The attack on Trump was an attack on America

Nothing is as it seems.

The SS doesn't make mistakes, especially glaring/obvious ones.
Yep, it's like an itch you can't scratch. How was this possible, at all?
just can't get over it..

An AR 15 is supposed to be SO bad, it should be banned.. and yet the Secret Service (gummit) didn't put anyone on the roof that was only 150 ft (at the most) away from Trump.

Congress lefties talk about taking away AR 15s from Americans ONLY and I mean ONLY because they eventually want to take away OTHER guns, then ALL guns.. leaving us helpless against


deep state
right... Why is it always Rs being assassinated? Check out history.

Thugs... we're ruled by violent thugs

You mean like JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King jr? Those Republicans?
we're already at each others' throats. Just on this forum, we see how snarky and malicious a lot of people are.. even Rs against Rs!

United we stand, divided we fall.

a hackneyed saying but some don't seem to get it..

Hard to unite with people who are willing to destroy the country to stay in power.
Hard to unite with people who are willing to destroy the country to stay in power.
I would never advocate people trying to unite w/ THEM

But I find it weird and disturbing that Rs here attack other Rs--and for very petty reasons.. maybe just bc they have frustrations they can't seem to deal w/ vis a vis the person or situation who causes those frustrations so they come to the forum and let loose on .. again, not the crazy libs but people who believe the same way they do.

Go figure..
You mean like JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King jr? Those Republicans?
Only one of those was a president.
And most of those assassinated in history were Rs
Grow up. Trump has always been a treacherous, grandstanding bully. He lives in fantasies like George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse.
Thankfully he doesn’t live in the fantasies and of ActBlue donors and put political rivals in bullseye like xiden ordered
yeh, these elite Ds only think AR 15s are "evil"

until one is pointed @ Trump
yeh, I hear you. I think maybe subconsciously, i just don't want to believe that a huge group of people would want to do something like this.. but I should know better. I mean, they didn't mind murdering 63 million babies under Roe and they still push for abortion to the 9th month.. Yeh, why should they care about Trump's life?
Hey we are talking democRats here. At this time I would like to, once again offer another sale on clues. Regular seven dollars a peace I'm selling in my democRat Gomper's Clues For the Clueless Sale at three for 25 or four for 50!!! For you uncontrolled drooolers and ones with under ware stained like Joes will have their clues mailer in a plain brown paper bag. Just imaginal impressing your democRat friends when you rattle out a clue. You will become a God!!! Run for president, soil yourself, become Joe!!
Thankfully he doesn’t live in the fantasies and of ActBlue donors and put political rivals in bullseye like xiden ordered

Trump rages and issues some outrageous claims every day. He craves being in the news. It's only natural that he would trigger some mental case, but you blame the Democrats? Lol 😂 That's hysterically funny...and lame. Trump has never been responsible for his actions.

His ego is huge and he's horribly needy. There are Republicans who are intelligent, educated and decent. Choose one .
Hey we are talking democRats here. At this time I would like to, once again offer another sale on clues. Regular seven dollars a peace I'm selling in my democRat Gomper's Clues For the Clueless Sale at three for 25 or four for 50!!! For you uncontrolled drooolers and ones with under ware stained like Joes will have their clues mailer in a plain brown paper bag. Just imaginal impressing your democRat friends when you rattle out a clue. You will become a God!!! Run for president, soil yourself, become Joe!!

Trump has been in diapers since his stint as a game show host on the Apprentice. He can't change his own diaper because he wears a rigid girdle.
An attack on America because it was political. But also personal because the murderer probably wanted to make a name for himself.
Trump rages and issues some outrageous claims every day. He craves being in the news. It's only natural that he would trigger some mental case, but you blame the Democrats? Lol 😂 That's hysterically funny...and lame. Trump has never been responsible for his actions.

His ego is huge and he's horribly needy. There are Republicans who are intelligent, educated and decent. Choose one .
Yes he does rage, he’s very upset how xiden, harris and the demafacist have opened our southern border to cartels, made Americans worse off, surrendered to terrorist and, tried to murder him.

Weird you aren’t

America produced this.. this person who committed this vile act, which almost succeeded in murdering a candidate for president. I guess Crooks, toward the end of his short life, got annoyed w/ politicians in general, even though at one time he was registered (like his father) as a R. We wouldn't mind having more information, but it seems the info on this matter comes in dribs and drabs.

All I know is that things are not looking good, not looking to be what they appear to be.

Why was there no drone? Why was no one posted w/ a gun on the roof? Why were people in the crowd pointing to the roof and saying to the cops there was someone up there w/ a gun and those people seem to have mostly been ignored? Why was Trump allowed to take the stage even after Secret Service knew of the threat?

As to the investigation: Why didn't Cheatle answer any questions at the hearing yesterday? It's like she was hiding something. She resigned but the smell of something rotten in all this has not dissipated.

Why wasn't the drone used by the murderer intercepted when he scoped out the site a couple hours b4 the event? I've heard that drones can be detected somehow.. The govt seems to have no problem whatsoever surveilling Americans.. yet when it comes to Trump... all the sudden people are clueless and tech-wise.. we're back in the 1950s.

The building Crooks was on was well within what should have been the SS perimeter. An AR- 15 has a range of 400+ ft and yet this building only 130 (some say 140 or more) feet away was NOT secured!

Then I heard last night on Fox News that there was a water tower nearby from which a SS sniper could EASILY have taken the assassin out BEFORE he even reached the roof!

How could "security" be SO abysmally negligent?

It's unbelievable and frankly, I don't believe it.

The attack on Trump was an attack BY America.

Why? The bullying, the gun culture, it all came together in this kid who decided to do something slightly differently to so many other kids.
The attack on Trump was an attack BY America.

Why? The bullying, the gun culture, it all came together in this kid who decided to do something slightly differently to so many other kids.
Leftist terrorist aren’t anything new
Nothing is as it seems.

The SS doesn't make mistakes, especially glaring/obvious ones.

Trump is the one who puts himself at risk at open air rallies. Cities won't rent indoor facilities to him any more because they didn't get paid in 2016 or 2020. Trump is using donated facilities for his rallies.

Trump has bankrupted the Republican Party, including the state parties. All of the money has gone to Trump and his lawyers. State Parties have been bankrupted by ongoing

Republicans have nothing for down ballot races. Once Trump and his MAGA clowns have been ousted by the Party, it will take a generation to rebuild the party, and its finances.

Lara Trump closed campaign offices across the nation, and fired all of the workers. Republicans who refused to say that the 2020 election was "stolen", were fired.

Trump is like a one-man plague of locusts. He bankrupts everything he touches, and leaves a fiscal and administration mess behind for others to clean up.

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