The ANTIFA AND BERNE crowd at the D convention

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Is it just me or are the Ds setting themselves up for epic problems at their convention by trying to stiff Berne?
Is it just me or are the Ds setting themselves up for epic problems at their convention by trying to stiff Berne?
why would anyone support the dem party ?? they cheat against their own candidates . and they are not doing it because they are not socialist or dont have socialist leanings they are doing it because they Believe Bernie is to much to soon ..and that he has no chance of beating Trump.
Nothing like riots in and around the party convention to win the general election.
Is it just me or are the Ds setting themselves up for epic problems at their convention by trying to stiff Berne?
Yes. In 1968 the riots were OUTSIDE the building. This year could be worse.

THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SHOULD INVESTIGATE THIS AS A CONSPIRACY TO INTERFERE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS VIA VOTER INTIMIDATION: ‘Antifa’ vandalizes posters, replaces with ‘threatening’ imagery involving Trump voter. But not until after the election — until then, they’re too useful as GOTV organizers for the Trump campaign. But then, may a thousand lawsuits bloom!
I don’t know if it will hurt the Dems. Most liberal voters are lemmings who do what they are told. Remember “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary”? Well guess what, they still voted for her, and they will vote for whomever the DNC decides to hand the nomination to this time as well.
The primary vote...and run up to them are for the donor cash and useful idiots

The super delegates will decide who theyll all blindly follow

Democracy ! Lol

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