My kind of nature.....
I was just talking with a co-worker this morning about how I wanted to do the "lighthouse" vacation starting in upstate Maine and working My way down to N. Carolina...
Here are some pics of deer in my yard in the Fall with the Meadow right across the Way that I took the Eagle pics, and also some pics of the Meadow and the Deer coming out by the loads from the woods at dusk.... lots and lots and lots of deer..... we have one neighbor with his home on 10 acreas and one new neighbor with his home on 125 acreas.....all the rest around us for hundreds if not thousands of acres is woods right down to the shoreline. We moved up here from the 'rat race' in Massachusetts, to basically "get away from it all"... Neighbors have their pick on the deer come hunting fact, last fall he thanked me for making sure the deer get fattened up on my apples for him....hahahahahaha, of course I hit him when he said that....
the lighthouse tour would be awesome....the hubby and I have visited 4 lighthouses, but have a few to go just to finish Maine.... our regular beach that is fairly private with no one around, a Lighthouse beach....near here.
Here are the deer pics I posted on USMB, some are good pics, some it was dark and bad pics...
Deer- Take 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Deer In Yard Today, Under Wild Apple Tree | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Deer, Deer, Everywhere! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Very nice! Almost makes Me reconsider giving up meat! lol
I don't eat them!!!! And I don't kill them!!!!
But my neighbors do, they love's a regular weekly meal for them!
BE PREPARED if you do the Maine Lighthouse tour and come here on vacation...
the hubby and I used to come up and vacation here, once we made it up to above the Mid Coast, we fell in love with it and KNEW in our heart of hearts, we were going to move here some day, come hell or high took us about 5-6 years to wind down our lives, sell our home and Just Do It.
Well, not a danger because I have to get My act in line....doc found a blockage so I'm off meat, dairy, poultry.....if it has a face or a mother, its safe from My table. lol
From what I've seen in your pics....I'm already smitten...but there is little danger of My living there......I thought winters in PA were brutal....I'd not even want to try a Maine winter.....This California boy don't do that kind of cold....
I'm a Florida girl, the hubby born and bread in Florida....we moved up to New England for a job offer I had gotten many years ago....You'd be surprised what you can get used to....acclimated to.
If you live on the coast of Maine, the snow is not as bad as it would be if you lived inland, and it is warmer winters on the coast...still cold but much better than the rest of the State....
What we like the most, is few people and more Nature. No traffic jams, no bumper to bumper traffic, no horns, no lights at night, just the clear dark sky and stars...and the sounds of coyote in the distance....
Sorry about your bockage...can't they do something besides change your diet?