Zone1 The "Baby Mama" phenomenon in Black culture. The flip side of 75 percent Fatherless homes.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
'Baby Mama' first entered the vernacular of Black culture through Hip Hop music as artists of the 90s began speaking about the tendency for Black men to have multiple children with multiple mothers out of wedlock. This almost never spoken about as it immediately evokes screams of RACIST! But I could care less what anyone thinks of me so I'll bring it up.

Black men like Nick Cannon may be able to support a dozen kids with as many mothers but 99 percent of them cannot. That leaves Black communities with single mothers struggling to feed multiple kids with insufficient income and emotional support. I don't know what the solution is, but not talking about it at all will make the problem worse.

'Baby Mama' first entered the vernacular of Black culture through Hip Hop music as artists of the 90s began speaking about the tendency for Black men to have multiple children with multiple mothers out of wedlock. This almost never spoken about as it immediately evokes screams of RACIST! But I could care less what anyone thinks of me so I'll bring it up.

Black men like Nick Cannon may be able to support a dozen kids with as many mothers but 99 percent of them cannot. That leaves Black communities with single mothers struggling to feed multiple kids with insufficient income and emotional support. I don't know what the solution is, but not talking about it at all will make the problem worse.

It's interesting that you bring this subject up, MarathonMike. I've been studying the the legal doctrine created in 1662 in colonial Virginia, that stated a baby followed the status of it's Mother. So, if the Mother was a slave the baby would be a slave, no matter who the Father was. This law gave White slavemasters the green light to rape and impregnate their female slaves with no consequences on their part. (Those slavemasters were pretty clever weren't they?)
Isn't it tragic what Black women have been thru? Why did those slavemasters treat those women like that? Didn't they have any morals or decency?

Where does an abused women go if she is being abused?

Back in the kitchen if she knows what is good for her.
It's interesting that you bring this subject up, MarathonMike. I've been studying the the legal doctrine created in 1662 in colonial Virginia, that stated a baby followed the status of it's Mother. So, if the Mother was a slave the baby would be a slave, no matter who the Father was. This law gave White slavemasters the green light to rape and impregnate their female slaves with no consequences on their part. (Those slavemasters were pretty clever weren't they?)
Isn't it tragic what Black women have been thru? Why did those slavemasters treat those women like that? Didn't they have any morals or decency?
What do actions in 1662 have to do with the actions of blacks today?
Black men like Nick Cannon may be able to support a dozen kids with as many mothers but 99 percent of them cannot. That leaves Black communities with single mothers struggling to feed multiple kids with insufficient income and emotional support. I don't know what the solution is, but not talking about it at all will make the problem worse.
I can think of two solutions. First, provide free aboriton on demand at any stage of pregnancy. One free abortion can save a small fortune in welfare expense, criminal justice expence, crimes not committed, and try ing to educate those too stupid to learn.

If we support children whose fathers do not care about them we perpetuate the loss of the paternal instinct in humans.

The second solution is to require sterilization as a condition for receiving welfare checks. Unmarried mothers should be sterilized. Their illegitimate children should be sterilized too.
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It's interesting that you bring this subject up, MarathonMike. I've been studying the the legal doctrine created in 1662 in colonial Virginia, that stated a baby followed the status of it's Mother. So, if the Mother was a slave the baby would be a slave, no matter who the Father was. This law gave White slavemasters the green light to rape and impregnate their female slaves with no consequences on their part. (Those slavemasters were pretty clever weren't they?)
Isn't it tragic what Black women have been thru? Why did those slavemasters treat those women like that? Didn't they have any morals or decency?
That is not the subject of this thread. You will get no argument from me that slavery was wrong and many injustices were brought upon African men, women and children. I'm talking about the contemporary issue of Black men having multiple children with multiple women and not supporting them. The term "Baby Mama" refers to this problem, not slave women from two or three hundred years ago.
I can think of two solutions. First, provide free aboriton on demand at any stage of pregnancy. One free abortion can save a small fortune in welfare expense, criminal justice expence, crimes not committed, and try ing to educate those too stupid to learn.

If we support children whose fathers do not care about them we perpetuate the loss of the paternal instinct in humans.

The second solution is to require sterilization as a condition for receiving welfare checks. Unmarried mothers should be sterilized. Their illegitimate children should be sterilized too.
The focus should be on the irresponsible men creating MULTIPLE Fatherless homes. It's bad enough when one man abandons his family, these guys are worse.
Mike is retarded. Let's go into what Ms Turqouise has revealed.

From the book, "Get Your Knee off Our Necks"

The doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem comes from European civil law. It means, “That which is brought forth follows the belly.”This principle determined the status of children born by slave women in America.

December, 1662. Act XII: "Negro women’s children to serve according to the condition of the mother. Whereas some doubts have arisen whether children got by any Englishman upon a negro woman should be slave or free, Be it therefore enacted and declared by this present grand assembly, that all children borne in this country shall be held bond or free only according to the condition of the mother, And that if any Christian shall commit fornication with a negro man or woman, he or she so offending shall pay double the fines imposed by the former act."

Partus sequitur ventrem removed male slave owners from any obligation he may have for children born resulting from his “relations” with enslaved women. It gave the slaver the ability to sell children by taking them away from their biological parents at any time. Partus sequitur ventrem was the doctrine that created the first family separation policy in America.

So as we see, the baby daddy was created by white men in America during slavery. Thomas Jefferson was the ultimate baby dady.

Now let's go further with what the writer shows in the book.

Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births has no relation to whether two parents are around. An unwed birth is a child born while the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child.The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. Most of these women have boyfriends. Many of these women eventually marry. One fantastic example of this is Shaquille O’Neal’s story about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison, who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of former President Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single-parent family is not the cause of the problem. Articles have been written showing that most black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.n reality, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”-Charles Blow

DEMOS corrected the mental illness those like Mike display.

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions.

Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.

So shut up Mike.
Blacks have every excuse in the book down. Taught to them by their commie overlords. It's hilarious seeing even illegal immigrants run circles around them.
The real black Americans are holding thier heads in their hands reading this


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