The American dream has been destroyed by the rights thinking that they deserve it all.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
This country capitalistic economy is driven by the promise of the potential to get a head . This has been taken away totally in the 1981's trickle down lie. Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth, other then the golden few that were designed to get it all in the 81 tax law. Capitalism dies when that incentive is lost and it has been lost and taken away by a group of people who think they deserve it all. That's not enough for these people, who will take the chance of destroying our economic system so that they can have it all . They continue with tax law to move it all to the top/
This country capitalistic economy is driven by the promise of the potential to get a head . This has been taken away totally in the 1981's trickle down lie. Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth, other then the golden few that were designed to get it all in the 81 tax law. Capitalism dies when that incentive is lost and it has been lost and taken away by a group of people who think they deserve it all. That's not enough for these people, who will take the chance of destroying our economic system so that they can have it all . They continue with tax law to move it all to the top/
Come on over to the dark side, so you can get a head, too.
This country capitalistic economy is driven by the promise of the potential to get a head . This has been taken away totally in the 1981's trickle down lie. Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth, other then the golden few that were designed to get it all in the 81 tax law. Capitalism dies when that incentive is lost and it has been lost and taken away by a group of people who think they deserve it all. That's not enough for these people, who will take the chance of destroying our economic system so that they can have it all . They continue with tax law to move it all to the top/
If only we'd had a Hugo Chavez!
This country capitalistic economy is driven by the promise of the potential to get a head . This has been taken away totally in the 1981's trickle down lie. Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth, other then the golden few that were designed to get it all in the 81 tax law. Capitalism dies when that incentive is lost and it has been lost and taken away by a group of people who think they deserve it all. That's not enough for these people, who will take the chance of destroying our economic system so that they can have it all . They continue with tax law to move it all to the top/
That's because democrats are stealing it all.
This country capitalistic economy is driven by the promise of the potential to get a head . This has been taken away totally in the 1981's trickle down lie. Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth, other then the golden few that were designed to get it all in the 81 tax law. Capitalism dies when that incentive is lost and it has been lost and taken away by a group of people who think they deserve it all. That's not enough for these people, who will take the chance of destroying our economic system so that they can have it all . They continue with tax law to move it all to the top/
You want “head”?
Too bad ur not living in reality. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOUR HATRED FOR THE RIGHT D.F. COVID is all so u can have this which is only weeks or months away.

will u get it? loll
Too bad ur not living in reality. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOUR HATRED FOR THE RIGHT D.F. COVID is all so u can have this which is only weeks or months away.

will u get it? loll
I hate to pop your balloon but there has never been any Communism or socialism in this country till the rights leaders pushed a program to help business by taking over ownership of these companies , before that there has been n
Since then no sector has gained one dime of the massive increase of wealth,

This is why working class elected Trump. Democrats shipped all their jobs China and then invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and bid down wages still further. Do you understand this?
Get a life , your goofball leader and his family has every product they sell made in China , your bullshit about the democrats is stupid . If the working class elected this crazy then they should be ashamed of them selves and who in the hell hired these illegals that you are talking about ,Yup you right wingers. So getting to the truth , no Democrats didn't invite Illegals anymore then the right did and the people who made them come here and who are paying them are the right wingers that hired them. Do you understand this.
Since 1981 business profits has soared ,there has been no time in history that these numbers even came close to the last 40 years. And every dime of new profit has gone to a small micro group at the top, it was the ultimate hand out in the history of this country, all to the golden few. All done with the introduction of the trickle down lie.
you accomplish the american dream by destroying that of your rival, my friends!

you have to outwit your business opponent who have not as thoroughly mastered the art of the game as you this battle, the extremity of one is the opportunity of the other. it is the rule of competitive life that the time when the rival is on the downward road, the is the opportunity to strike the finishing blow and make merchandise out of the misery of your opponent.

The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. this is not an evil tendency in business, but the working out of the laws of nature and the laws of God!

The power to make money is a GIFT FROM GOD! just as the talents for making art, literature, music, gifts from God. we use it to the best of our ability for the good of mankind.

having been endowed with this gift, i believe it is my duty to make more and more money, and to use the money i make for the good of my fellow man according to the dictates of my conscience.

that's my philosophy, my friends!
you accomplish the american dream by destroying that of your rival, my friends!

you have to outwit your business opponent who have not as thoroughly mastered the art of the game as you this battle, the extremity of one is the opportunity of the other. it is the rule of competitive life that the time when the rival is on the downward road, the is the opportunity to strike the finishing blow and make merchandise out of the misery of your opponent.

The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. this is not an evil tendency in business, but the working out of the laws of nature and the laws of God!

Bullshit , You only can accomplish the American dream, If first you get rid of all aspects of the trickle down lie ,second you have tax law and tax rates that will even allow anyone to get a piece of the new wealth of this country. Your comment says it all , in your mind the only people who deserve a piece of the American dream are business owners and the workers are just there to fuck over.
Get a life , your goofball leader and his family has every product they sell made in China

Business has no choice if it wants to be competitive and survive. Trump was elected by working class because he wants to change the liberal policies that drove their jobs out of America. Simple enough now???

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