The American People Need To Know What Joe Biden Knows About His Family’s Profits From China


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The American People Need To Know What Joe Biden Knows About His Family’s Profits From China
Disturbing questions emerge from a joint Senate report on the Biden family’s dealings with America’s greatest adversary.

5 Oct 2020 ~~ By Ben Weingarten

Given the grave threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), especially near an election and in an era in which fears of foreign influence are at an all-time high, one might think revelations about the family of Democratic nominee Joe Biden cashing in on Communist China while he was vice president might be a “big [expletive] deal,” in the cellar-dwelling candidate’s words.
Yet the media and political class have completely blacked out these newly released facts. This was on display during the first presidential debate when Biden and moderator Chris Wallace called a “lid” on it.

Biden Family Secrets Exposed
The joint Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance Committee report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings with foreign powers, and their relation to U.S. government policy during the Obama-Biden administration, states the following:
Hunter Biden has extensive connections to Chinese businesses and Chinese foreign nationals that are linked to the Communist government. Those contacts bore financial fruit when his father was vice president and after he left office.​
These ties went beyond the former vice president’s son. The report adds: “The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden … and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime and PLA as well as other foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.”
The joint investigation details a stunning array of transactions that “paint a mosaic of the complex corporate structure that existed between entities linked to Hunter Biden, his associates, and his family and Chinese companies linked to the Communist government.” Many of the transactions were flagged for “potential financial criminal activity.” Such activity enriched Hunter Biden to the tune of millions of dollars.
As vice president of the United States, Joe Biden had an absolute obligation to know what his family members were up to, disclose it, and end it. This is not just because of the potential for corruption, but the myriad ways his family’s acts could imperil American national security. Indeed, as the report concludes, the dealings between the Biden family and China don’t merely “raise conflicts of interest concerns, they raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”
A Free Pass from Democrats and the Media
The unseemly reality of Hunter Biden enriching himself through positions for which he appears to lack any qualification other than his family name is the least of the issues here. Far more significant is that the loved ones of a high-ranking politician had deep financial interests with foreign adversaries, presenting a nightmare scenario in terms of the potential for exploitation.
Biden’s Record with China
Joe Biden cannot be allowed to shrug this off with a “C’mon man,” as he has in the past with respect to his son’s Ukrainian dalliances and their relation to the Obama-Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, the troubling centerpiece of the joint Senate committee report.
He has to be straight with the American people about what he knew about his family’s China business, when he knew it, what he did about it, and how it might have affected his duties and responsibilities. This is all especially important since Biden was the man in charge of the Obama administration’s China portfolio. If Biden truly was in the dark regarding these links, that is disturbing. If he knowingly concealed them, all the more so.
Biden helped make Communist China strong — again, while his family directly profited from it when he was in office — cultivating a relationship with Xi Jinping. The Obama-Biden administration was remarkably soft on China over its most grievous provocations, whether in terms of the catastrophic Office of Personnel Management hack, the militarization of the South China Sea, or its flouting of U.S. capital market regulations with impunity, gaining the imprimatur of the administration after lobbying Biden to ink a memorandum of understanding effectively normalizing its cheating.
By their silence and inaction, the collusion-mongers tell us they never actually cared about foreign influence, or at very best only cared about it as a political weapon. It was never about the merits. It was always about power. Part of that power concerned maintaining the China status quo from which the political establishment had so richly profited, and which the Trump administration has since upended.
We now know the extent to which the Biden family was a beneficiary of that China status quo. So once again, we must ask: What did Joe Biden know, and when did he know it?


China Joe Xi wants to be the leader of the free world. His supporters are pretending it’s ok that his family has used hispolitical position and title as vice president of the USA to influence peddle with enemies of State. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats pretend that it was and still is okay to allow Joey Xi had his family influence peddling using their proximity to the presidency
A vote for Joey Xi is a vote for China... His ad about buy American is a lie... It's actually about China buying America.
The real collusion that has factually been revealed is the Biden crime family's corruption and treason.
It was revealed before and during the failed impeachment and just recently.
Remember no government or oligarth would go to the trouble, especially the Chinese Communist Party does not give over 1.5 billion dollars to a person with a sketchy background without expecting a return on their investment.
A corrupt Ukrainian energy company does not pay millions for a no-show job to an American who does not speak the language.
A corrupt Russian oligarch with strong interests in Skolkovo does not give 3.5 million dollars to the son of the VP and step-son of the Sec. of State for “nothing”.
In a sane world, given the facts we know above, Biden would have been hammered by the American media. Yet our Quisling Fifth Column media continues to hide the facts and expose this corruption in the hopes of denying the people the truth and possible loss of their freedom.
The American People Need To Know What Joe Biden Knows About His Family’s Profits From China
Disturbing questions emerge from a joint Senate report on the Biden family’s dealings with America’s greatest adversary.

5 Oct 2020 ~~ By Ben Weingarten

Given the grave threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), especially near an election and in an era in which fears of foreign influence are at an all-time high, one might think revelations about the family of Democratic nominee Joe Biden cashing in on Communist China while he was vice president might be a “big [expletive] deal,” in the cellar-dwelling candidate’s words.
Yet the media and political class have completely blacked out these newly released facts. This was on display during the first presidential debate when Biden and moderator Chris Wallace called a “lid” on it.

Biden Family Secrets Exposed
The joint Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance Committee report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings with foreign powers, and their relation to U.S. government policy during the Obama-Biden administration, states the following:
Hunter Biden has extensive connections to Chinese businesses and Chinese foreign nationals that are linked to the Communist government. Those contacts bore financial fruit when his father was vice president and after he left office.​
These ties went beyond the former vice president’s son. The report adds: “The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden … and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime and PLA as well as other foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.”
The joint investigation details a stunning array of transactions that “paint a mosaic of the complex corporate structure that existed between entities linked to Hunter Biden, his associates, and his family and Chinese companies linked to the Communist government.” Many of the transactions were flagged for “potential financial criminal activity.” Such activity enriched Hunter Biden to the tune of millions of dollars.
As vice president of the United States, Joe Biden had an absolute obligation to know what his family members were up to, disclose it, and end it. This is not just because of the potential for corruption, but the myriad ways his family’s acts could imperil American national security. Indeed, as the report concludes, the dealings between the Biden family and China don’t merely “raise conflicts of interest concerns, they raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”
A Free Pass from Democrats and the Media
The unseemly reality of Hunter Biden enriching himself through positions for which he appears to lack any qualification other than his family name is the least of the issues here. Far more significant is that the loved ones of a high-ranking politician had deep financial interests with foreign adversaries, presenting a nightmare scenario in terms of the potential for exploitation.
Biden’s Record with China
Joe Biden cannot be allowed to shrug this off with a “C’mon man,” as he has in the past with respect to his son’s Ukrainian dalliances and their relation to the Obama-Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, the troubling centerpiece of the joint Senate committee report.
He has to be straight with the American people about what he knew about his family’s China business, when he knew it, what he did about it, and how it might have affected his duties and responsibilities. This is all especially important since Biden was the man in charge of the Obama administration’s China portfolio. If Biden truly was in the dark regarding these links, that is disturbing. If he knowingly concealed them, all the more so.
Biden helped make Communist China strong — again, while his family directly profited from it when he was in office — cultivating a relationship with Xi Jinping. The Obama-Biden administration was remarkably soft on China over its most grievous provocations, whether in terms of the catastrophic Office of Personnel Management hack, the militarization of the South China Sea, or its flouting of U.S. capital market regulations with impunity, gaining the imprimatur of the administration after lobbying Biden to ink a memorandum of understanding effectively normalizing its cheating.
By their silence and inaction, the collusion-mongers tell us they never actually cared about foreign influence, or at very best only cared about it as a political weapon. It was never about the merits. It was always about power. Part of that power concerned maintaining the China status quo from which the political establishment had so richly profited, and which the Trump administration has since upended.
We now know the extent to which the Biden family was a beneficiary of that China status quo. So once again, we must ask: What did Joe Biden know, and when did he know it?


China Joe Xi wants to be the leader of the free world. His supporters are pretending it’s ok that his family has used hispolitical position and title as vice president of the USA to influence peddle with enemies of State. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats pretend that it was and still is okay to allow Joey Xi had his family influence peddling using their proximity to the presidency
A vote for Joey Xi is a vote for China... His ad about buy American is a lie... It's actually about China buying America.
The real collusion that has factually been revealed is the Biden crime family's corruption and treason.
It was revealed before and during the failed impeachment and just recently.
Remember no government or oligarth would go to the trouble, especially the Chinese Communist Party does not give over 1.5 billion dollars to a person with a sketchy background without expecting a return on their investment.
A corrupt Ukrainian energy company does not pay millions for a no-show job to an American who does not speak the language.
A corrupt Russian oligarch with strong interests in Skolkovo does not give 3.5 million dollars to the son of the VP and step-son of the Sec. of State for “nothing”.
In a sane world, given the facts we know above, Biden would have been hammered by the American media. Yet our Quisling Fifth Column media continues to hide the facts and expose this corruption in the hopes of denying the people the truth and possible loss of their freedom.
Good luck on that because biden does not even know where he is at times.
You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... And we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....So you told us!

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump! AND by your silence.
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You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... a d we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump!
You all already investigated President Trump's ties and connections to the above referenced entities, ad nauseum. Fair would be an equal investigation of Biden's ties to China and the Ukraine, the findings broadcast in the same way as the Trump investigations. Or are you afraid of what such equitable investigation of Biden might reveal? Put your money where your mouth is, demand equal investigation of Biden. The citizens need to know BEFORE the election.
You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... a d we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump!
You all already investigated President Trump's ties and connections to the above referenced entities, ad nauseum. Fair would be an equal investigation of Biden's ties to China and the Ukraine, the findings broadcast in the same way as the Trump investigations. Or are you afraid of what such equitable investigation of Biden might reveal? Put your money where your mouth is, demand equal investigation of Biden. The citizens need to know BEFORE the election.
By-the-way, look in the mirror lately? Recognize hypocrisy when you see it up close and personal?
Worried about the Biden family’s connections and profits from Jina whilst ignoring all the connections and profits the Trump crime family has with China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... a d we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump! AND by your silence.
Not to mention the hundreds of millions funneled to his kids and family.
Worried about the Biden family’s connections and profits from Jina whilst ignoring all the connections and profits the Trump crime family has with China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

The difference is that what you say about Trump is an ignorant stupid LIE, and what we have said about Biden is TRUE

All you people know how to do is LIE
Worried about the Biden family’s connections and profits from Jina whilst ignoring all the connections and profits the Trump crime family has with China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

The difference is that what you say about Trump is an ignorant stupid LIE, and what we have said about Biden is TRUE

All you people know how to do is LIE
What you have on Biden isn't true, or proven.... it was funneled by a Ukrainian Russian trained operative.... And no proof from Senator Johnson was shown to support his allegations, and his allegations are all, "could be, or looks like, or seems to be, etc etc" while classifying his alleged evidence, and not showing it all, except what he cherry picked....
You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... a d we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump! AND by your silence.


"Kent had disclosed during his deposition that in early 2015, when he was deputy chief of mission in Kyiv, he had had a phone conversation with a Biden aide and had “raised my concerns” that Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma. “The message that I recall hearing back was that the Vice President’s son Beau was dying of cancer and that there was no further bandwidth to deal with family related issues at that time,” Kent said"
“I think that there is a problem with perceptions of conflicts of interest and ethics for any child of any senior official to be involved in anything that their parents are involved in, period,” said Fiona Hill .
Worried about the Biden family’s connections and profits from Jina whilst ignoring all the connections and profits the Trump crime family has with China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

The difference is that what you say about Trump is an ignorant stupid LIE, and what we have said about Biden is TRUE

All you people know how to do is LIE
What you have on Biden isn't true, or proven.... it was funneled by a Ukrainian Russian trained operative.... And no proof from Senator Johnson was shown to support his allegations, and his allegations are all, "could be, or looks like, or seems to be, etc etc" while classifying his alleged evidence, and not showing it all, except what he cherry picked....

Biden proved it for all to see, but you deny it.. Well Son of a Bitch!!!!!
You all set the rules of the game already.... we have no right to know Trump' s connections to Russia nor his families connections and financial ties, and no right to know if it is Russia or Turkey or Qatar etc that he owes $420 million to, of which $300 million is due in 2022... a d we do not have the right to know any presidential candidate's financial situation or tax situation....

Come onnnn, stop being hypocrites! The rules were sealed, by your beloved Trump!
You all already investigated President Trump's ties and connections to the above referenced entities, ad nauseum. Fair would be an equal investigation of Biden's ties to China and the Ukraine, the findings broadcast in the same way as the Trump investigations. Or are you afraid of what such equitable investigation of Biden might reveal? Put your money where your mouth is, demand equal investigation of Biden. The citizens need to know BEFORE the election.
Nope! Not his financial connections or family's!!! Those have been off limits even to Mueller and the FBI and he has sued and sued and sued every time anyone has tried to get them....all delay tactics by Trump, to prevent us citizens from knowing, before the election.
For 47 Biden has been a parasite on the tax payer.
Is that what you say to veterans getting retirement from the govt.?
Veterans actually earned their retirement stipends. Biden...yeah, 47 years of doing nothing. Whoever votes for him because he'll "do something" are too stupid to realize that doing nothing is Biden's "something".

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