That military/industrial complex


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2004
Don't worry, the politicians will get it dismantled one way or the other!

DoD May Cut, But Lawmakers May Bleed | By Bryant Jordan | December 10, 2007
So far, neither the White House nor Congress appears ready to blink across the political battlefield that has caught Army civilian workers in the crossfire over a $189 billion defense funding bill, with hundreds of thousands of them now facing a blizzard of pink slips just in time for Christmas.

But while the layoffs would be directed by the Pentagon, ultimately it could be Congress feeling the heat as the Pentagon "games" the process to the disadvantage of the lawmakers - beginning with Christmas Eve layoff notices, according to a former career Senate staffer and now director of the Strauss Military Reform Project at the Center for Defense Information.,13319,157769,00.html?
Not sure I get your point but we used to refer to the civilians as 'feather merchants.' This topic is extremely complex given our lobbyist world.
Don't worry, the politicians will get it dismantled one way or the other!

DoD May Cut, But Lawmakers May Bleed | By Bryant Jordan | December 10, 2007
So far, neither the White House nor Congress appears ready to blink across the political battlefield that has caught Army civilian workers in the crossfire over a $189 billion defense funding bill, with hundreds of thousands of them now facing a blizzard of pink slips just in time for Christmas.

But while the layoffs would be directed by the Pentagon, ultimately it could be Congress feeling the heat as the Pentagon "games" the process to the disadvantage of the lawmakers - beginning with Christmas Eve layoff notices, according to a former career Senate staffer and now director of the Strauss Military Reform Project at the Center for Defense Information.,13319,157769,00.html?

Well by all means, let's buy some more bombs so the Boeing and GE employees can get a few extra toys for their kids this x-mas!
Well by all means, let's buy some more bombs so the Boeing and GE employees can get a few extra toys for their kids this x-mas!

Naw...lets just layoff a couple hundred thousand employees so the Dems will have something else to complain about....

I guess the fact that a hundred thousand families or so will be affected has no impact on compassionate!
Naw...lets just layoff a couple hundred thousand employees so the Dems will have something else to complain about....

I guess the fact that a hundred thousand families or so will be affected has no impact on compassionate!

So I should trade war and death, which is what the MIC deals in, for x-mas presents for familes?

No thanks. I'd rather go gift-less then buy more bombs to blow up countries.

This x-mas is going to be pretty tight financially for my family this year. It's going to be a very conservative x-mas. I don't feel bad that some families will have a little difficulty this x-mas because their company isn't selling more weapons. They'll get through it just like I am.

Is that a liberal thing to say?
So I should trade war and death, which is what the MIC deals in, for x-mas presents for familes?

No thanks. I'd rather go gift-less then buy more bombs to blow up countries.

This x-mas is going to be pretty tight financially for my family this year. It's going to be a very conservative x-mas. I don't feel bad that some families will have a little difficulty this x-mas because their company isn't selling more weapons. They'll get through it just like I am.

Is that a liberal thing to say?

I suppose misery loves company.

The point is, what does this country do about hundreds of thousands of people hitting the unemployment lines at the same time?
I suppose misery loves company.
I'm not miserable at all. It just brings my family closer together. My mother will be seeing her new grandson, and that's all that matters to me.

The point is, what does this country do about hundreds of thousands of people hitting the unemployment lines at the same time?

What do we do about it? How the hell should I know. What do we do about the homeless vets who gave up their comfortable lives to DEFEND this country, that our government turned it's back on, and haven't had DICK to call their own for DECADES?
I'm not miserable at all. It just brings my family closer together. My mother will be seeing her new grandson, and that's all that matters to me.

What do we do about it? How the hell should I know. What do we do about the homeless vets who gave up their comfortable lives to DEFEND this country, that our government turned it's back on, and haven't had DICK to call their own for DECADES?

Give them and all those soon-to-be laid off defense contractors the jobs done by illegal aliens...that should fix it!
That military/industrial complex, along with those big bad oil companies, Walmart and every other major corporation is the very reason there is a middle, and upper middle class.....
They are the ones putting food on your table and sending your kids to college...
Alpha1 said:
They are the ones putting food on your table and sending your kids to college...

I believe the correct wording is "putting food on your family".

That military/industrial complex, along with those big bad oil companies, Walmart and every other major corporation is the very reason there is a middle, and upper middle class.....

It's also the very reason there's a LOWER class that is as LOW as it is. How many people in the lower class are being sold out in many ways, to those higher up because of those companies? PLENTY.

Back when mom and pop businesses were the standard in the US, many people in the upper class were either in the lower or middle class, and people in the lower class weren't so low as they are now.

There's pros and cons to corporate america, but I think the cons far outweigh the least with the way federal regulation is handled these days.
I believe the correct wording is "putting food on your family".

It's also the very reason there's a LOWER class that is as LOW as it is. How many people in the lower class are being sold out in many ways, to those higher up because of those companies? PLENTY.

Back when mom and pop businesses were the standard in the US, many people in the upper class were either in the lower or middle class, and people in the lower class weren't so low as they are now.

There's pros and cons to corporate america, but I think the cons far outweigh the least with the way federal regulation is handled these days.

There is no doubt in my mind that the gap has widened; however, I find it hard to believe that mom/pop business could provide the level of income/benefits that corporate enterprise does. It also seems to me that the citizens of this country are not content to remain an agrarian or even industrial society and thus the trend to move to larger and larger corporate enterprise (part of which is the military/industrial complex) will continue. There is no way (in my opinion) that mom and pop businesses could possibly support the level of technology and standard of living that the majority of our society has become used to and will demand more of in the future. Government subsidized health care and other insurance/assurances (socialism) on a grand scale jsut doesn't seem to fit with the independent small business infrastructure.
Well for one thing, small businesses don't get the huge tax writeoffs that bigger companies get for employee health insurance, that's why so many of the uninsured are small business owners and their employees. Then there's the death tax, which effects family businesses but not corporations. Sure, there's some things that small businesses can't do, you're not going to see a mom and pop airplane factory, but I do think the table is tilted in favor of corporations.

Naw...lets just layoff a couple hundred thousand employees so the Dems will have something else to complain about....

I guess the fact that a hundred thousand families or so will be affected has no impact on compassionate!

The point is, what does this country do about hundreds of thousands of people hitting the unemployment lines at the same time?

Liberals say the same things about cutting domestic programs. The unasked question of course is, "how many people are facing unemployment because of the taxes used to support the welfare/warfare state?"
I believe the correct wording is "putting food on your family".

It's also the very reason there's a LOWER class that is as LOW as it is. How many people in the lower class are being sold out in many ways, to those higher up because of those companies? PLENTY.

Back when mom and pop businesses were the standard in the US, many people in the upper class were either in the lower or middle class, and people in the lower class weren't so low as they are now.

There's pros and cons to corporate america, but I think the cons far outweigh the least with the way federal regulation is handled these days.
Small business is still the backbone of our country, it provides more employment than corporate america. If you go to any industrialized city, you will see blocks and blocks and blocks of small businesses. They just arent as impressive as the local HONDA headquarters here in Torrance.

The lower class today is much better off than any time in American history. Its a simple fact.

The gap may be widening, in pure numbers, but why care, as long as everybodies life is getting better. Plus, once you hit a level of wealth, anything more is irrelevant. It doesnt matter if Bill gates is worth 10 Billion, or 50 Billion (which is a much wider gap, which is what you are complaing about). his personal wealth and spending isnt going to change. He isnt making any more money, his worth is just a reflection of the size of MSFT.

Corp America is a huge sucess story for providing Americans with the highest standard of living in history, by far and away. When I was a kid, we barely could afford one car for the family and homes had one tv and one stereo and a few transistor radios. Homes in the middle class were muchn smaller, thats why so many houses 20-60 years old are being remodeled and expanded by 1000 sq ft or so.
That military/industrial complex, along with those big bad oil companies, Walmart and every other major corporation is the very reason there is a middle, and upper middle class.....
They are the ones putting food on your table and sending your kids to college...

My god I must say that is the most weak and pathetic un-American thing I have heard in along time...WE THE PEOPLE BUDDY
Corp America is a huge sucess story for providing Americans with the highest standard of living in history, by far and away. When I was a kid, we barely could afford one car for the family and homes had one tv and one stereo and a few transistor radios. Homes in the middle class were muchn smaller, thats why so many houses 20-60 years old are being remodeled and expanded by 1000 sq ft or so.

As Cronkite would say "And that's the way it was". Amazing. When I was a kid we didn't have a TV until I was nine. Twas B&W and I was the first VCR and Remote. Dad would get up to go to the kitchen and tell me, "Let me know what happens when I get back, and don't touch the dial."

I am solidly MC, As I sit in my 100K home with "Three networked 'puters, Two dish TV's, and a Palm Pilot next to the treeeee"

My god I must say that is the most weak and pathetic un-American thing I have heard in along time...WE THE PEOPLE BUDDY

We the people what?

We the people that don't bother to vote? We the people that want Mama Sam instead of Uncle Sam? We the people that draw welfare and then bitch about illegal aliens stealing jobs? We the people that think waterboarding is torture? We the people that are offended by Merry Christmas and demand we say "Happy Holidays" instead. Could it be the people who cannot name any of the USSC justices? Or is it we the people that routinely prove that they are not smarter than a 5th grader?

Dude I aint baggin on you personally. Even if we disagree, at least you make an attempt to have an informed opinion. That puts you a notch above a shitload of "people".

Hasta la bye bye for now.
As Cronkite would say "And that's the way it was". Amazing. When I was a kid we didn't have a TV until I was nine. Twas B&W and I was the first VCR and Remote. Dad would get up to go to the kitchen and tell me, "Let me know what happens when I get back, and don't touch the dial."

I am solidly MC, As I sit in my 100K home with "Three networked 'puters, Two dish TV's, and a Palm Pilot next to the treeeee"

We the people what?

We the people that don't bother to vote? We the people that want Mama Sam instead of Uncle Sam? We the people that draw welfare and then bitch about illegal aliens stealing jobs? We the people that think waterboarding is torture? We the people that are offended by Merry Christmas and demand we say "Happy Holidays" instead. Could it be the people who cannot name any of the USSC justices? Or is it we the people that routinely prove that they are not smarter than a 5th grader?

Dude I aint baggin on you personally. Even if we disagree, at least you make an attempt to have an informed opinion. That puts you a notch above a shitload of "people".

Hasta la bye bye for now.

is this really what WE want or is this what the controlled media and the military industrial complex tells a dumbed down public that its what it should want?
is this really what WE want or is this what the controlled media and the military industrial complex tells a dumbed down public that its what it should want?

Wow, so here in the free ist society in history, the people are forced into poverty by BIG CORP's and controlled by the media and military complex.
SOuds like victimhood to me.
Wow, so here in the free ist society in history, the people are forced into poverty by BIG CORP's and controlled by the media and military complex.
SOuds like victimhood to me.

Freedom and prosperity for the many is a rare thing in human history ,it has existed for brief periods of time and with that perspective liberty is a precious gift that must be vigilantly protected or yes it certainly can fall victim to such forces ,and richest becomes bankrupt and the free become servants.its sounds to me as if you take it all for granted
I'm not miserable at all. It just brings my family closer together. My mother will be seeing her new grandson, and that's all that matters to me.

What do we do about it? How the hell should I know. What do we do about the homeless vets who gave up their comfortable lives to DEFEND this country, that our government turned it's back on, and haven't had DICK to call their own for DECADES?

Why should the government be any more responsible for homeless vets being homeless than Joe Average Homeless Guy? Home or no, those vets have certain VA entitlements; which, is MORE than Joe Average Homeless Guy gets, and they have the same opportunity to fill out job applications.

I find it ridiculous that homeless vets are singled out as somehow "more" homeless or less deserving than other homeless of being so.

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