Thanks, Ted


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Stupid mo'fo'. Looks like he just didn't think this all the way through.

I have an idea: Let's buy Ted Cruz a one-way ticket to Beijing. Let him explain how the world works to the people who we owe zillions of dollars. This is what happens when you let a stupid redneck Tea Bagger run amok.

If China gets mad enough to invade the U.S., I hope they start in Texas.

China state media blasts US shutdown, calls for a ‘de-Americanized’ world

BEIJING –With days to go before the United States debt default deadline, Beijing aired its frustrations with the shutdown Sunday, saying it was time to consider a “de-Americanized” world order.
With $1.28 trillion in U.S. Treasuries, China is easily the biggest foreign holder of American debt.

China has also funneled billions of dollars into private American investments – to the tune of an estimated $54 billion in 2012 alone.

“If we are really rational, I cannot imagine why someone would dare to bear this kind of responsibility because any real default will have a huge impact not only on the U.S. and China, but on the global economy,” said Professor Zhao Longkai, a dean at the Guanghua School of Management at Beijing University. “It’s hard for us to imagine anyone can be that crazy to push the limit to that level.”

China state media blasts US shutdown, calls for a 'de-Americanized' world - Behind The Wall
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And this is Cruz's fault how? I didn't see his name mentioned in the link....
Maybe your Obama has some fault in this more than anyone else? No....that couldn't be true.

I don,t think anyone comes out of this well. It just seems to me that politicans more care of staying in power then in working together to make things happen
To the little leftard that's fixated with having a ball sack dropped in his mouth... see my sig line...
China sees the writing on the wall.

“It’s hard for us to imagine anyone can be that crazy to push the limit to that level.”

If they are worried about pushing the debt limit to unsustainable levels, they should stop lending us money and demand we pay down the debt instead.
you make a good point on china. They should stop lending america money while they can,t come to a deal. hopefully forces both sides start to behave like adults and not drag country to default and ecnomic nightmare.
you make a good point on china. They should stop lending america money while they can,t come to a deal. hopefully forces both sides start to behave like adults and not drag country to default and ecnomic nightmare.

China and everyone else should just stop lending us money period. Just like credit card companies will look at a debt to income ratio and deny credit to individuals if they are carrying too much of a debt load.

The United States has an income of 230 billion a month. The payment on the debt is 25 billion a month. Obviously we can repay the debt we have, but not with the government entitlements that it is also obligated to pay. If the nation was an individual, the income would be spent on dinners at fancy restaurants, visits to the beauty and tanning salon and gym membership at the boutique gym instead of paying the bills.
I agree and something must be done about debt. cutting everything though won,t solve things. In my country in the uk we cut loads and we hardly seen any rise in employment. in fact osbourne not really done much to change things here.

so you need middle ground really.
Stupid mo'fo'. Looks like he just didn't think this all the way through.

I have an idea: Let's buy Ted Cruz a one-way ticket to Beijing. Let him explain how the world works to the people who we owe zillions of dollars. This is what happens when you let a stupid redneck Tea Bagger run amok.

If China gets mad enough to invade the U.S., I hope they start in Texas.

China state media blasts US shutdown, calls for a ‘de-Americanized’ world

BEIJING –With days to go before the United States debt default deadline, Beijing aired its frustrations with the shutdown Sunday, saying it was time to consider a “de-Americanized” world order.
With $1.28 trillion in U.S. Treasuries, China is easily the biggest foreign holder of American debt.

China has also funneled billions of dollars into private American investments – to the tune of an estimated $54 billion in 2012 alone.

“If we are really rational, I cannot imagine why someone would dare to bear this kind of responsibility because any real default will have a huge impact not only on the U.S. and China, but on the global economy,” said Professor Zhao Longkai, a dean at the Guanghua School of Management at Beijing University. “It’s hard for us to imagine anyone can be that crazy to push the limit to that level.”

China state media blasts US shutdown, calls for a 'de-Americanized' world - Behind The Wall

What are you? Kidrocks Part Deux?

He already had a thread on this up this morning. Don't you ever check or do you just like to flood the forum?

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