The Beauty and Joy of Working


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I recently got a job as a dishwasher, but I have to admit that my software programming days are apparently over as I have not been hired after 17 months of trying. But I had to work, doing ANYTHING, so now I wash dishes for $8.50 an hour.

And I love it. I look forward to getting up and going to work and starting the day.

I love the 'Thank you!'s I get and the compliments for doing an excellent job. When I started I was only getting around 24 hours a week, but they quickly put me up to 36 hours now, and I want more.

The extra money is helping to pay down some debts faster, but we are not really in need of money.

I dont have to work for financial reasons; I have to work for ME reasons. I just do not find it comfortable in my own skin unless I work.

I am being paid to do physical therapy is how I look at it. It is therapy for my body after the second heart attack I had last December 5th, and therapy for my ego as I am making these young kids respect a 59 year old man.

You cannot pay me to stop working unless I have my wife with me going into our Golden Years together.

Before God, Man and Family, you have to be happy with yourself and respect yourself, and work does that for me.
I recently got a job as a dishwasher, but I have to admit that my software programming days are apparently over as I have not been hired after 17 months of trying. But I had to work, doing ANYTHING, so now I wash dishes for $8.50 an hour.

And I love it. I look forward to getting up and going to work and starting the day.

I love the 'Thank you!'s I get and the compliments for doing an excellent job. When I started I was only getting around 24 hours a week, but they quickly put me up to 36 hours now, and I want more.

The extra money is helping to pay down some debts faster, but we are not really in need of money.

I dont have to work for financial reasons; I have to work for ME reasons. I just do not find it comfortable in my own skin unless I work.

I am being paid to do physical therapy is how I look at it. It is therapy for my body after the second heart attack I had last December 5th, and therapy for my ego as I am making these young kids respect a 59 year old man.

You cannot pay me to stop working unless I have my wife with me going into our Golden Years together.

Before God, Man and Family, you have to be happy with yourself and respect yourself, and work does that for me.
Kudos ya young whippersnapper!
I recently got a job as a dishwasher, but I have to admit that my software programming days are apparently over as I have not been hired after 17 months of trying. But I had to work, doing ANYTHING, so now I wash dishes for $8.50 an hour.

And I love it. I look forward to getting up and going to work and starting the day.

I love the 'Thank you!'s I get and the compliments for doing an excellent job. When I started I was only getting around 24 hours a week, but they quickly put me up to 36 hours now, and I want more.

The extra money is helping to pay down some debts faster, but we are not really in need of money.

I dont have to work for financial reasons; I have to work for ME reasons. I just do not find it comfortable in my own skin unless I work.

I am being paid to do physical therapy is how I look at it. It is therapy for my body after the second heart attack I had last December 5th, and therapy for my ego as I am making these young kids respect a 59 year old man.

You cannot pay me to stop working unless I have my wife with me going into our Golden Years together.

Before God, Man and Family, you have to be happy with yourself and respect yourself, and work does that for me.

Good for you. Inactivity kills.
Kudos ya young whippersnapper!
Your only as old as you feel.

So where's my Social Security?
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.

nonsense. It is proven the cost of Illegal Immigration is high per year. Incarceration, education, medication, prosecution.........on and on. The wall (better border enforcement) will pay off quickly.

JimBowie, congrats to you. I would like to open up and tell stories too., but it is the WW InterWeb. I have too much worry what may unleash against me? I am too lazy to fight it all off, so I won't talk in detail.

I will say I have been out a bit over a year. I too have found some ways to keep on keepin' on. Early SS appears likely to me. My dead friend once said......keep your head up.
nonsense. It is proven the cost of Illegal Immigration is high per year. Incarceration, education, medication, prosecution.........on and on. The wall (better border enforcement) will pay off quickly.


JimBowie, congrats to you. I would like to open up and tell stories too., but it is the WW InterWeb. I have too much worry what may unleash against me? I am too lazy to fight it all off, so I won't talk in detail.

I have given up caring. I use 16 character passwords with nonalphanumeric chars included, so I am fine.

This hacker said he could hack an old encrypted file I had and he couldnt do it. Gave up after a couple of weeks.

The password was easy to remember S33Black!3Jumps!

I will say I have been out a bit over a year. I too have found some ways to keep on keepin' on. Early SS appears likely to me. My dead friend once said......keep your head up.

Yes, do that. Dont let the bastards get you down!
Another thing about NOT working. You lose those you may have talked with. Suddenly you have No One. You may converse with min wage workers at the store or something.......not anything wrong with that. I started up some Golf recently with some also "out" or retired old friends. Some talk goes on there. Maybe it will be OK?

I found USMB ............ which helped to fill the empty space between my ears. Almost all of MSM has lost me.
Kudos ya young whippersnapper!
Your only as old as you feel.

So where's my Social Security?
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.
Not necessary to raid SS when you can use the confiscated drug money from drug convicts to do it instead.
I'm rather skeptical about our supposed multi-billion dollar cache of forfeited assets
from illegal drug activity. Where are those funds located and who has control.?
It is proven the cost of Illegal Immigration is high per year. Incarceration, education, medication, prosecution.........on and on. The wall (better border enforcement) will pay off quickly.
Where is it proven the cost of Illegal Immigration is high per year? Look, I'm ambivalent about illegal immigration.I see Mexicans as part of the ancient autocthonous culture that proliferated in this continent thousands of years before White men set foot here. Hell, the bones of their ancestors are buried here....
But, that aside, illegal immigrants probably contribute more to the wealth of this country than they take out.. They pay sales taxes on goods and services plus taxes on pay as well. They will never benefit from the money withheld for FICA or Social Security. Thats a gift from them to you.
I can't stop now, I'm on a roll.
Most importantly, undocumented immigrants are invaluable as farmhands and fruitpickers. The low cost of their labor helps keep food prices affordable for millions.
Kudos ya young whippersnapper!
Your only as old as you feel.

So where's my Social Security?
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.
Not necessary to raid SS when you can use the confiscated drug money from drug convicts to do it instead.
I'm rather skeptical about our supposed multi-billion dollar cache of forfeited assets
from illegal drug activity. Where are those funds located and who has control.?
According to Wikipedia, civil asset forfeiture cases deliver the seized property to the agencies involved in making the seizure.

Civil forfeiture in the United States - Wikipedia

So where is all this money? In various vaults within the DoJ, DEA, FBI, local sherriffs departments and police, I guess.
Kudos ya young whippersnapper!
Your only as old as you feel.

So where's my Social Security?
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.
Not necessary to raid SS when you can use the confiscated drug money from drug convicts to do it instead.
I'm rather skeptical about our supposed multi-billion dollar cache of forfeited assets
from illegal drug activity. Where are those funds located and who has control.?
According to Wikipedia, civil asset forfeiture cases deliver the seized property to the agencies involved in making the seizure.

Civil forfeiture in the United States - Wikipedia

So where is all this money? In various vaults within the DoJ, DEA, FBI, local sherriffs departments and police, I guess.

Trump can't touch any such forfeited assets other than those seized by federal agencies. And, according to the following chart,

The Asset Forfeiture Fund isa bit light for what Trump wants to do. Take a peek and tell me what you think?

Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 1.50.27 PM.png

Looks like Trump is either lying again or he and Sessions are planning to step up this war on drugs to boost that measly 1.126 Billion. And considering the drug epidemic that is sweeping though the White community at present, the ramifications are alarming.
Your only as old as you feel.

So where's my Social Security?
It's in the bank. But Trump's wall might lower your benefit when he raids the fund to build it.
Not necessary to raid SS when you can use the confiscated drug money from drug convicts to do it instead.
I'm rather skeptical about our supposed multi-billion dollar cache of forfeited assets
from illegal drug activity. Where are those funds located and who has control.?
According to Wikipedia, civil asset forfeiture cases deliver the seized property to the agencies involved in making the seizure.

Civil forfeiture in the United States - Wikipedia

So where is all this money? In various vaults within the DoJ, DEA, FBI, local sherriffs departments and police, I guess.

Trump can't touch any such forfeited assets other than those seized by federal agencies. And, according to the following chart,

The Asset Forfeiture Fund isa bit light for what Trump wants to do. Take a peek and tell me what you think?

View attachment 126613

Looks like Trump is either lying again or he and Sessions are planning to step up this war on drugs to boost that measly 1.126 Billion. And considering the drug epidemic that is sweeping though the White community at present, the ramifications are alarming.

Funny how El Chapo's funds are not included in that data sheet.

Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from 'El Chapo' to Fund Border Wall
I'm not opposed to anyone doing what they have to for a living, but our system is terminally corrupt.

The bums and welfare cheats are more honest. They recognize that if the corporate criminals don't work and get millions, then they can just as easily not work and get whatever payments they get.

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