Thanks Obama! Obamacare more popular than ever says report.

The government messes things up. They had four years to come up with the website, and they couldn’t even do that. The back end was missing completely. After you selected you plan and provider, you should have just been able to click through to pay your first month’s premium. Instead, you were instructed that you would be getting separate communication from the provider and interacting with them directly for payment.

I've had excellent credit most of my adult life, so I always got the 0% credit card interest rate offers with no transfer fees. When DumBama started to mess around with that, we lost those offers.

The Democrat party is the party of irresponsibility. So DumBama's voters were the people who got nailed with high interest rates and late fees. DumBama put a stop to that and lending institutions had to make up that loss somehow. They had no choice but to turn to their responsible borrowers. Since that time, I had to pay transfer fees when I jumped from one card to another. DumBama didn't care because responsible people are generally Republican, so let them pay and the lowlifes didn't get hit with late fines and high interest rates.

I haven't had a credit card balance for some time now, but I wouldn't doubt it hasn't changed. Now I only use my card for emergencies and when I go to Amazon which I pay the entire bill when I get it.
Amazing the things that right wingers believe that are exactly backwards

I just showed you fuckers that Ocare has reduced the deficit and you continue to lie.

It would be cheaper had Republicans not fucked around with it.

Who’s your provider?

The world renown Cleveland Clinic. There is only one company that sells plans, but you need a crystal ball to use it. They sell plans for different departments, but not a plan that will cover all services of the Clinic, who I've been a patient of all of my life.

Even then the plans are like Lisa described, 7K out pocket and 7K deductibles. It's only good if you get ran over by a bus. And I can't buy five or six plans to cover everything I may need in the future. I'm finally on Medicare as of the beginning of this month. Up until then, I was screwed.
This is answering Ray's post a while back. Most all first world countries have government sponsored health care. Even nations defeated by the USA in WW2. We have corporations that do it for the most part because of the profit motive. Their momas didn't raise no fools.
The world renown Cleveland Clinic. There is only one company that sells plans, but you need a crystal ball to use it. They sell plans for different departments, but not a plan that will cover all services of the Clinic, who I've been a patient of all of my life.

Even then the plans are like Lisa described, 7K out pocket and 7K deductibles. It's only good if you get ran over by a bus. And I can't buy five or six plans to cover everything I may need in the future. I'm finally on Medicare as of the beginning of this month. Up until then, I was screwed.
Yup. I moved onto Medicare, and got out of the nightmare of Obamacare. A silver lining - a big one! - to turning 65. Before that, I was spending as much as $18,000 a year on medical (premium and expenses) and had to curtail other plans during those years to afford medical care. When you consider the increase in premiums and deductible, my costs TRIPLED in a couple of years over what I had pre-Ocare. A nightmare.
0bummercare has been an abysmal failure. Just as many uninsured as before. But now at huge taxpayer expense.
Just as the great Rush Limbaugh predicted.
Rush Limbaugh died an appropriately shitty death. Regardless Obamacare has been a resounding success even with the two year unwinding the republicans did. All you losers have is culture war shit. Every single good policy in the last 20 years are pushed forward by democrats. Only exception was the bi-partisan justice bill.
Well somebody has to pay for it, it might as well be the people that are likely Republican voters. It's been the plan all along.

Another one of his stupid regulations is to tell insurance companies how they must spend their money, that added to the cost. Insurance companies take your premium, invest it in the market or real estate, and the profits help offset the claims. The Kenyan clown decided he didn't like their successful business model. Since Commie Care became the law of the land, insurance companies have to spend 80% of their premiums on claims alone.

Insurance companies gave been around for generations. They know the best way to maximize profits. They sure didn't need some moron who never so much as ran a hotdog stand in his life dictating his business plan.
You are so 100% correct! Obama NEVER every ran any type of for profit business (which by the way pay Federal,State and local taxes)! Consequently that 80% rule will eventually do this which is part of the actions and attitudes Obama/Biden had regarding American economy!
Consider a president who wanted higher gas prices, skyrocketing utilities, companies to go bankrupt, being dependent on foreign oil.."best customers", among other positions.

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Amazing the things that right wingers believe that are exactly backwards

Please explain the mechanism by which a government service outperforms a private. You can't do it because it's a silly preposterous notion.
Rush Limbaugh died an appropriately shitty death. Regardless Obamacare has been a resounding success even with the two year unwinding the republicans did. All you losers have is culture war shit. Every single good policy in the last 20 years are pushed forward by democrats. Only exception was the bi-partisan justice bill.
0bummercare $2 trillion sinkhole and counting. We could have given everyone a great private policy for the past ten years at much less cost and much less upheaval. But...efficiency and healthcare wasn't the purpose of 0bummercare. Leftist government control was. 0bummer was a communist.
0bummercare $2 trillion sinkhole and counting. We could have given everyone a great private policy for the past ten years at much less cost and much less upheaval. But...efficiency and healthcare wasn't the purpose of 0bummercare. Leftist government control was. 0bummer was a communist.
Yup. It was part of his “transformation” to get everyone dependent on government medical care (and government in general).
Yup. It was part of his “transformation” to get everyone dependent on government medical care (and government in general).
Da fuck.

I got called crazy today because I choose not to use allopathic medical care. That's like a slave calling a free person a prisoner of wise choices.
ObamaCare failed to reach it's stated intent which was to reduce the average household's health care expenses by $2500 per year. Costs have continued to rise over the last ten years despite its passage, which anyone who understood basic math and economics knew would happen. Furthermore, dozens of the exchanges that were set up closed due to insolvency.

If this is what you people consider a smashing success it's no wonder why you're so fond of the current administration.
It's a "smashing success" because it was "foot in the door" toward a state takeover. No other measure matters.
This is answering Ray's post a while back. Most all first world countries have government sponsored health care. Even nations defeated by the USA in WW2. We have corporations that do it for the most part because of the profit motive. Their momas didn't raise no fools.

Insurance Companies are required to spend .80 of every Prem dollar collected on claims (ACA), if they don't they have to refund the difference to their insureds. That leaves 20 cents to cover ALL other expenses.
Was 50M when handed to Obama. He got it down to under 30M. Republicans working hard to drive it back to 50M if they had their way. If it was sellable we’d have guaranteed insurance coverage for everyone. You shouldn’t have to pay not to die. Seems barbaric.

While ACA is an improvement, all it really did was to help allow for more collective bargaining, so that individuals who did not get job insurance, were not being totally price gauged.
It still is an illegal mandate, is not based on ability to pay like a tax should be, does not fix the inflated health care price problem, and does not provide any public option.
It fixed about 10% of the problems, while creating about 5% more problems.

Private health insurance is not the way ANYONE should ever obtain medical access.
By prepaying, you lose all control over price or quality.
It amounts to extortion.
It is essentially criminal.
0bummercare $2 trillion sinkhole and counting. We could have given everyone a great private policy for the past ten years at much less cost and much less upheaval. But...efficiency and healthcare wasn't the purpose of 0bummercare. Leftist government control was. 0bummer was a communist.

That's the problem with any healthcare solution. So what we need to do is figure out a way to make healthcare affordable first, and then decide how we are going to pay for it. There are about a dozen ways, and several of them wouldn't cost us a dime.
This is answering Ray's post a while back. Most all first world countries have government sponsored health care. Even nations defeated by the USA in WW2. We have corporations that do it for the most part because of the profit motive. Their momas didn't raise no fools.

When you surrender our healthcare to government, you are also surrendering your freedom. Let's take a look at the most recent example:

Dementia demanded that all companies over 150 employees and health providers make sure their employees got the shot or are tested at least once a week. It was fought to the supreme court where they ruled he can't make that regulation on private industry, but can make those demands of healthcare providers. Why is that? Because healthcare providers income depends on government patients. Now imagine how they might have ruled if we were all government patients. Dementia may have been able to force all of us to get a shot that many didn't want or need. I don't want the federal government to have that kind of power.

What could our healthcare look like with an all government system? Ask people in these countries:

You have to look at the bigger picture. Politicians (particularly on the left) have been wanting to get more and more control over the people. To some degree they've been pretty successful. What's stopping them from total control is energy and healthcare. Once they have total control over those two entities, they will have total control over all of us.

In our system of government, they can't march in with the military to takeover these things. They need people to plead with them to take those responsibilities off of our shoulders. Make it expensive to drive your car or truck, heat your home, scare people with an unproven theory like climate change. On the healthcare end, make healthcare too expensive for some to afford.

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