Texas school district will eliminate its libraries and turn them into detention centres

So in other words, you would rather be of the school of thought that millions of slaves could be brought up on performing skilled and semiskilled manual labor all their lives but were so stupid that in all of that, they never acquired any knowledge or skills they could take with them out into the world for gainful employment once freed? Gee, you must really hate blacks and think them incredibly stoopid!
Perhaps the stupid one is the one implying slaves could expect to be freed.
if they were actually getting rid of the libraries you might have a point. Since they arent you are in your typical state of being pointless.
Well they are. Why dont they convert a gym to a punishment block if needed ?Or spend some money building oe.
Books should not be optional in school.
Well they are. Why dont they convert a gym to a punishment block if needed ?Or spend some money building oe.
Books should not be optional in school.
But they aren't. Do a modicum of research. They aren't getting rid of any books. They aren't doing away with the ability of the children to sign out and read the books. There just wont be a librarian at every location.

The largest school district in Texas announced that it will eliminate libraries and replace them with discipline centres for misbehaving children in the new school session.

Houston independent school district announced it will convert libraries across its 28 schools for the “new education system” initiative led by superintendent Mike Miles.

The article isnt clear why they are doing this. Maybe its just GOP education policy in action.

If you are teaching crap about the benefits of slavery then you do not want the kids reading up on that.

And of course you can cut costs as you focus on the real meaning of education. Rebuking sinners.

And really, lets ne honest. You only need one book in school.
And here I thought we were told ad infinitum that keeping certain literature away from kids is useless because "they'll just find it on the internet" anyway. Why all of a sudden are you soooo concerned about the lack of libraries? When all the books created specifically for kids' consumption are safe to read out loud at a schoolboard meeting, I'll agree that adult supervision of what kids can freely access has done its job.
But they aren't. Do a modicum of research. They aren't getting rid of any books. They aren't doing away with the ability of the children to sign out and read the books. There just wont be a librarian at every location.
He doesn't care. He's looking for headlines he can pretend to be outraged about.
Two things:

1. You no longer need libraries like we grew up with. Most secondary students have a Chromebook or something similar they take with them; they no longer need a place to house a ton of books. Libraries have converted to 'media centers' which have some books, but are mostly larger classrooms.

2. The discipline problems we have in schools now make learning nearly impossible. I hear the same is happening in the UK. So if you leave the disruptive kids in class, no one is learning anyway.
I agree with you but question why we must explain ourselves to penis envy voyeurs in the UK
Two things:

1. You no longer need libraries like we grew up with. Most secondary students have a Chromebook or something similar they take with them; they no longer need a place to house a ton of books. Libraries have converted to 'media centers' which have some books, but are mostly larger classrooms.
This is true, and schools need better internet filters on those Chromebooks. Sadly, the kids are normally ahead of the school when it comes to accessing what they want, but it wouldn't be that hard to allow them to only access the school's library on the intranet with no outside access. Even at the college level, there's no need to force students to pay $120 for a book they'll sell at the end of the semester for $3. Put a PDF on the intranet and add $10 to the cost of the class.
2. The discipline problems we have in schools now make learning nearly impossible. I hear the same is happening in the UK. So if you leave the disruptive kids in class, no one is learning anyway.
This is also true. When I was growing up, disrupting class meant you got removed from class for a much less pleasant experience and punished when you got home. Needless to say, disruption was minimized.
Whips and paddles are cheaper than a room full of books. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

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