The Children Of Christian Fundamentalists Are Dying ..Their Parents Think Only God Can Cure Them

The Children Of Christian Fundamentalists Are Dying Because Their Parents Think Only God Can Cure Their Illnesses (VIDEO)
March 9, 2016 8:29 am ·

As a former career child protective services investigator, I occasionally came across cases of religiously motivated medical neglect- mostly involving immunization issues. However, even as a practitioner in this difficult and sometimes controversial field, I had no idea how serious and widespread the problem is in some places. In addition, I never saw a case that comes close to being as horrific as the one described in the linked article and video that is the topic of this thread.

While granting religious exemptions is primarily the purview of the states, the Federal government plays an important role. Therefore, I will be posing a question to all of the candidates for president on what so far has not been, but should be, an election year issue. Yes, I did say all in that both parties are equally guilty of allowing this to continue. However, it would be interesting to see how the answers from the Democrats contrast with the answers from the candidates of the party that is obsessed with religious liberty. Case in point:

More about that mentality later.

First, the case:

And…in my opinion, the very worst part of this is that they killed two children and had the second one who died in their care after being convicted in the first death! In my experience in the field, that is unconscionable and ludicrous. There is no indication that they were under supervision by protective services which would be a very minimal requirement in order to retain custody.

Let’s have a look at an overview of the issue, laws state by state, data on injuries to children because of religion-based medical neglect and more

As you can see, and as I stated, it is a widespread and serious problem. So while this couple was prosecuted because Pennsylvania is not one of the 16 states that have religious defenses to felony crimes against children, residents of other states may only face civil penalties or misdemeanor charges, or suffer no consequences at all

Now for the all-important role of the Federal Government:

And that folks, is where it now stands! In 2003 CAPTA was reauthorized with no change to the religious exemptions although several organizations called upon Congress to remove the exemption, including the United Methodist Church, National Association of Medical Examiners, Justice for Children, and the National Child Abuse Coalition, which consists of about thirty national organizations working to prevent child abuse.

So, to those who are pushing religious freedom, usually in the context of "another issues" far are you willing to push it?

I hope that at least some others out there feel the outrage that I do!
The OP is a liar. They are not Christian nor are they following what the Bible says. Even Luke, one of the writers of one of the New Testament books, was a medical doctor.
When Christians do something evil, other Christians defense is to say they aren't Christian.
Especially when all the evidence proves they are not Christian and the OP is either ignorant or a liar.

You better get out the word that the "Pentecostal" faith is no longer Christian!

Pentecostalism or Classical Pentecostalismis a renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Pentecostalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FUNDAMENTALIST - Believing that what the Bible says is true.

some people always has their noses into other people lives. and now they're USING the children for their hate. IF you really cared about children you wouldn't support abortion or a party who champions it. worry over your pathetic life. nothing but ugly from this op

People don't abort children, they abort fetuses. We are talking about children here, not fetuses.
Yeah, you tell this girl she is not human at 13 weeks.
View attachment 66856

You can't discuss ANYTHING with these loons without them bringing up abortion.
some people always has their noses into other people lives. and now they're USING the children for their hate. IF you really cared about children you wouldn't support abortion or a party who champions it. worry over your pathetic life. nothing but ugly from this op

People don't abort children, they abort fetuses. We are talking about children here, not fetuses.
Yeah, you tell this girl she is not human at 13 weeks.
View attachment 66856
FUCK YOU. I responded to your fellow moron.
Holly shit. You are getting rattled as evidence for your need to curse me out! We're done here. No point in trying to get you to address the topic in anything resembling a thoughtful and intelligent way. I have better things to do than to deal with ignorance.
some people always has their noses into other people lives. and now they're USING the children for their hate. IF you really cared about children you wouldn't support abortion or a party who champions it. worry over your pathetic life. nothing but ugly from this op

People don't abort children, they abort fetuses. We are talking about children here, not fetuses.
Yeah, you tell this girl she is not human at 13 weeks.
View attachment 66856
FUCK YOU. I responded to your fellow moron.
Holly shit. You are getting rattled as evidence for your need to curse me out! We're done here. No point in trying to get you to address the topic in anything resembling a thoughtful and intelligent way. I have better things to do than to deal with ignorance.
You're the prick with selective outrage.
some people always has their noses into other people lives. and now they're USING the children for their hate. IF you really cared about children you wouldn't support abortion or a party who champions it. worry over your pathetic life. nothing but ugly from this op

People don't abort children, they abort fetuses. We are talking about children here, not fetuses.
Yeah, you tell this girl she is not human at 13 weeks.
View attachment 66856

You can't discuss ANYTHING with these loons without them bringing up abortion.
Evil doers hate it when their bullshit is exposed.
I think some people cite religious objections to immunizations when truth is that it's just laziness, being unwilling to help their children. The amouint of dental neglect and medical neglect my adopted children suffer has arisen out of bio mom and dad's drug priorities.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I think that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children need to go straight to prison.

I believe that people who poison other peoples children should go directly to jail and be shot up and fed those same poisons they have been shoving on everyone else for profit and destruction until they faint so we are even.
People don't abort children, they abort fetuses. We are talking about children here, not fetuses.
Yeah, you tell this girl she is not human at 13 weeks.
View attachment 66856
FUCK YOU. I responded to your fellow moron.
Holly shit. You are getting rattled as evidence for your need to curse me out! We're done here. No point in trying to get you to address the topic in anything resembling a thoughtful and intelligent way. I have better things to do than to deal with ignorance.
You're the prick with selective outrage.
The so called progressives have been passing around bullshit about these parents in Canada. I had just read through several hundred comments from people who either knew of or had their own children poisoned by the medical mafia when I came upon this story.

Axxxx Xxxxxx, Here found some info for you if you care to read it smile emoticon

This story is making the rounds, and it needs to end. Now.

A bunch of internet trolls are claiming that a toddler died of meningitis in Canada recently because the parents knew that he had meningitis, and decided to treat him at home with maple syrup and natural remedies instead of getting real medical help. Of course, this means they should go to prison for medical neglect.

This isn’t even close to the real story. But trolls don’t care. Anything they can do to make someone look bad, and further destroy an already hurting family. They’re terrible human beings for this. They’re frankly the ones who should be locked up, for using one family’s tragedy to further a completely bull crap agenda.

But I digress.

No, a Toddler Did Not Die of Meningitis After Treatment with Maple Syrup
This is the real story.

About four years ago, a young boy — 18 months — got sick. He had a slight cough and fever, that came and went for about a month. Some days he seemed sick; some days he was playing and acting fairly normal. The parents had a friend, who was a nurse, come in to check him over (they could not get into see a doctor because it’s hard to get appointments in some areas of Canada, due to socialized medicine, and this wasn’t an emergency). The nurse said she didn’t see anything serious.

They knew to look for things like high fevers, stiff neck, screaming for meningitis, but the boy never had any of these symptoms.

Then, one night in March, he suddenly spiked a higher fever and was having trouble breathing. They immediately called emergency services. They lived fairly far out in the country, so they decided to drive towards town and have the ambulance meet them.

Unfortunately, the ambulance that was dispatched was not the closest one, so it took longer to meet them than it should have. When it did arrive, it wasn’t equipped with the correct intubation equipment — which the child needed to save his life. He was taken to the hospital and placed on life support, but after five days was declared brain-dead.

So, this family did what any normal family would do. Their kid seemed to be a little sick, but had no serious symptoms. The most concerning thing was that he seemed to keep relapsing, and not recovering fully. That’s something to call the doctor about (which they did), but it’s not an emergency.

Until it was an emergency — unpredictably. At that point, they did call for help. Just like any normal parent would.

It’s easy to say, in hindsight, “He clearly was really sick, there were red flags, why didn’t they take him in sooner?” But there really weren’t. We only see red flags because we know the unfortunate outcome.

Finally, we don’t know that the boy actually died of meningitis. There was bacteria in his system that could have been meningitis on the autopsy, but he showed no classic signs of it. It’s just being assumed that that’s what it was.

No, a Toddler Did Not Die of Meningitis After Treatment with Maple Syrup pinterest

Charged By the Government

Now, the government has indicted them for ‘failing to provide the basic necessities of life’ and they are facing a trial (which began on Feb. 29) and possible jail time, as well as the removal of their other children. The government is alleging that they knew that the child was seriously ill, and refused to get him medical care. This is completely wrong.

Interestingly, extended family members have a successful supplement company, that the Canadian government tried to shut down — but the family won a lawsuit against the Canadian government. Some suspect that this current trial is just a way to ‘get back at’ the family for that situation.

The family reached out to the media and asked for help. They need it, now more than ever. They’re facing a very serious threat to their family, massive legal bills, and the potential loss of their children.

So of course, trolls had to jump all over this, twist it, and try to make it into something it’s not.

Stop Supporting the Smear Campaign

We have people, now, who believe that the family really did know their child was seriously sick, that they treated him with random natural remedies, that they refused medical care. People who prefer natural remedies, who don’t vaccinate, who would support this family if they knew the truth, are now re-posting the trolls’ words and saying things like “I prefer alternatives, but I’m not stupid like them — I know medicine has its place!” So did they.

Stop playing into the trolls. This is what they want. They want the family to have no support, for everyone to turn against them, to believe that they were negligent. They want especially their own community to believe that the family was in the wrong, so they can hold them up and make an example of them.

They want people to believe: vaccinate without question, and don’t use natural remedies, or you’ll face prosecution.

If this case is ruled against the parents, and they end up in jail, it sets a dangerous precedent.

There is currently no law on the books that you have to vaccinate in Canada. This would erase need for the law. Basically, if your child developed a ‘ vaccine preventable’ disease, or worse, died from one, you could be held criminally responsible for it. Parents would vaccinate just to try to prevent these lawsuits (which is a terrible reason to make a medical decision).

And, the medical system in Canada, which is already quite busy, would be slammed by parents bringing their children in for every little sniffle. That is how this boy started out…and unfortunately, he died. Most children with a little sniffle have a cold, and will be better in a few days. But if parents think their child could have something serious, and that they will be prosecuted if it is serious, they will not take a chance to ‘wait and see.’ They will not allow the government to think they didn’t do everything they could to provide medical care. They will need it documented that they had early and frequent contact with medical professionals. So, they will take their children to the doctor for anything and everything to cover their backs.

Is this what we want?

Do we want to rip apart a family that has already faced an unspeakable, unfortunate, unpredictable tragedy? Do we want to charge parents who couldn’t have known what the outcome would be? Do we want to force parents to vaccinate or face lawsuits? Do we want to overburden an already-busy medical system with cases of the sniffles — so that people with real needs end up slipping through the cracks?

I don’t think so.

Please support this family, and speak out against this smear campaign. They need your help right now.



Alberta couple charged in child's death targeted over natural medicine: family - NEWS 1130

RAYMOND, Alta. – A relative of an Alberta couple charged after a toddler died of meningitis thinks the family’s belief in nutritional supplements is behind an “overzealous” prosecution. David and Collet Stephan have been charged with failing to provide the necessities of life for their 19-month-old…

More news on another healthy doctor dead today too.

The vast majority of Christians, and even of “fundamentalist Christians”, have no problem at all with the use of modern medicine.

The opposition to medicine is a characteristic of a few small, extreme sects, of which “Christian Scientists” are probably the most prominent.
Perhaps, but that does not mean that this is not a problem. The policy must be changed at the Federal level. One dead or seriously injured child because of this stupidity is one to many. Do you agree?
Trying to forcing and create mandates to give a failed medical systems more power over the people and their children is ridiculous.
No...allowing medical neglect is ridiculous!
You do not get to make the medical decision for another outside of your own family.
I think some people cite religious objections to immunizations when truth is that it's just laziness, being unwilling to help their children. The amouint of dental neglect and medical neglect my adopted children suffer has arisen out of bio mom and dad's drug priorities.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I think that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children need to go straight to prison.

I believe that people who poison other peoples children should go directly to jail and be shot up and fed those same poisons they have been shoving on everyone else for profit and destruction until they faint so we are even.

I agree that Rick Snyder and several others should go to prison for poisoning the people/children of Flint Michigan. I also think that religious nutters should go to prison when they refuse medical treatment for their children.
I think some people cite religious objections to immunizations when truth is that it's just laziness, being unwilling to help their children. The amouint of dental neglect and medical neglect my adopted children suffer has arisen out of bio mom and dad's drug priorities.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

So you are presenting an anti vaccination rant and an absurd conspiracy theory to prove what, exactly? That Fundi parents are not harming and killing their children? That it is OK and justified for them to do so? Actually, your post has absolutely nothing to do with the points that I made, or am I missing something here. I can't even count the logical fallacies in play here:

Appeal to ignorance
Definition: In the appeal to ignorance, the arguer basically says, “Look, there’s no conclusive evidence on the issue at hand. Therefore, you should accept my conclusion on this issue.”

Red herring
Definition: Partway through an argument, the arguer goes off on a tangent, raising a side issue that distracts the audience from what’s really at stake. Often, the arguer never returns to the original issue.

Weak analogy
Definition: Many arguments rely on an analogy between two or more objects, ideas, or situations. If the two things that are being compared aren’t really alike in the relevant respects, the analogy is a weak one, and the argument that relies on it commits the fallacy of weak analogy.

Ad ignorantiam
The argument from ignorance basically states that a specific belief is true because we don’t know that it isn’t true. Defenders of extrasensory perception, for example, will often overemphasize how much we do not know about the human brain. It is therefore possible, they argue, that the brain may be capable of transmitting signals at a distance.

In Latin this term translates to “doesn’t follow”. This refers to an argument in which the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises. In other words, a logical connection is implied where none exists.

There are probably others, but you get the idea. Please learn how to debate a topic.

I am saying doctors do not always have the answers. Just because you have a hatred in you does not make you an expert for another person or their children. My child was pronounce fully brain dead when he was not yet two years old. The doctors said if the child survived the child would be a complete and total vegetable. Your attack against all whom you believe have faith in God who you apparently give no credence to does not make it so. My child did survive and was not a vegetable as medical experts stated that according to their testing would be regardless of the child's survival. That was almost forty years ago and that child grew up to have children of their own. Giving no hope whatsoever the experts option would have been to unplug all of the machines that kept him alive as there was no brain activity whatsoever. You don't have all the answers no matter how bright you think you are.

I am sorry to hear about your most difficult experience and I'm happy that it turned out well. I never said that doctors have all of the answers, but they have many of the answers.

Now, you and others here keep accusing me of have hatred for all those of faith, and quite frankly, that is as stupid as stupid gets. I have hatred for those who abuse and neglect children, and if there is a hell, I hope that there is a special, extra hot place there for those who do it in the name of religion-ANY religion

Anyone who believes a law to force another any type of medical treatment at a federal level is not a patriot. No one likes to see abused or neglected children but the system has abused the children worse in many cases than they claimed parents were supposedly doing. If there were not so many inadequate and unconscionable doctors people such as myself would not be in the position of defending our families against the abuse the commerce portion of the current medical system that has perpetrated and foisted on the people in a Trojan horse calling it good medicine, drugs and food products. Forcing other peoples medical decisions by ignorant legislation is as "stupid as it gets".
I think some people cite religious objections to immunizations when truth is that it's just laziness, being unwilling to help their children. The amouint of dental neglect and medical neglect my adopted children suffer has arisen out of bio mom and dad's drug priorities.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I think that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children need to go straight to prison.

I believe that people who poison other peoples children should go directly to jail and be shot up and fed those same poisons they have been shoving on everyone else for profit and destruction until they faint so we are even.

I agree that Rick Snyder and several others should go to prison for poisoning the people/children of Flint Michigan. I also think that religious nutters should go to prison when they refuse medical treatment for their children.

All you mass vaccine pushers belong in prison taking those shots your self.
The vast majority of Christians, and even of “fundamentalist Christians”, have no problem at all with the use of modern medicine.

The opposition to medicine is a characteristic of a few small, extreme sects, of which “Christian Scientists” are probably the most prominent.
Perhaps, but that does not mean that this is not a problem. The policy must be changed at the Federal level. One dead or seriously injured child because of this stupidity is one to many. Do you agree?
Trying to forcing and create mandates to give a failed medical systems more power over the people and their children is ridiculous.
No...allowing medical neglect is ridiculous!
You do not get to make the medical decision for another outside of your own family.

Actually the law allows for someone other than your family to make decisions about your family. It happens every day. Things like child abuse, child negligence, child endangerment, and not providing basic needs, such as medicine, food, clothing and shelter. That is why a friend of mine, when I was a kid, was removed from his negligent family and put in to foster care.
...and then there was my friend in high school who had impacted wisdom teeth, but his parents, being Christian Scientists, decided to treat that with prayer...with predicable results.
The vast majority of Christians, and even of “fundamentalist Christians”, have no problem at all with the use of modern medicine.

The opposition to medicine is a characteristic of a few small, extreme sects, of which “Christian Scientists” are probably the most prominent.
Perhaps, but that does not mean that this is not a problem. The policy must be changed at the Federal level. One dead or seriously injured child because of this stupidity is one to many. Do you agree?
Trying to forcing and create mandates to give a failed medical systems more power over the people and their children is ridiculous.
No...allowing medical neglect is ridiculous!
You do not get to make the medical decision for another outside of your own family.

Actually the law allows for someone other than your family to make decisions about your family. It happens every day. Things like child abuse, child negligence, child endangerment, and not providing basic needs, such as medicine, food, clothing and shelter. That is why a friend of mine, when I was a kid, was removed from his negligent family and put in to foster care.
In the name of the so called law children can be abused also by the system. You claimed before you did not have any children. If actually child abuse is the case I agree children need to have a measure of protection but as out of control system can also be the abusers not the parent. This I know from personal experience. When the system abuses a child that parent even has a hard time finding an attorney as they are just as chickenshit as poorly informed doctors, teachers, etc. Here the quote I heard, "I'm sorry Mrs. XXXX I have other clients I must stand in front of judge XXXXX. I have to consider them first". Sorry again the system is too corrupt to give it more power than it has over anyone's life choices.
I think some people cite religious objections to immunizations when truth is that it's just laziness, being unwilling to help their children. The amouint of dental neglect and medical neglect my adopted children suffer has arisen out of bio mom and dad's drug priorities.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I think that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children need to go straight to prison.

I believe that people who poison other peoples children should go directly to jail and be shot up and fed those same poisons they have been shoving on everyone else for profit and destruction until they faint so we are even.

I agree that Rick Snyder and several others should go to prison for poisoning the people/children of Flint Michigan. I also think that religious nutters should go to prison when they refuse medical treatment for their children.

All you mass vaccine pushers belong in prison taking those shots your self.

I've already had mine. You nutters belong in prison.
You think whatever you like and you can even call believing every tom dick and harry that wants to shove a needle in small children to further their agenda and buff up their bank accounts but it does not make it truth.
Get in line when the vaccines are passed out but leave other peoples children alone.
Vaccine mafia earns 'F' in science: Australian Health Minister utters the most insanely stupid anti-science statement ever recorded... 'no risks in vaccinating children'
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I think that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children need to go straight to prison.

I believe that people who poison other peoples children should go directly to jail and be shot up and fed those same poisons they have been shoving on everyone else for profit and destruction until they faint so we are even.

I agree that Rick Snyder and several others should go to prison for poisoning the people/children of Flint Michigan. I also think that religious nutters should go to prison when they refuse medical treatment for their children.

All you mass vaccine pushers belong in prison taking those shots your self.

I've already had mine. You nutters belong in prison.

Get a few extra just for good measure.

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