, the violence of stupid "sports" like football and lots of rape and murder in movies.

OP, there's an easy answer to your problem. Buy a TV that comes with a channel changer.

The OP is incorrect in his details but its true that TV is a vast wasteland.

Thing is, its what people want. They want really stupid reality shows showing survival nutters, people killing animals for fun, the mindless violence of boxing and fake wrestling, the intellectual exercise of watching cars drive reeel fast while turning left, Kardashian Krap, Fox not-news lies, the ridiculous nonsense of bible thumpers trading your eternal soul for money, the violence of stupid "sports" like football and lots of rape and murder in movies.

OP, there's an easy answer to your problem. Buy a TV that comes with a channel changer.


Changing a channel offers no respite. The medium itself is inherently and irreconcilably flawed. It's just the way it works.

Walk into a room where people are watching TV sometime and instead of following the curious instinct to see what they're watching on the box, watch the watchers themselves and analyze what you see --- passive, indolent, hypnotized minds, obediently allowing some outside entity complete control of their sensual experience. That in itself is enough to make it dangerous.

Television is the greatest propaganda tool ever invented. It's what Orwell was warning us about with his Telescreens, except Orwell understated it and hadn't forseen the ability of the System to propagate itself in more subtle ways than coming on strong as "The State".

For further reading on why this is I can recommend this book.
The OP is incorrect in his details but its true that TV is a vast wasteland.

Thing is, its what people want. They want really stupid reality shows showing survival nutters, people killing animals for fun, the mindless violence of boxing and fake wrestling, the intellectual exercise of watching cars drive reeel fast while turning left, Kardashian Krap, Fox not-news lies, the ridiculous nonsense of bible thumpers trading your eternal soul for money, the violence of stupid "sports" like football and lots of rape and murder in movies.

OP, there's an easy answer to your problem. Buy a TV that comes with a channel changer.


Changing a channel offers no respite. The medium itself is inherently and irreconcilably flawed. It's just the way it works.

Walk into a room where people are watching TV sometime and instead of following the curious instinct to see what they're watching on the box, watch the watchers themselves and analyze what you see --- passive, indolent, hypnotized minds, obediently allowing some outside entity complete control of their sensual experience. That in itself is enough to make it dangerous.
Comical ..... really funny ...
Those of us who have any sensitivity about morality and traditional American values have long known that Television (and to a lesser extent Film) has had a horribly destructive effect on American culture, and is especially harmful to children, whose exposure generally to the Outside World is quite limited.

The disclaimers from "Hollywood" that "art" doesn't influence behavior ring quite hollow, given that they exist on the revenues generated by advertising, which is ENTIRELY based on the premise that entertainment influences behavior (i.e., consumers' buying behavior).

Further, it is manifest that the writers, directors, and actors in Hollywood revel in their ability to influence the Culture and behavior, invariably with negative effect.

How does it work, exactly?

Television's greatest strength is its ability to create fictional characters with whom the viewers will relate. Most often they try to create characters that will be liked/loved and/or admired, but occasionally they create characters that the viewing audience will "love to hate" or "love to mock."

Then, when the viewers have come to love a character, the writers imbue the character with attitudes that reflect the prevailing attitudes in Hollywood (i.e., degenerate), and do things with which most moral people are at the very least, uncomfortable.

Murphy Brown, a woman with no prospects for marriage, ever, decides to have a baby out of wedlock. Doctors McDreamy and Gray, both admired professionals at the top of their fields, decide to "get married" via an exchange of Post-it notes. And of course, 25% of all of the characters on network television are handsome or beautiful, articulate, compassionate, professional, well-adjusted homosexuals and lesbians. The number of intact, faithful, successful marriages on network TV is approximately zero. Essentially all TV marriages are either one of a series of marriages for the parties, or characterized by adultery, hate, indifference, or constant sarcastic assessment by both parties.

Every religious person is either evil or a buffoon, or both. You will never see a Black person on television who is average or mediocre - they are always the BEST doctor or lawyer or athlete. Inter-racial romance is ubiquitous, as are inter-racial adoptions.

A normal understanding of middle-class economics is totally missing from network television. They have police officers living in multi-million dollar homes in L.A. or New York. Indeed few TV personnae other than those whose profession is part of the story line seem to have any concept of what employment entails.

I personally don't worry much about violence on television, except to the extent that it is portrayed as a preferred method of dispute resolution. A kid who becomes too prone to violence is usually cured by the occasional ass-kicking from his comrades. But the erosion of ethics and morality is a serious problem with no solution on the horizon. Parents who are willing to turn off the crap on TV are apparently an endangered species. In fact, like "global warming," the problem promises to get worse before it gets better.
What about the beneficial educational value of TV? What about the history channel, A&E, news, weather, sports, and documentaries? What about the programs that teach children to read, spell, and do math? TV doesn't harm anyone. I've watched it all of my life since the age of 5 ( 1952 ), my kids watched it growing up, and now my grandkids watch TV. I was never harmed by it, my kids were never harmed by it, and my grandkids aren't harmed by it. My kids learnt a lot from Sesame Street, and other educational programs. I still learn a lot from the History Channel and A&E. I watched the events of 9/11, the assassination of JFK ( I was in high school at the time ), the space program's disasters, the landing on the moon, the Iraqi and Afghanistan war coverage, and I've watched the world tragedies unfold.

TV is a wonderful invention and learning tool. Between TV's and computers, we're able to stay informed, get entertainment, and keep up with important issues and events around the world on a daily basis. If you personally find harm in TV's, then don't watch TV, plain and simple. But, I would highly recommend watching TV, as well as using a computer. A lot of what I know today is the result of watching TV.

That's a sad statement. Television is inherently flat and two-dimensional, both literally and figuratively. It cannot handle nuance. What it can handle, and sell, is sensationalism, which requires ignoring context, which television can't handle anyway. That's why fake wrestling and paternity tests and people eating bugs on an island sells, while William F. Buckley had to go to PBS to have a television show.
I did not mean to imply that all television programming is bad, only that most of what I see on network TV is horrid.

When television was a relatively new medium, the programming reflected traditional values, including intangibles like integrity, faithfulness, kindness, modesty, and respect for elders. Even the GRAMMAR was mainly proper in almost all cases.

The fact that people are entertained by depravity, incivility, sexual deviance, and mayhem is no excuse for GIVING IT TO US.

But as I implied above, the worst part of it is when they infect lovable characters with politically suspect attitudes, ignorance about facts (mainly history), and the morals of barnyard animals.
I did not mean to imply that all television programming is bad, only that most of what I see on network TV is horrid.

When television was a relatively new medium, the programming reflected traditional values, including intangibles like integrity, faithfulness, kindness, modesty, and respect for elders. Even the GRAMMAR was mainly proper in almost all cases.

The fact that people are entertained by depravity, incivility, sexual deviance, and mayhem is no excuse for GIVING IT TO US.

But as I implied above, the worst part of it is when they infect lovable characters with politically suspect attitudes, ignorance about facts (mainly history), and the morals of barnyard animals.

This is because the purpose of television, and the only thing it really accomplishes, is to sell advertising. Advertising of course is defined as the process of convincing people to buy commodities they don't need. To that end TV will purvey whatever draws flies to fulfill its prime directive --- making the product pitch.

And when the competition finds a way to lower the LCD bar even more, if it's working the others will follow suit. That's what's going on, and it's always been what's going on. That's why we have naked people walking around on an island to see if they can "survive" and why we have live paternity tests and why we have news theater where we used to have news. That's why we had insipid canned-laughter sitcoms in the first place.
TV programming exists so corporations can sell their products to consumers.
television is a tool of "mass distraction" to keep the herd mesmerized and passive as they pump propaganda into their empty heads.
television is a tool of "mass distraction" to keep the herd mesmerized and passive as they pump propaganda into their empty heads.

"To me there's something incredibly sad about a bunch of human beings sitting down watching something take place... the spectacle of millions and millions of people sitting in movie theaters and in front of television sets every night, watching a second, or third-hand reproduction of reality going on, when the real world is right there in their living room, or right outside on the street or down the block somewhere... I think it's a tool to sonombulize or hypnotize people into kind of a waking sleep."


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