The Bundys are getting a hero's welcome now that they're released.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Eric Parker, the sniper who took up a vantage point on the overpass when he heard there were snipers circling the Bundy Ranch, was lauded by lawmakers in Idaho recently.

"The House floor introduction came at a time when representatives generally introduce visiting constituents, family members, groups of students or dignitaries. They are generally greeted with a polite wave from the entire body, rather than applause."
They applauded Parker.

Idaho House members applaud man involved in Bundy standoff

The Bundys are likewise being welcomed and celebrated in the West.

"“Go and read your Constitution,” he said, telling the crowd on Saturday to reject federal control of millions of acres of American landscapes. Washington, he declared, has no business “telling you how to graze your cattle, cut your timber, mine your mines.”

"Mr. Bundy’s case has also become a study in government wrongdoing. After declaring a mistrial, Judge Gloria M. Navarro of Federal District Court in Las Vegas said that prosecutors had willfully withheld a trove of potentially exculpatory information from Mr. Bundy’s legal team, committing “flagrant prosecutorial misconduct.” The Justice Department opened an investigation into its attorneys’ actions, and Mr. Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan, and a supporter named Ryan C. Payne were released. Judge Navarro dismissed the charges against them “with prejudice,” meaning they cannot be retried."

Newly Freed, Cliven Bundy Gets a Hero’s Welcome in the Rugged West
"The Bundy cattle continue to graze on federal land, and in an interview, Ryan Bundy said he had “no plans” for future confrontations with the federal government, but that he would do “whatever it takes” to protect his family’s freedom.

“I am not a subject, I am not a slave, and I am not a serf, and I will not be treated as such,” he said.

"A few protesters had braved their way into enemy territory on Saturday, and one held a sign: “Bundy = White Privilege.”

"They were well outnumbered by Bundy supporters like Elijah Corrigan, 38, who said he had ridden his horse from his ranch “up on the mountaintop.” Wearing a flattop cowboy hat and kerchief, he said that he had followed the Bundys’ case for years. Their release “means we can stand victorious over the federal government,” he said.

"Mr. Corrigan said he hoped future disagreements with Washington could be solved without armed conflicts, by working with lawmakers.

“But if it doesn’t take, if they don’t listen, if we feel they’re not paying attention to us, then it’s kind of like it was in the prison I used to work in — you meet their level of force and you take it a step further,” he said. “If the government is not going to listen to our words, then they will listen to our actions.”

Newly Freed, Cliven Bundy Gets a Hero’s Welcome in the Rugged West
Well, if the cocksuck comes back to Oregon like he did before, I suggest a welcome measured in calibers. No coddling the criminals this time.
Very bad day for little Barry....did you hire a criminal attorney yet Obutfuck? I think you had better....
Well, if the cocksuck comes back to Oregon like he did before, I suggest a welcome measured in calibers. No coddling the criminals this time.

I'm sure one will take you out before you take them out, old fag.
Well, if the cocksuck comes back to Oregon like he did before, I suggest a welcome measured in calibers. No coddling the criminals this time.

He's coming to Oregon.
Be sure to show up and point a gun at them. That will earn you points, you fruitcake.
Well, if the cocksuck comes back to Oregon like he did before, I suggest a welcome measured in calibers. No coddling the criminals this time.
That certainly went well the last couple of times..

Sucks to be a statist craphat these days, who think that they have the right to summarily end historic grazing rights, and arbitrarily level punitive fines and regulations against rural residents..and gun them down if they refuse to accommodate.

Jury acquits leaders of Malheur wildlife-refuge standoff

Cliven Bundy to walk free as federal judge dismisses Bundy Ranch standoff case

Bundys Walk Free After Judge Dismisses Their Case

FBI agent charged with lying about his role in Oregon standoff activist's killing

Key BLM figure in Bundy Ranch raid, Dan Love, fired for corruption, theft
The Bundy's are law breakers.

Nope, they aren't.

And every court they've been in has determined they aren't.

The lawbreakers are the fed pigs who have harassed, intimidated, threatened, stolen, burned, and killed.

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