Thank You, Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats' 100% Commitment To Protecting Violent Illegals / Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities Results In Murder, Attempted Murder, Robbery, Carjacking, and a High-speed Chase Going the Wrong Way on the Highway....

Released thanks to California's sanctuary state law, man went on 'reign of terror' two days later (Update: Shootout video)

"A man who had already been deported twice before went on a “reign of terror” this week in central California, one that included murder, attempted murder, robbery, carjacking, and a high-speed chase going the wrong way on the highway. All of that could have been prevented if local sheriff’s had been allowed to turn Gustavo Garcia over to ICE just two days before his rampage, but a new state sanctuary law prevented that."
CA needs to revise the law to allow ICE to have the illegals with any violence or gang issues, instead of just releasing all of them.
CA needs to revise the law to allow ICE to have the illegals with any violence or gang issues, instead of just releasing all of them.
They should be allowed to take all illegals into custody. They are all breaking the law. There's simply no excuse for not detaining any of them.
Awww now, cut him a break. He's just a part of a vibrant Hispanic culture doings what a vibrant Hispanic cultures do.

He was probably just on his way to have sex with some 12 year old, which is something else vibrant Hispanic cultures think is their "right" to do, according to the vibrant Hispanic culture laws.

It's hard to be an American. We have so many rules here: Like not robbing, stealing, selling drugs, or having sex with 12 year old girls.
CA needs to revise the law to allow ICE to have the illegals with any violence or gang issues, instead of just releasing all of them.
NO, Californication deserves all the misery and death that their liberal sanctuary state politicians force upon them. The more that die in that shithole state, the less that will be voting, and soon it will be a deserted ghost town...
Draining the swamp in Hollyweird should be top priority in this country, because it has done some extreme damage while hiding it all behind smoke and mirrors.
Hey McConnell, for refusing to get the House spending bill that includes money for the wall passed in the Senate, you deserve partial credit for this....
Speaking of misery and disgust I was using the iPhone for this site, clicked on something “you might also like”? Led to another site.

I glanced in, soon saw JakeStarkey posting recently. Don’t find him here? Banned? Quit? Don’t know.

iPhone is much faster than old Samsung tablet but painful small, not much keyboard. I don’t join other but Yahoo for long time.
The smartest idea president Trump thought of was the design. It can easily be magnetic sensors to help our great border patrol. If any criminal tries to illegally cross just by touching it the sensors can alert our great border patrol. Brilliant idea from Trump!
I'm waiting for a liberal to respond to this thread and get a 180 response.
I'm sure it will entail how they are hard working and every once in awhile
one slip through the cracks. We just have to live with that.
Or, being called a racist.
That's why I'm waiting.
California needs more violent illegals. Not quite enough yet to drive all the tax-payers out of state.

But Gubbnir Moonbeam is working hard on the the only he/she/it knows.
CA needs to revise the law to allow ICE to have the illegals with any violence or gang issues, instead of just releasing all of them.
This gets said a lot, but it isn't a cliche. California's lawmakers and PC-public voters are BATSHIT INSANE in their policies. As the State struggles with red ink, it continues to pass policy after policy which in the short term looks "compassionate and fiscally responsible" but is anything but.

Rest assured that when the State finally goes belly up, it will have its hand out for conservative cash from the Fed to bail it out....because..."It's too big to fail".. The Fed needs to step in now and punish where they legally can before this state slits its own throat.

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