Texas Governor Vetoes Mental Health Bill


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Because He Doesn’t Believe Mental Illness Is Real

So we have a governor who is delusional and ignorant about mental health and science

Governor Greg Abbott, has revealed himself to have even “crazier” ideas. Examples include appointing someone who was homeschooled by Christian parents to oversee the state’s public education system and organizing the state’s guard troops to ensure that president Obama doesn’t “invade” Texas during recent military exercises. A recent investigation has uncovered an even more troubling action on Abbott’s part: shaping medical policy based on advice from Scientologists.

Addicting Info Texas Governor Vetos Mental Health Bill At Urging Of Scientologists Who Don t Believe Mental Illness Exists
that's a real shame just in case you lived there.
Guno should be put in a cage so everyone can point and laugh.
It might be cheaper just to fence in his posts here though.
We have the point and laugh part down just fine.

no kidding. that's what I can't stand about a liberal. they think they have a right to poke their nose into what EVERY state does if they live there or not
We should increase funding for mental health...This governor is a real idiot!

You can thank the left and Groups like the ACLU for not having more people committed into mental health centers. PLUS they need the monies to feed the LAZY in this country. you can thank the Democrats for that
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And here as they say is the rest of the story.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 14, of the Texas Constitution, I, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, do hereby disapprove of and veto Senate Bill No. 359 as passed by the Eighty-Fourth Texas Legislature, Regular Session, because of the following objections:

The Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution limit the state's authority to deprive a person of liberty. Under our constitutional tradition, the power to arrest and forcibly hold a person against his or her will is generally reserved for officers of the law acting in the name of the people of Texas. By bestowing that grave authority on private parties who lack the training of peace officers and are not bound by the same oath to protect and serve the public, SB 359 raises serious constitutional concerns and would lay the groundwork for further erosion of constitutional liberties.

Medical facilities have options at their disposal to protect mentally ill patients and the public. Many hospitals already keep a peace officer on site at all times. For smaller facilities, law enforcement are always just a phone call and a few minutes away. Medical staff should work closely with law enforcement to help protect mentally ill patients and the public. But just as law enforcement should not be asked to practice medicine, medical staff should not be asked to engage in law enforcement, especially when that means depriving a person of the liberty protected by the Constitution.

Office of the Governor - Greg Abbott - Veto Statement Governor Abbott Vetoes SB 359
that's a real shame just in case you lived there.
Guno should be put in a cage so everyone can point and laugh.
It might be cheaper just to fence in his posts here though.
We have the point and laugh part down just fine.

no kidding. that's what I can't stand about a liberal. they think they have a right to poke their nose into what EVERY state does if they live there or not
Well to add to the crazy Guno IS NOT American NOR does he post from here.
How sad when you can't take the word of some of these lefty clowns serious?

that's just not a shred of honor in them
Depriving one temporarily of his liberty by medical staff if their professional opinion indicates such an action is necessary is in and of itself not a violation of the Constitution, for the action is taken for both the individual's and the safety's protection BEFORE a criminal action may occur.

The law provides for redress in the courts.

GA is wrong, and people will be injured and or die because of his moral weakness.
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Texas is going broke from the health care system accessed by illegal immigrants. Something as seemingly trivial as a "four hour hold" on mental patients takes in more than the simplistic opinion by Media Matters' useful idiots. A four hour hold requires tons of legalistic paperwork and requires millions of dollars in security that Texas doesn't have. Where are you going to put these people in a hospital? Would you have to build special security cells manned by psychiatric aids and what happens if the patient takes his/her own life? The problem with the system is that doctors are afraid to commit patients to existing psychiatric facilities and the same liberals who whine about the veto are the people who fought for the rights of schizophrenics to walk the streets.
Depriving of his liberty by medical staff if their professional opinion indicates such an action is necessary is in and of itself not a violation of the Constitution, for the action is taken for both the individual's and the safety's protection BEFORE a criminal action may occur.

The law provides for redress in the courts.

GA is wrong, and people will be injured and or die because of his moral weakness.

Tell me, where do I find preemptive incarceration in the Constitution?
Depriving of his liberty by medical staff if their professional opinion indicates such an action is necessary is in and of itself not a violation of the Constitution, for the action is taken for both the individual's and the safety's protection BEFORE a criminal action may occur.

The law provides for redress in the courts.

GA is wrong, and people will be injured and or die because of his moral weakness.

Tell me, where do I find preemptive incarceration in the Constitution?
A libertarian perspective of matters constitutional remains, as always, irrelevant even if interesting.

No, it is not: "Texas is going broke from the health care system accessed by illegal immigrants."
Depriving of his liberty by medical staff if their professional opinion indicates such an action is necessary is in and of itself not a violation of the Constitution, for the action is taken for both the individual's and the safety's protection BEFORE a criminal action may occur.

The law provides for redress in the courts.

GA is wrong, and people will be injured and or die because of his moral weakness.

Tell me, where do I find preemptive incarceration in the Constitution?
A libertarian perspective of matters constitutional remains, as always, irrelevant even if interesting.

No, it is not: "Texas is going broke from the health care system accessed by illegal immigrants."

First sentence doesn't answer my question and the second one has nothing to do with what I said, I never mentioned TX's financial condition.
The first sentence defines the immaterial nature of your question: it is not pertinent to this law.

The second sentence is an answer to another person above.

See, that's my point. You don't determine what is constitutional. The legislature, then the executive and then the courts if necessary.

This issue is not over at all.
I'd like to see this from a reputable source. Wouldn't surprise me, though. Texans, by and large, tend to be batshit crazy, which is how fools like Perry and Abbott get to stay in office. Of course he doesn't want any mental health services going on.
Because He Doesn’t Believe Mental Illness Is Real

So we have a governor who is delusional and ignorant about mental health and science

Governor Greg Abbott, has revealed himself to have even “crazier” ideas. Examples include appointing someone who was homeschooled by Christian parents to oversee the state’s public education system and organizing the state’s guard troops to ensure that president Obama doesn’t “invade” Texas during recent military exercises. A recent investigation has uncovered an even more troubling action on Abbott’s part: shaping medical policy based on advice from Scientologists.

Addicting Info Texas Governor Vetos Mental Health Bill At Urging Of Scientologists Who Don t Believe Mental Illness Exists

He thinks democrats already get enough aid from the government...
The first sentence defines the immaterial nature of your question: it is not pertinent to this law.

The second sentence is an answer to another person above.

See, that's my point. You don't determine what is constitutional. The legislature, then the executive and then the courts if necessary.

This issue is not over at all.

Of course Abbott the former AG of Texas should have a pretty decent grasp of what is constitutional, he stated those concerns in his veto statement, so once again your talking out your ass.
that's a real shame just in case you lived there.
Guno should be put in a cage so everyone can point and laugh.
It might be cheaper just to fence in his posts here though.
We have the point and laugh part down just fine.

no kidding. that's what I can't stand about a liberal. they think they have a right to poke their nose into what EVERY state does if they live there or not

You should stop blaming other for your life's circumstances in life , you made the choices that got you where you are, no Liberal no nobody except yourself just look it the mirror

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