Tell the Kids To Play Outside: Rose Parade To Feature Gay Male Wedding


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
You can't make this stuff up. Another sexualized holiday march hits the streets to ambush children and adolescent viewers.

And the gay activists have a new spin to play on the sympathy strings of others who don't know the numbers and how they line up.

You can join the Facebook Boycott of the Rose Parade here:

Leclair, who used to watch the parade growing up in Ottawa, Canada, credited organizers with keeping up with society's evolving views of what a family is. "We are just another part of that fabric," he said.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the L.A.-based advocacy and treatment organization, is sponsoring the float. President Michael Weinstein said Leclair and Loots' committed, long-term relationship exemplifies the float's theme: "Love Is The Best Protection."

Weinstein said the legalization of same-sex marriage will go a long way toward reducing infection rates among gay men, who have been sent mixed messages. LA gay couple to marry on Rose Parade's world stage | 89.3 KPCC

The new spin is that if the statistically-promiscuious group of gay men get married, then HIV/AIDs will go down.

However, in just the years that gay marriage has been forced upon the various states by legislative and judicial coups, the numbers of impressionable youth coming down with HIV and AIDS has skyrocketed:

The number of new infections among the youngest MSM (aged 13-24) increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010.

Those are the same years that gay marriage has made its coup on mainstream values and laws.

The name of the gay marriage float should not be "Love is the Best Protection". It should be "Monkey See Monkey Do is the New Infection".
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I stopped watching those things a long time ago

Everything from parades to football is now nothing but political bs
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Tell the Kids To Play Outside: Rose Parade To Feature Gay Male Wedding

Sil, Americans, young and old, see through your hatred, which is making only you ill.
Tell the Kids To Play Outside: Rose Parade To Feature Gay Male Wedding

Sil, Americans, young and old, see through your hatred, which is making only you ill.

Tell that to the people in the threads with the Phil family from A&E

I've never seem so much hate, except when it come's Palin
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I have not watched the Rose Parade in years. This year the Glendale float is having a tribute to Meatball the bear. I intended to watch it for that reason. I will not watch it now. Gays won't miss me ignoring their fake wedding.
Everything this year is all about the homosexual

how sweet

If they lose viewers I don't care
Tell that to the people in the threads with the Phil family from A&E

I've never seem so much hate, except when it come's Palin
Wanting to stop the pedophile-grooming writ large that is gays parading their deviant sex lives and trying to co-opt marriage, family and society with their "values" by ambushing children at parades and events catered to them is not "hate".

Short version: protecting children from sexualized perverts is not "hate". Since even a small child can deduce after watching their girl doggie have puppies/a family with a daddy dog that two daddy dogs can't produce a family, ever, that child will become confused and maybe even frightened at the proposal of two men trying to reproduce. Because that's what marriage is and has been traditionally: two people trying to come together to produce a natural family. The players in that game are "a man" and "a woman". Whether or not one of them is sterile is irrelevent. The icon of the potential is preserved.

Two men together never makes sense from biology. And that the float is named "Love is the Best Prevention" and that it is sponsored by an AIDS prevention group is bitterly ironic. IN JUST THE SAME YEARS TIME SPAN THAT GAY MARRIAGE AND THEREBY GAY-EVERYTHING REPLACING COMMON VALUES HAS BEEN FORCED BY JUDICIAL FIAT ONTO SOME STATES, THE NUMBERS OF YOUNG BOYS AGES 13-24 COMING DOWN WITH HIV HAS SKYROCKETED: This normalizing of this fad through marriage has had a direct and measurable affect on AIDS all right. IT HAS INCREASED HIV PREVALENCE IN EXPERIMENTING ADOLESCENTS.

That's why the float should be named "Monkey See, Monkey Do, The New Infection".

The number of new infections among the youngest MSM (aged 13-24) increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010.

Where previously for decades that number in that age bracket of young boys stayed steady and low... Wow, what a coincidence. All along I've been saying its behavioral. And now we have a link to grim statistics showing it is. How many more boys will we sentence to death before we pull our heads out of the PC sand and look at what we are blindly normalizing in front of the spongy eyes of youth...?
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The thing that is the most grating about this event is that gay marriage is not legal in California by definition of the DOMA Opinion last Summer. DOMA said it supports constitutionally, each sovereign state's right to consensus on gay marriage. It walked away from leveling an opinion on Prop 8 but that does not mean Prop 8 is invalid according to their own words on the consensus-right.

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I guess the gay elves had a prior commitment or they would have been there as well
frolicking around...
And what about Pajama boy....
All of a sudden he's nowhere to be found? :eek:

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