Terrible, terrible news for Progressives


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.
32,000 unwanted babies? actually fetuses according to the Supreme Court... but carry on fundies....
Currently, the DNC presides over around 300 million unwanted voters.

Don't forget the 5.6 million new republicans from New York that the governor of the state just said she doesn't even recognize as citizens of the state because they dared exercise free choice!

Reminds me of when Joe Biden told Blacks that if they voted for Trump, they were not and could not no longer BE black.

With democrats, there is no free or independent thinking or ideas---- you better just get in line and march to the drummer and DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. Hut Hut Hut.

If my governor told me that, I would be writing both her and my lawyer to confirm that I was thereby released from all future state tax burden then, as well.

There will be no taxation without representation.
Don't forget the 5.6 million new republicans from New York that the governor of the state just said she doesn't even recognize as citizens of the state because they dared exercise free choice!

Reminds me of when Joe Biden told Blacks that if they voted for Trump, they were not and could not no longer BE black.

With democrats, there is no free or independent thinking or ideas---- you better just get in line and march to the drummer and DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. Hut Hut Hut.

If my governor told me that, I would be writing both her and my lawyer to confirm that I was thereby released from all future state tax burden then, as well.

There will be no taxation without representation.
You realize the young are the strongest Democratic group of voters there is, don't you? Think how bad trump got his ass kicked. Now think how bad when all those new young voters are old enough to vote.
You realize the young are the strongest Democratic group of voters there is, don't you?
The young are the most impressionable and the least experienced. Young people grow up like I did and once they realize how fucked democrat leftwing progressive policies really are in practice, what they really DO to people time and again, they grow up to become your beast conservatives!

Think how bad trump got his ass kicked.
You mean had his election stolen by exploitation of ballot harvesting and mules. Do you know there is an organization out there called something like America Votes! or something like that which they alone spent 214 million dollars last election paying people to go out and dig up voters who don't vote or something and get them on the ballot for democrats? Question is, where is the money coming from? Next year when it is time to vote again, be prepared to see the GOP take a radical new angle on how they approach elections themselves.

Now think how bad when all those new young voters are old enough to vote.
In other words, you think kids too young to even vote yet (children) are already so stupid and brainwashed that they are just guaranteed more votes for democrats despite what Biden and democrats have done to their lives? You're not too bright, are you?

Oh wait---- look who I'm asking. :smoke:
The young are the most impressionable and the least experienced. Young people grow up like I did and once they realize how fucked democrat leftwing progressive policies really are in practice, what they really DO to people time and again, they grow up to become your beast conservatives!

You mean had his election stolen by exploitation of ballot harvesting and mules. Do you know there is an organization out there called something like America Votes! or something like that which they alone spent 214 million dollars last election paying people to go out and dig up voters who don't vote or something and get them on the ballot for democrats? Question is, where is the money coming from? Next year when it is time to vote again, be prepared to see the GOP take a radical new angle on how they approach elections themselves.

In other words, you think kids too young to even vote yet (children) are already so stupid and brainwashed that they are just guaranteed more votes for democrats despite what Biden and democrats have done to their lives? You're not too bright, are you?

Oh wait---- look who I'm asking. :smoke:
You're still claiming that silly election was stolen. You know that's nuts, right?

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. This will wind up just being 32,000 more innocent children being indoctrinated by the left and becoming future voters, not that I'm for abortion.

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.
Just more child laborers for Republican industries and domestic abusers.
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. This will wind up just being 32,000 more innocent children being indoctrinated by the left and becoming future voters, not that I'm for abortion.
I would never utilize abortion unless medically necessary but I don't want it outlawed for people who need it for medical necessity.

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.
The Blaze is a conservative news and opinion website founded by Glenn Beck. The site has been criticized for its lack of journalistic standards and its tendency to publish false or misleading information.

In 2012, The Blaze published an article that claimed that President Barack Obama was a Muslim. The article was based on a report from a right-wing website that had no credible sources. The Blaze later retracted the article, but the damage had been done. In 2016, The Blaze published an article that claimed that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex trafficking ring.

The article was based on a conspiracy theory that had been circulating online for years. The Blaze later removed the article from its website, but it continued to be shared by its readers.

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Just more child laborers for Republican industries and domestic abusers.
There are plenty overseas working as near slaves in work and/or abducted from their parents as pedo partners. Spoiled Prog living well and complaining about the same system that gave them the easy living.
You realize the young are the strongest Democratic group of voters there is, don't you? Think how bad trump got his ass kicked. Now think how bad when all those new young voters are old enough to vote.

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