St Bonaventure Catholic parish school banned middle school students for being patriotic

Yep. Figured. That's all mommy and daddy in little Jimmy's speech. There's no way he came up with that on his own.

Sorry, it's a private Catholic school and they can make their own rules.
Isn't this what you cons say when a woman teacher is fired for something that runs contrary to the faith?
Post your evidence. My seventh graders could easily have written that speech. In seventh grade I'm pretty sure I and all my classmates could have written that speech. That some--you?--are not that intellectually sharp or capable is not evidence that Jimmy didn't write his own speech.
So being patriotic is wrong and automatically makes them a Trump supporter?
Are people that vote Democrat / Biden not allowed to be patriotic without being accused of supporting Trump? ... :dunno:
being patriotic is fine. just impossible for america hating trumpistas
Post your evidence. My seventh graders could easily have written that speech. In seventh grade I'm pretty sure I and all my classmates could have written that speech. That some--you?--are not that intellectually sharp or capable is not evidence that Jimmy didn't write his own speech.
Jimmy is not a 7th grader. You'd be about 12 or 13 in 7th grade.
You would not have written that speech at 7 or 8 years old. all mommy and daddy. And the rest of the story is daddy went postal when they rejected Jimmy's speech.
Got their son kicked out of school. Selfish. This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents.
I really don’t care enough about the story to worry that much about it. If you believe the story as presented did you also know gullible is not in the dictionary?
Got it, you're just a mindless troll. Carry on.
Jimmy is not a 7th grader. You'd be about 12 or 13 in 7th grade.
You would not have written that speech at 7 or 8 years old. all mommy and daddy. And the rest of the story is daddy went postal when they rejected Jimmy's speech.
Got their son kicked out of school. Selfish. This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents.
Geez I wish you would take that remedial reading comprehension course I recommended. Maybe you wouldn't come across as so hopelessly misinformed and clueless?

From a link I posted:

"A California seventh-grade student, Jimmy Heyward, who went viral last month after his principal censored his patriotic speech, was banned from attending school next year, along with his sisters. The school is a Catholic School in Orange County, California. , ,"
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Ah Nothing like the smell of your ignorance, insults, condescension and pretension in the morning. Kudos. Most would be embarrassed with such a posting style.
Poor little baby got you feelings hurt because you were shown to be gullible
Now you're just being silly. ... :cuckoo:
am i?: i have had 8 years to determine that our nation and constitution are not as important to deplorables as is the reality star. that may be freudian worship of a father figure, but is not "patriotism"
Geez I wish you would take that remedial reading comprehension course I recommended. Maybe you wouldn't come across as so hopelessly misinformed and clueless?

From a link I posted:

"A California seventh-grade student, Jimmy Heyward, who went viral last month after his principal censored his patriotic speech, was banned from attending school next year, along with his sisters. The school is a Catholic School in Orange County, California. , ,"
Sorry, I missed the 7th grade (not 7 or 8 years old). My bad. The kid looks like a bit of runt in the X video.

Mom and Dad still wrote that speech. You can tell by the way it flows.
That and the fact that dad went postal. Because the school knew it was written for the kid and refused to let it be read. So dad flipped his lid. And got his kids kicked out of school.
Highly embarrassing to a 7th grader. He's not gonna forget that. They ruined their child's life to make a "woke" political point.

Sorry, I missed the 7th grade (not 7 or 8 years old). My bad. The kid looks like a bit of runt in the X video.

Mom and Dad still wrote that speech. You can tell by the way it flows.
That and the fact that dad went postal. Because the school knew it was written for the kid and refused to let it be read. So dad flipped his lid. And got his kids kicked out of school.
Highly embarrassing to a 7th grader. He's not gonna forget that. They ruined their child's life to make a "woke" political point.

Baloney. You have no evidence whatsoever to support your argument. The only thing you got right were the last two sentences but I'll give you credit for that.
i have had 8 years to determine that our nation and constitution are not as important to deplorables as is the reality star. that may be freudian worship of a father figure, but is not "patriotism"
8 whole years mr freud?
That's impressive.
Did you enjoy riding the short yellow school buss? ... . :cuckoo:
Baloney. You have no evidence whatsoever to support your argument. The only thing you got right were the last two sentences but I'll give you credit for that.
I can tell it was written for him. Dad probably did most of the damage. There's no way a 7th grader would have put together that kind of sentence structure.
If you really are a 7th grade teacher, you'd know that their brains don't think that way. This has the parents fingerprints all over it.

Sad. They ruined their kids lives.
I can tell it was written for him. Dad probably did most of the damage. There's no way a 7th grader would have put together that kind of sentence structure.
If you really are a 7th grade teacher, you'd know that their brains don't think that way. This has the parents fingerprints all over it.

Sad. They ruined their kids lives.
Again my kids in seventh grade could have written that speech. In seventh grade I could have written that speech. A LOT of seventh graders could have written that speech. There is zero evidence, including the news reporting of the circumstances, that he plagiarized it or that is was ghost written for him. Somebody might have given him pointers, suggestion to clean up awkward syntax or whatever, but there is no reason to believe it wasn't his speech. One of my later in life avocations has been tutoring kids in creative writing among other subjects. And I have seen some pretty awesome work by middle schoolers.
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