The best nude beaches

To anybody who goes to a nudey beach...all I can say is...YOU DOG!

You dog.png
I've been to one, Avila beach in CA 99 or 00. Not too busy it seemed. People spread apart. Some walkers looking around at waters edge.

The girl who took me played around with "it" and took a picture straight down "it"
which I got in an email one day.
Wow, I didn't realize Avila Beach was nudist--I figured the SLO folks would shut that down. I've been to Baker Beach in SF and the one that is listed in the article at Tahoe, we came in from the lake though and had some young uns with us so we didn't stay.
Wow, I didn't realize Avila Beach was nudist--I figured the SLO folks would shut that down. I've been to Baker Beach in SF and the one that is listed in the article at Tahoe, we came in from the lake though and had some young uns with us so we didn't stay.

Maybe its just local knowledge? Not official? But i had heard about it prior.

Look I'm no expert. That was a one time visit. I wouldn't go alone lol!

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