The 2040 Generation


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
First there was the 1990 Generation.
That was us little kids growing up in 1970.
In 1970, you could run and play all summer, bring toy guns to school. Stay out all day, play in the mud, wrestle, come home for dinner, throw apples at cars, and peek under girls dresses.
You were, after all, just being Boys will be Boys.
And we grew up to lead the world into the next Millennium.

But now we must look forward to the 2040 Generation.
These are the children who are growing up in 2020.
They grew up in a world where you were x-rayed entering school. Not allowed to talk, arrested for biting a pop tart wrong where it could scare someone into mistaking it for a Luger.
Suspended from school for pointing a finger.
Where there is no longer any clear line between genders.
Driven everywhere, picked up, chaperoned.
Charged with reckless mischief for throwing apples.
Given a sexual assault police record for being curious about and teasing girls.
One day they were sent home and not allowed to return to school for another year.
Locked up in their homes unable to leave.
Locked up unable to go outside and play.
Not able to see their friends.
No vacations, no travel, no amusement parks, no trips.
Unable to see their grandparents when they were dying.
Watched their parents sit around all day fighting.
Told they had to cover up, wear a mask, stay away, no human contact, don't go near anyone.
The police might come and arrest you if you do.
Not allowed to question authority.
Not allowed to worship.

Just imagine these will be our leaders running the world in 20 years.

What wheels have we now set into inexorable motion today that will be carving the America of tomorrow?
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