You seem to think that using caps helps your failed argument... which is, of course, another fail in your repertoire of massive dumps.
The CIA concluded in early 2017 that Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann’s dirt tying President Trump to Russia was “not technically plausible,” special counsel John Durham said in a court filing posted Saturday.
CIA concluded in early 2017 that dirt tying former President Trump to Russia that was provided by
Clinton campaign lawyer
Micheal Sussmann was “not technically plausible,” special counsel
John Durham said in a court filing posted Saturday.
Durham alleges that in February 2017, Mr.
Sussmann met with a second government agency where
he presented evidence purportedly linking Mr. Trump to Russia. Although Mr.
Durham doesn’t name the agency, it has been previously confirmed that Mr.
Sussmann met with the
CIA around this time.
During the meeting, Mr.
Sussmann presented the
CIA with allegations of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s
Alfa Bank, according to the court filing.
He also passed along information about suspicious internet data related to Russian-made phones being used near the White House, Mr.
Durham said.
his filing, Mr.
Durham says the
CIA concluded the allegations were untrue.
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