Zone1 The Blackest administration: how Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is shaping representative politics

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023

Wow, that’s an impressive assortment of black people……

What is the significance of the color of their skin? They are just a bunch of woke liberals who are going to continue to make life crappy for the black people in Chicago.

70 people shot in Chicago over the weekend, think these clowns are going to fix that? Don’t hold your breath, they are busy figuring out how to get “reparations”.

“Brandon Johnson is the third Black person elected to be Chicago mayor, following the revered late Harold Washington in the 1980s and most recently the city’s first openly lesbian woman Lori Lightfoot. Arguably, Johnson’s administration is the Blackest in Chicago’s history.

Johnson has faced criticism for moving too slowly to appoint people to vacant positions within city government and for pushing out holdovers from Lightfoot’s administration.

“I don’t discuss personnel decisions. What I can say is that competent, collaborative and compassionate people have a place in my administration. There are some individuals that have made a conscious decision that they want to go do other things in life, and they’re well within their rights to do that,” Johnson said during a one-on-one interview on June 17.

He stands by his decision to move with intentionality to have a more representative city government that reflects Chicago’s diversity.

“People are going to criticize the fact that we have [the most] Black and brown folks in the history of Chicago. Yes, we are the Blackest administration and I’m not going to downplay the fact that we have more Hispanics in my administration than any other administration,” he added.”

The Blackest administration: how Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is shaping representative politics • The TRiiBE

More than 70 shot, 8 fatally, from Friday night to Monday morning in Chicago​

Johnson administration to form Black reparations task force​

Johnson administration to form Black reparations task force • The TRiiBE
“Reparations” is a con. It’s just an extension of the disparity of black criminality.

In the words of MarcATL ”powerful argument”

Come on R2D2, you are capable to defending this crap better than that. Tell us how you don’t care about the black-lives getting ended in Chicago on a daily basis. Tell us how your Democrat fruitcakes are looking out for the black community.

“Blackest administration ever” Juxtaposed against “70 shot over the weekend”

Keep towing the line for these people IM2.
167 Killed 321 Shot over a 3 Day Weekend would force the Governor & Mayors hands and see NG / MIL inserted into the greater Chicago Region ( Including Northern Burbs )

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