Thanks to Harry Reid's "nuclear option", Senate Democrats are helpless to block Trump appointments


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Democrats are stupid, and this is just more proof. Did they really think they would control the Senate forever?
He had no choice. Republicans would have let the government collapse if they could. Oh well. The pendulum will swing back around.
Obstructing hasty action and protecting the minority viewpoint was the reason the Founding Fathers created the Senate. Harry Reid did major damage to the role of the Senate when he rammed through the so-called "nuclear option." Now, with the victory of Republicans of the House, Senate, and the White House, Democrats have no say in Presidential appointments. The Founding Fathers did not intend that to happen. But it is unlikely the victorious Republicans will undo the damage, and restore the Senate to its proper role to advise and consent to Presidential appointments, with inputs from all viewpoints. We have Harry Reid to blame, one of the most malignant villains ever to serve in the United States government.
Does anyone remember the last ignaugural cabinet secretary to be blocked by the opposition? I think it was John Tower for Bush I... The Seante rarely blocks one of their own who is nominated for a cabinet slot. The Washington good old boy system is still fully functional.
He had no choice. Republicans would have let the government collapse if they could. Oh well. The pendulum will swing back around.

The earliest the pendulum swings back 'round is 8 years, and that's a maybe. Be patient, grasshopper.........
As Truthdoesntmatter once said, the GOP will never hold power again so it doesn't matter. Elections have consequences
It's funny. I was told before that when liberals had control of everything that the GOP was dead, the republican party was dead. Now that they have won all 3 branches, I'm being told they'll never be in control ever again.

I gotta ask ya man, when will you admit it's LIBERALISM that has lost out bigtime in this election?
Does anyone remember the last ignaugural cabinet secretary to be blocked by the opposition? I think it was John Tower for Bush I... The Seante rarely blocks one of their own who is nominated for a cabinet slot. The Washington good old boy system is still fully functional.
Democrats put a pubic hair in Anita Hill's coke to try to block Clarence Thomas's appointment to the Supreme Court.
It's funny. I was told before that when liberals had control of everything that the GOP was dead, the republican party was dead. Now that they have won all 3 branches, I'm being told they'll never be in control ever again.

I gotta ask ya man, when will you admit it's LIBERALISM that has lost out bigtime in this election?
It's my fervent prayer that they will never learn and double down on loser. I really hope Nancy Pelosi beats her challenger and the Democrats return to the hateful loons they have been.
President Trump’s Cabinet picks are likely to be easily confirmed. That’s because of Senate Democrats.

Thank you, Harry Reid. You thought you were so clever when you stripped the Republican minority of their ability to filibuster Obama's appointments. Now that Democrats are in the minority, you will reap what you have sowed, and watch helplessly as Jeff Sessions and all of Trump's other appointments sail through a GOP-controlled Senate.
Dang, it's just one more indication of exactly how devastating of a defeat the Democrats have suffered at the hands of Hillary and Obama. :clap2:
It's funny. I was told before that when liberals had control of everything that the GOP was dead, the republican party was dead. Now that they have won all 3 branches, I'm being told they'll never be in control ever again.

I gotta ask ya man, when will you admit it's LIBERALISM that has lost out bigtime in this election?
They won all three branches, governorships, state legislators. Basically, Trump slaughtered them. It will take them generations to recover from this.

Thanks to Obama and Hillary.
Does anyone remember the last ignaugural cabinet secretary to be blocked by the opposition? I think it was John Tower for Bush I... The Seante rarely blocks one of their own who is nominated for a cabinet slot. The Washington good old boy system is still fully functional.

Anything can happen with the contentious nature of the swamp at this time...

Top Senate Democrat cites civil rights concerns with Trump pick Sessions
Lol, yeah, because hearsay claims of Sessions saying the N-word more than 30 years ago has to be the top priority in appointing officials to this administration?

They won all three branches, governorships, state legislators. Basically, Trump slaughtered them. It will take them generations to recover from this.

Thanks to Obama and Hillary.
But but but Romney said that Rump cant win!

I knowd its true cuz I sawd it on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS.....
Does anyone remember the last ignaugural cabinet secretary to be blocked by the opposition? I think it was John Tower for Bush I... The Seante rarely blocks one of their own who is nominated for a cabinet slot. The Washington good old boy system is still fully functional.

Anything can happen with the contentious nature of the swamp at this time...

Top Senate Democrat cites civil rights concerns with Trump pick Sessions
Lol, yeah, because hearsay claims of Sessions saying the N-word more than 30 years ago has to be the top priority in appointing officials to this administration?

And Robert Byrd was actually a klan leader. These people deserve to be despised.
It's funny. I was told before that when liberals had control of everything that the GOP was dead, the republican party was dead. Now that they have won all 3 branches, I'm being told they'll never be in control ever again.

I gotta ask ya man, when will you admit it's LIBERALISM that has lost out bigtime in this election?

There is a thread that is entitled "Boy did we ever get schlonged"... What more do you want?

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