Terrible, terrible news for Progressives

There have been around 32,000 fewer abortions since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

Oh, the humanity of it all! Biden will have to start another war to make up for the increased life and carbon emissions on planet earth.
Ohh no… terrible news!!! You sure got them this time!
Don't forget the 5.6 million new republicans from New York that the governor of the state just said she doesn't even recognize as citizens of the state because they dared exercise free choice!

Reminds me of when Joe Biden told Blacks that if they voted for Trump, they were not and could not no longer BE black.

With democrats, there is no free or independent thinking or ideas---- you better just get in line and march to the drummer and DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. Hut Hut Hut.

If my governor told me that, I would be writing both her and my lawyer to confirm that I was thereby released from all future state tax burden then, as well.

There will be no taxation without representation.
Wholy moly… sounds like a red wave!!!!
And, because those 32,000 fetuses weren't aborted, they became....wait for it........ BABIES!.
Carry on, dumb ass.
unwanted babies. There are too many damn people in the world already because of the GOPS fractured policy. Fundamentalists are always a problem. They have kept any kind of birth control out of our foreign aid forever.

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