The Ahwazi Arabs: REAL Occupation, Ethnic Cleansing, and Apartheid… By Iran.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Have you heard of the Ahwazi Arabs? I bet most people haven’t, and this is something Iran is no doubt banking on. But they very much exist, despite Iran’s wishes they didn’t. And their existence is a reminder as to the hypocrisy not just of Iran, but the world.

Read on. And find out about them.

Have you heard of the Ahwazi Arabs? I bet most people haven’t, and this is something Iran is no doubt banking on. But they very much exist, despite Iran’s wishes they didn’t. And their existence is a reminder as to the hypocrisy not just of Iran, but the world.

Read on. And find out about them.

If you want me to read about Iranians, you need to sell me better. A random Iranian article doesnt sound very interesting to me. :dunno:
Have you heard of the Ahwazi Arabs? I bet most people haven’t, and this is something Iran is no doubt banking on. But they very much exist, despite Iran’s wishes they didn’t. And their existence is a reminder as to the hypocrisy not just of Iran, but the world.

Read on. And find out about them.

As I recall it, these were the Arabs who helped Saddam when he invaded Iran in 1980.

Seems that after 45 years, they've had finally finished them off, if anything bad was happening.
Have you heard of the Ahwazi Arabs? I bet most people haven’t, and this is something Iran is no doubt banking on. But they very much exist, despite Iran’s wishes they didn’t. And their existence is a reminder as to the hypocrisy not just of Iran, but the world.

Read on. And find out about them.

Terrible. Thank goodness my country isn't providing them with money and weapons to kill those people while preventing the world from doing anything to stop it.
If you want me to read about Iranians, you need to sell me better. A random Iranian article doesnt sound very interesting to me. :dunno:

Iranians aren’t Arabs. I don’t care if you read it or not.
Have you heard of the Ahwazi Arabs? I bet most people haven’t, and this is something Iran is no doubt banking on. But they very much exist, despite Iran’s wishes they didn’t. And their existence is a reminder as to the hypocrisy not just of Iran, but the world.

Read on. And find out about them.

It's sheer racism by the Islamic Apartheid Regime.

Hey Norway, Ireland and Spain! This is the “Palestine” PA/Fatah say you recognized!
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 26, 2024.


Following Norway, Ireland, and Spain’s recognition of a Palestinian state last week, PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement published the above cartoon. It shows exactly what “Palestine” the PA and Fatah say, the European countries endorsed.

The cartoon shows “Palestine” having replaced the entire State of Israel and the PA areas. The map is formed by three arms painted in the colors of the flags of the three European countries. The “Norwegian” arm writes the word “Palestine,” the “Irish” arm waves a Palestinian flag, while the “Spanish” hand makes a V-sign with its fingers, signifying “victory."
[Falestinona, website of Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon, May 23, 2024]

Palestinian Media Watch has repeatedly shown that the PA/Fatah explain to their own people that since Israel has no right to exist, Fatah’s goal and Palestinian destiny is to replace Israel with a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.”

It should have been the most basic preliminary investigation for Norway, Ireland, and Spain to check what the PA tells its own people that a “Palestinian state” means, before they recognized it. The shocking reality is that either these countries have no idea what “Palestinian state” they are recognizing, in which case the governments are a diplomatic disgrace and embarrassment to their countries, or possibly they all agree with the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Díaz who last week vowed that "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea," in which case they are ideologically in the same camp with state sponsors of terror like Iran.
Hey Norway, Ireland and Spain! This is the âPalestineâ PA/Fatah say you recognized! | PMW Analysis


Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei And Regime Mouthpiece 'Kayhan' On The Student Protests In The U.S. And Europe: 'This Is What We Call Exporting The Islamic Revolution!'
June 3, 2024.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei And Regime Mouthpiece 'Kayhan' On The Student Protests In The U.S. And Europe: 'This Is What We Call Exporting The Islamic Revolution!'


Saudi Journalist: Behind U.S. Student Protests Stands The Muslim Brotherhood, Which Does Not Have The Palestinians' Interests At Heart.
June 3, 2024.
Saudi Journalist: Behind U.S. Student Protests Stands The Muslim Brotherhood, Which Does Not Have The Palestinians' Interests At Heart


MEMRI Executive Director Steven Stalinsky In 'Wall Street Journal' Op-Ed: 'Who's Behind the Anti-Israel Protests – Hamas, Hezbollah, The Houthis And Others Are Grooming Activists In The U.S. And Across The West'.

May 31, 2024.
If you want me to read about Iranians, you need to sell me better. ...
Not "random". It's about the real apartheid regimes in the middle East.

There is not one inclusive country in all Arab Islamic countries.

This piece is the Islamic Republic branch...
As I recall it, these were the Arabs who helped Saddam when he invaded Iran in 1980.
Nah . And anti Arab attacks were before 1980 too. Stop apologizing for GLOBAL ISLAMIST BIGOTRY : Sudan or "palestinians"
Jun 28, 2024

Iran's threat of a war of annihilation against Israel if we attack Lebanon and Hezbollah,
Parallel and identical to Hitler's speech on January 30, 1939, when he announced... "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."
Jun 28, 2024

Iran's threat of a war of annihilation against Israel if we attack Lebanon and Hezbollah,
Parallel and identical to Hitler's speech on January 30, 1939, when he announced... "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."

Not really the same thing, as much as you try to make it that way.

The Zionists are the invaders, not the Persians.
Not really the same thing, as much as you try to make it that way.

The Zionists are the invaders, not the Persians.
Still denying that Arab settlers invaded the land of the Jews.
And what "beef" does Islamic Fascist Relublic of Iran have with Israel other than bigotry?

As usual you shift.

Last week you said that the M.E. belongs all to Arabs...

How do your Muslim today's Persians fit in your twisted sense of history?

Lissak, R. S. (2021). When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two. United Kingdom: Xlibris US.

chrome_screenshot_Jul 3, 2024 10_20_03 AM CST.png

And you're just "against zionists".... 😂
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Before 1980 it was the Shah and his boys....
1979 was already persecution of Arabs.

Multi cultural is Israel.

Most Israelis are not white/Europeans.....

And multi color too.

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Multi color multi culture Israel
Part II

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Despite lies by racist Arab Omar Shakir abusing HRW.. for his longtime propaganda...
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Still denying that Arab settlers invaded the land of the Jews.
And what "beef" does Islamic Fascist Relublic of Iran have with Israel other than bigotry?

It wasn't their land. The Romans threw them out because they got tired of their shit. That seems to be a recurring theme. Is there anywhere you people haven't worn out your welcome?

How do your Muslim today's Persians fit in your twisted sense of history?

Muslim Arabs live in Arabia (including Palestine.)
Muslim Persians live in Iran
European Jews need to go back to Europe where they came from.

See. that was easy.

1979 was already persecution of Arabs.

Multi cultural is Israel.
Nope, Israel is an apartheid state based on religion. That they have a few quislings who go along with it really doesn't matter. South Africa had it's "good ones", too.

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