The Christian twist of love and hate.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
When Luciferians can't justify their devotion to the fallen one nor refute anything said they resort to calling hate for their Satanism as being angry and hateful, even if using their own texts they are willing to throw their word under the bus and accidentally call that angry and hateful if it's a means to distract the facts they can't debate.
When Luciferians call you angry and hateful towards Lucifer they are through a double negative complimenting you and saying you are being proactive on the side of God.
According to Luciferians the refiners fire is angry and mean, G0d must be cruel cause they say his world is cruel, but from what logic are they going by?
With love like this no wonder they chose thousands of wars and over 50 million murders instead of coming to truth without pride.
Christianity loves people so much that they killed Millions of Jews and spent Millions of Dollars to convert them to the same supposed God.
(*proof it's not the same God*)
Christianity loves humanity so much that they invented some of the most sadistic torture devices used to convert people to their god, the same venom they say radicals today are evil for doing.
Did Jesus prefer tall people???

Then why did the RCC find it necessary to use the
rack and other stretch the body torture devices to get people to submit to their idol which is supposed to have the truth or power to not need coaxing?

Everyone has seen "the RACK" in movies:
The rollers of this RACK pulled the victim's wrists and ankles in opposite directions to tear his body apart. A spiked drum might be installed to disembowel the face-downward victim.

Torture was enthusiastically applied by early Church officials and noblemen in their employ for four reasons:

To force confessions or secret information from those accused of heresy or witchcraft, whether guilty or innocent;

To punish or discourage dissent and intellectual freedom;

To persuade Jews, Muslims, and other non-believers to accept Christianity; and

To enjoy the sadistic pleasure of inflicting agony, including experimenting with newly devised or perfected techniques of torture.

Devices used by the Church:
the foot was fitted into an oversized COPPER BOOT, boiling oil was slowly poured into the boot to strip the flesh from the bones.

There wa sa device called the CROCODILE SHEARS
where the males private parts were placed in the eight-inch jaws of tubular iron shapped like CROCODILE jaws with teeth, heated red-hot, enclosed it and then burned to a cinder before tore it off entirely.
another device of the Church:
was the infamous viselike FOOT PRESS
which was slowly tightened by the crank to crush feet between its solid iron plates, which were lined with hundreds of razor-sharp spikes to make the torture even more intense.

More sadistic torture could be found in the way they would devise FOOT ROASTING, which was the favorite torture of the Spanish Inquisition. Immobilized in the stocks, the soles of the victim's bare feet were thickly basted with lard and slowly broiled over red-hot coals.

There was something called an INSTEP BORER was an iron boot bound around the victim's bare foot. Turning the crank slowly plunged a razor-sharp iron spike through the center of the foot. Proof that the Roman torture of crucifixion that's been so taught about does not affect ones judgment to go and repeat such horrible acts.

There was also a bench held which victim immobile while he was slowly SKINNED ALIVE with a scalpel-like instrument. Salt was rubbed into the raw flesh to make for a more horrifying experience.
There was one item which looked like those late 1800 ice grabers which they used to rip womans breasts off.
While they also had toothed iron TESTICLE CRUSHERS slowly squeezed the victim's private part until they were destroyed.

Rev 13:15 ....and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

Christianity is so loving that it abuses people created by their god with extra y chromozones, blaming them for what their god designed in them.
Christianity is so loving that it says handicaped people have demons in them that need casting out.
Christianity loves the Creator and Creation so much that it calls the God of this creation their adversary (satan) and the paradise in death (opposite the Creator's creation) their salvation.
Christianity loves the world so much that it lead the world to worship the fallen Lucifer instead of the Moshiach.
Christianity loves the world so much that it kept the world from it's Central source of teaching and influence that would eminate from the Temple.
Christianity bitched and moaned about the Vatican authority yet loves the world so much that it allowed that Roman authority to deceive the world and continue it's ruyle and supression of the Moshiach's kingdom.

Sample The Love of Jesus:
Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23),
thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

If hate is simply directed at the wickedness of their ways and not the individual or group personally, and if it had in mind bringing that person or group to be where they should be, then there would be no conflict through emotions. Most hate that you see in this world has nothing to do with hating their ways and wanting them improved or perfected, but rather emotional reactions to being envious, or threatened.
And so they feel inadequate towards those they despise and thus hating the person or group rather then their ways you have issues with.
But seeing this behavior trait is not enough to solve the hate we see in this world today.
We must find the root causes leading up to these feelings of insecurity and jealous fear.
IN the case of cultures hating other cultures, the root cause is the closed society they have that causes disparity in living which eventually causes these feelings thus behavior patterns.

IN the case of hate in our children it's root cause can be the pressures they face today like peer pressure. As well this can be a root cause for some adults who's job security, financial security and stressful fast paced society can be a root cause of displaced emotions towards those they see living larger and easier then they.
THis is probably why people like Bill Gates become hated for no reason except that he is enveyed for all that he has and achieved.
DO the Politicians hate his ways of dealing in business when they go after him or are they jealous that they don't have what he has?
If the Politicans stuck to just hating his transgressions in doing business then the solution would be changing those ways and the result would not have been bringing the rest of the business world and financial market thus economy down with him as they went on that witch hunt to get him just to attack him personally with no vision of correcting and solving the problem.
So what happened, the whole business world was riddled with REAL unethical practices which caused markets to collapse through fear and instability and lack of trust. This all occured because the gov't was more hateful of a person and not a practice as a whole thus nobody learned a lesson and unethical business practices remained unchecked till disaster struck the financial markets.
The hate we see in this world does the same thing, it attacks people on a personal level without vision of solving issues thus the result is more harm then good bringing down the rest of society with it's error of it's ways.
This is still going on today, with the way this administration is willing to sabotage relations with super powers and risk war for sake of attacking the incoming president personally in order to take back power when his term is up.
Both the Political and religious issue in this is clearly through affiliation pride whereby the protection of the pride of affiliation is more important than protection and well being of society as a whole.
With love like that, who needs enimas.
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You've confused God with mankind. Were any of those instruments introduced in the Garden of Eden?
We have a Father who puts us in the category of the perpetually forgiven by favoring us even though we don't deserve it. Jesus Christ rent the Temple veil that separated us from God. The Jews want to put it back. Just keep in mind that when the ark of the covenant takes it's place again, that you have to remove the Mercy Seat of God to get to the laws of Moses underneath.......
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You've confused God with mankind. Were any of those instruments introduced in the Garden of Eden?
We have a Father who puts us in the category of the perpetually forgiven by favoring us even though we don't deserve it. Jesus Christ rent the Temple veil that separated us from God. The Jews want to put it back. Just keep in mind that when the ark of the covenant takes it's place again, that you have to remove the Mercy Seat of God to get to the laws of Moses underneath.......

And the HaShevet, why does everyone forget the Staff?

The Kapporet is called the gift (MithNite) and attonement(hasheva)piece with it's arch guardians
On top and HaShevet (staff) inside the lid.
17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."
Throughout the Bible you are warned about the creation of the idol made perfect, bowing and worshiping it making it your god.
The whole chapter 28 of Ezekiel is warning about this "son of perdition" matching Jesus to a T, the chapter WHICH preachers use to discuss Lucifer.
You are warned in the OT about the first fallen messiah and are supposed to be looking for the Shiloh meaning one whocs right it is.
There is no Shiloh if there is no 'thief' who came first (Jesus) impersonating Moshiach.
Jesus admits being an impersonation of son of man (like unto=emulation) Rev 1:13.
Rev 22:16 he admits being the morning star= opposer of the Shiloh(Evening Star=Shalem).
Abraham was shown Shalem the Evening Star by Melchizedek =the king messenger of Righteousness.
The holy city itself holds the story like cliff notes for reading the Bible. The legend of how the city of Shalem becomes the city of peace is when the NIGHT(Evening Star) removes (overturns) the Day (Morning Star) there will be peace.
Even Muslims repeat this expectation through the Al Isra-"when Night ascends to Jerusalem there will be Peace."
This means the Rightful Son of David will take back his inheritance in the Mikdash (Temple) in his name at the Holy City in his name.
You still don't know that name because it is hidden through improper transliterations.
Shalem is not the original transliteration from the Canaanite tablets found which the first 3 letters without giving the full name is: SHV.
This is why you are told to keep
the Sheva (7th) day holy in rememberance of that name. It's why Hindus tell you the King (Lord) is Shva.
It's why the Michaeline sect of Christianity calls themselves
the Sheva (7th) Day Adventist not the
Jesus Adventist.
When Luciferians can't justify their devotion to the fallen one nor refute anything said they resort to calling hate for their Satanism as being angry and hateful, even if using their own texts they are willing to throw their word under the bus and accidentally call that angry and hateful if it's a means to distract the facts they can't debate.
When Luciferians call you angry and hateful towards Lucifer they are through a double negative complimenting you and saying you are being proactive on the side of God.
According to Luciferians the refiners fire is angry and mean, G0d must be cruel cause they say his world is cruel, but from what logic are they going by?
With love like this no wonder they chose thousands of wars and over 50 million murders instead of coming to truth without pride.
Christianity loves people so much that they killed Millions of Jews and spent Millions of Dollars to convert them to the same supposed God.
(*proof it's not the same God*)
Christianity loves humanity so much that they invented some of the most sadistic torture devices used to convert people to their god, the same venom they say radicals today are evil for doing.
Did Jesus prefer tall people???

Then why did the RCC find it necessary to use the
rack and other stretch the body torture devices to get people to submit to their idol which is supposed to have the truth or power to not need coaxing?

Everyone has seen "the RACK" in movies:
The rollers of this RACK pulled the victim's wrists and ankles in opposite directions to tear his body apart. A spiked drum might be installed to disembowel the face-downward victim.

Torture was enthusiastically applied by early Church officials and noblemen in their employ for four reasons:

To force confessions or secret information from those accused of heresy or witchcraft, whether guilty or innocent;

To punish or discourage dissent and intellectual freedom;

To persuade Jews, Muslims, and other non-believers to accept Christianity; and

To enjoy the sadistic pleasure of inflicting agony, including experimenting with newly devised or perfected techniques of torture.

Devices used by the Church:
View attachment 104804
the foot was fitted into an oversized COPPER BOOT, boiling oil was slowly poured into the boot to strip the flesh from the bones.

There wa sa device called the CROCODILE SHEARS
View attachment 104802
where the males private parts were placed in the eight-inch jaws of tubular iron shapped like CROCODILE jaws with teeth, heated red-hot, enclosed it and then burned to a cinder before tore it off entirely.
another device of the Church:
was the infamous viselike FOOT PRESS
View attachment 104803
which was slowly tightened by the crank to crush feet between its solid iron plates, which were lined with hundreds of razor-sharp spikes to make the torture even more intense.

More sadistic torture could be found in the way they would devise FOOT ROASTING, which was the favorite torture of the Spanish Inquisition. Immobilized in the stocks, the soles of the victim's bare feet were thickly basted with lard and slowly broiled over red-hot coals.

There was something called an INSTEP BORER was an iron boot bound around the victim's bare foot. Turning the crank slowly plunged a razor-sharp iron spike through the center of the foot. Proof that the Roman torture of crucifixion that's been so taught about does not affect ones judgment to go and repeat such horrible acts.

There was also a bench held which victim immobile while he was slowly SKINNED ALIVE with a scalpel-like instrument. Salt was rubbed into the raw flesh to make for a more horrifying experience.
View attachment 104802
There was one item which looked like those late 1800 ice grabers which they used to rip womans breasts off.
While they also had toothed iron TESTICLE CRUSHERS slowly squeezed the victim's private part until they were destroyed.

Rev 13:15 ....and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

Christianity is so loving that it abuses people created by their god with extra y chromozones, blaming them for what their god designed in them.
Christianity is so loving that it says handicaped people have demons in them that need casting out.
Christianity loves the Creator and Creation so much that it calls the God of this creation their adversary (satan) and the paradise in death (opposite the Creator's creation) their salvation.
Christianity loves the world so much that it lead the world to worship the fallen Lucifer instead of the Moshiach.
Christianity loves the world so much that it kept the world from it's Central source of teaching and influence that would eminate from the Temple.
Christianity bitched and moaned about the Vatican authority yet loves the world so much that it allowed that Roman authority to deceive the world and continue it's ruyle and supression of the Moshiach's kingdom.

Sample The Love of Jesus:
Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23),
thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

If hate is simply directed at the wickedness of their ways and not the individual or group personally, and if it had in mind bringing that person or group to be where they should be, then there would be no conflict through emotions. Most hate that you see in this world has nothing to do with hating their ways and wanting them improved or perfected, but rather emotional reactions to being envious, or threatened.
And so they feel inadequate towards those they despise and thus hating the person or group rather then their ways you have issues with.
But seeing this behavior trait is not enough to solve the hate we see in this world today.
We must find the root causes leading up to these feelings of insecurity and jealous fear.
IN the case of cultures hating other cultures, the root cause is the closed society they have that causes disparity in living which eventually causes these feelings thus behavior patterns.

IN the case of hate in our children it's root cause can be the pressures they face today like peer pressure. As well this can be a root cause for some adults who's job security, financial security and stressful fast paced society can be a root cause of displaced emotions towards those they see living larger and easier then they.
THis is probably why people like Bill Gates become hated for no reason except that he is enveyed for all that he has and achieved.
DO the Politicians hate his ways of dealing in business when they go after him or are they jealous that they don't have what he has?
If the Politicans stuck to just hating his transgressions in doing business then the solution would be changing those ways and the result would not have been bringing the rest of the business world and financial market thus economy down with him as they went on that witch hunt to get him just to attack him personally with no vision of correcting and solving the problem.
So what happened, the whole business world was riddled with REAL unethical practices which caused markets to collapse through fear and instability and lack of trust. This all occured because the gov't was more hateful of a person and not a practice as a whole thus nobody learned a lesson and unethical business practices remained unchecked till disaster struck the financial markets.
The hate we see in this world does the same thing, it attacks people on a personal level without vision of solving issues thus the result is more harm then good bringing down the rest of society with it's error of it's ways.
This is still going on today, with the way this administration is willing to sabotage relations with super powers and risk war for sake of attacking the incoming president personally in order to take back power when his term is up.
Both the Political and religious issue in this is clearly through affiliation pride whereby the protection of the pride of affiliation is more important than protection and well being of society as a whole.
With love like that, who needs enimas.
I see that the self proclaimed top Jewish prophet is evangelizing the Christians again. I guess your people have no interest in your ministry, right?
Ding Evangelising is a Christian concept isn't it or should I say Ev( il) ANGELs with their evil messages .. if the worst thing you are accusing Hashev of doing is bringing out how evil the messages are that your Christian evangelists try to shove down everyone's throat day after day year after year then By all means carry on your antics...
Ding Evangelising is a Christian concept isn't it or should I say Ev( il) ANGELs with their evil messages .. if the worst thing you are accusing Hashev of doing is bringing out how evil the messages are that your Christian evangelists try to shove down everyone's throat day after day year after year then By all means carry on your antics...
Jesus came for the Jews. Your prophet came for the Christians.
Every single person you post to you have called insane, so by your logic and standard you are a prophet for the insane.
And what is your teaching?
To worship a god who couldn't get down from a tree and didn't know his own name nor Father's name.
Your method: kick the cripples, attack the Jews for posting the Bible and post only one to 3 minutes to yourself using alternate profile name to make it obvious you are not good at hiding your trolling intent.
Every single person you post to you have called insane, so by your logic and standard you are a prophet for the insane.
And what is your teaching?
To worship a god who couldn't get down from a tree and didn't know his own name nor Father's name.
Your method: kick the cripples, attack the Jews for posting the Bible and post only one to 3 minutes to yourself using alternate profile name to make it obvious you are not good at hiding your trolling intent.
:)View attachment 104962
No. I have only called the ones that are insane, insane. You believe you are the top prophet of God. You believe you are a Jewish prophet, yet you spend every post discussing Christianity. You, my friend, are certifiably insane.
You believe you are above God, you spend your full day wacking at people you claim are mentally disabled, you spend every post talking about me and spend 24-7 thinking about me and stalking me.
You my friend have been turned to wormwood.
I don't bash your unstable nature, O address where and how it came to be in order to deprogram your impulses towards Lucifer.

To any disabled person reading this forum:
Unlike Jesus & Christianity I support stem cells and don't think your demon
possessed or being punished.
My Handicap & Disabilities Links from my old site.
(some links might be obsolete on old defunct web providers )
Resources Special Ed
Special Ed for Kids w/Autism/pdd Services for Students with Disabilities
Deaf Schools in the US
Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, & Literacy Resources
National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped
Parent's /Children's Disability Resources:
NICHCY: A Guide to Children's Literature and Disability
Children's Disability Literature Internet Resources for Special Children W/ Disabilities
Child Care for Children with Special Needs
Swing sets for handicap children
Association of Birth Defect Children
Kids Together, Inc.
The Family Resource Center of Parents Helping Parents
Parents of Kids with disabilities/diseases
Special Child Magazine for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Other Great Resources:
Disability Resource Site/
Monthly Guide to Disability Resources On the Internet"> Resource Center for the Blind
Americans w/Disabilities Act Resources
Help For Filing Claims in the Workplace
Great Disability Info & Resource Links
Invisible Disabilities (disabilites and disorders that have hidden aspects to most people)
Internet Resources for People with Disabilities
Wheel Chairs/ Walkers /Vans
mobility products for the physically challenged Medical supplies, wheelchairs & Mobility Products
Also has Forums and Chat Rooms
Wheel Chair Accesible Manufactured Homes
You believe you are above God, you spend your full day wacking at people you claim are mentally disabled, you spend every post talking about me and spend 24-7 thinking about me and stalking me.
You my friend have been turned to wormwood.
I don't bash your unstable nature, O address where and how it came to be in order to deprogram your impulses towards Lucifer.

To any disabled person reading this forum:
Unlike Jesus & Christianity I support stem cells and don't think your demon
possessed or being punished.
My Handicap & Disabilities Links from my old site.
(some links might be obsolete on old defunct web providers )
Resources Special Ed
Special Ed for Kids w/Autism/pdd Services for Students with Disabilities
Deaf Schools in the US
Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, & Literacy Resources
National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped
Parent's /Children's Disability Resources:
NICHCY: A Guide to Children's Literature and Disability
Children's Disability Literature Internet Resources for Special Children W/ Disabilities
Child Care for Children with Special Needs
Swing sets for handicap children
Birth Defect Research for Children
Association of Birth Defect Children
Kids Together Inc. (TM) disability, inclusion, rights, information & resources
Kids Together, Inc.
The Family Resource Center of Parents Helping Parents
Parents of Kids with disabilities/diseases
Special Child Magazine for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Other Great Resources:
Disability Resource Site/
Monthly Guide to Disability Resources On the Internet"> Resource Center for the Blind
Americans w/Disabilities Act Resources
Help For Filing Claims in the Workplace
Great Disability Info & Resource Links
Invisible Disabilities (disabilites and disorders that have hidden aspects to most people)
Internet Resources for People with Disabilities
Wheel Chairs/ Walkers /Vans
mobility products for the physically challenged Medical supplies, wheelchairs & Mobility Products
Also has Forums and Chat Rooms
Wheel Chair Accesible Manufactured Homes
No. I do not believe I am above god. I believe I shouldn't get in His way. You on the other hand condescend to God because you believe you speak for Him. You don't.
When Luciferians can't justify their devotion to the fallen one nor refute anything said they resort to calling hate for their Satanism as being angry and hateful, even if using their own texts they are willing to throw their word under the bus and accidentally call that angry and hateful if it's a means to distract the facts they can't debate.
When Luciferians call you angry and hateful towards Lucifer they are through a double negative complimenting you and saying you are being proactive on the side of God.
According to Luciferians the refiners fire is angry and mean, G0d must be cruel cause they say his world is cruel, but from what logic are they going by?
With love like this no wonder they chose thousands of wars and over 50 million murders instead of coming to truth without pride.
Christianity loves people so much that they killed Millions of Jews and spent Millions of Dollars to convert them to the same supposed God.
(*proof it's not the same God*)
Christianity loves humanity so much that they invented some of the most sadistic torture devices used to convert people to their god, the same venom they say radicals today are evil for doing.
Did Jesus prefer tall people???

Then why did the RCC find it necessary to use the
rack and other stretch the body torture devices to get people to submit to their idol which is supposed to have the truth or power to not need coaxing?

Everyone has seen "the RACK" in movies:
The rollers of this RACK pulled the victim's wrists and ankles in opposite directions to tear his body apart. A spiked drum might be installed to disembowel the face-downward victim.

Torture was enthusiastically applied by early Church officials and noblemen in their employ for four reasons:

To force confessions or secret information from those accused of heresy or witchcraft, whether guilty or innocent;

To punish or discourage dissent and intellectual freedom;

To persuade Jews, Muslims, and other non-believers to accept Christianity; and

To enjoy the sadistic pleasure of inflicting agony, including experimenting with newly devised or perfected techniques of torture.

Devices used by the Church:
View attachment 104804
the foot was fitted into an oversized COPPER BOOT, boiling oil was slowly poured into the boot to strip the flesh from the bones.

There wa sa device called the CROCODILE SHEARS
View attachment 104802
where the males private parts were placed in the eight-inch jaws of tubular iron shapped like CROCODILE jaws with teeth, heated red-hot, enclosed it and then burned to a cinder before tore it off entirely.
another device of the Church:
was the infamous viselike FOOT PRESS
View attachment 104803
which was slowly tightened by the crank to crush feet between its solid iron plates, which were lined with hundreds of razor-sharp spikes to make the torture even more intense.

More sadistic torture could be found in the way they would devise FOOT ROASTING, which was the favorite torture of the Spanish Inquisition. Immobilized in the stocks, the soles of the victim's bare feet were thickly basted with lard and slowly broiled over red-hot coals.

There was something called an INSTEP BORER was an iron boot bound around the victim's bare foot. Turning the crank slowly plunged a razor-sharp iron spike through the center of the foot. Proof that the Roman torture of crucifixion that's been so taught about does not affect ones judgment to go and repeat such horrible acts.

There was also a bench held which victim immobile while he was slowly SKINNED ALIVE with a scalpel-like instrument. Salt was rubbed into the raw flesh to make for a more horrifying experience.
View attachment 104802
There was one item which looked like those late 1800 ice grabers which they used to rip womans breasts off.
While they also had toothed iron TESTICLE CRUSHERS slowly squeezed the victim's private part until they were destroyed.

Rev 13:15 ....and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

Christianity is so loving that it abuses people created by their god with extra y chromozones, blaming them for what their god designed in them.
Christianity is so loving that it says handicaped people have demons in them that need casting out.
Christianity loves the Creator and Creation so much that it calls the God of this creation their adversary (satan) and the paradise in death (opposite the Creator's creation) their salvation.
Christianity loves the world so much that it lead the world to worship the fallen Lucifer instead of the Moshiach.
Christianity loves the world so much that it kept the world from it's Central source of teaching and influence that would eminate from the Temple.
Christianity bitched and moaned about the Vatican authority yet loves the world so much that it allowed that Roman authority to deceive the world and continue it's ruyle and supression of the Moshiach's kingdom.

Sample The Love of Jesus:
Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23),
thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

If hate is simply directed at the wickedness of their ways and not the individual or group personally, and if it had in mind bringing that person or group to be where they should be, then there would be no conflict through emotions. Most hate that you see in this world has nothing to do with hating their ways and wanting them improved or perfected, but rather emotional reactions to being envious, or threatened.
And so they feel inadequate towards those they despise and thus hating the person or group rather then their ways you have issues with.
But seeing this behavior trait is not enough to solve the hate we see in this world today.
We must find the root causes leading up to these feelings of insecurity and jealous fear.
IN the case of cultures hating other cultures, the root cause is the closed society they have that causes disparity in living which eventually causes these feelings thus behavior patterns.

IN the case of hate in our children it's root cause can be the pressures they face today like peer pressure. As well this can be a root cause for some adults who's job security, financial security and stressful fast paced society can be a root cause of displaced emotions towards those they see living larger and easier then they.
THis is probably why people like Bill Gates become hated for no reason except that he is enveyed for all that he has and achieved.
DO the Politicians hate his ways of dealing in business when they go after him or are they jealous that they don't have what he has?
If the Politicans stuck to just hating his transgressions in doing business then the solution would be changing those ways and the result would not have been bringing the rest of the business world and financial market thus economy down with him as they went on that witch hunt to get him just to attack him personally with no vision of correcting and solving the problem.
So what happened, the whole business world was riddled with REAL unethical practices which caused markets to collapse through fear and instability and lack of trust. This all occured because the gov't was more hateful of a person and not a practice as a whole thus nobody learned a lesson and unethical business practices remained unchecked till disaster struck the financial markets.
The hate we see in this world does the same thing, it attacks people on a personal level without vision of solving issues thus the result is more harm then good bringing down the rest of society with it's error of it's ways.
This is still going on today, with the way this administration is willing to sabotage relations with super powers and risk war for sake of attacking the incoming president personally in order to take back power when his term is up.
Both the Political and religious issue in this is clearly through affiliation pride whereby the protection of the pride of affiliation is more important than protection and well being of society as a whole.
With love like that, who needs enimas.

Lets begin with the false premise......Christian Doctrine accepts torture as a means of conversion. The reality: Those who do such in the name of Christianity are not following the Christian Doctrine as recorded in the very root source of all Christian Doctrine, the word of God, i.e., the Holy Scriptures, they are following man made doctrine. Its simple....anyone point out the book, chapter and verse that authorizes torture as a means of being relayed into the Kingdom of God...i.e., the Christian Church on Earth.
It's to show the early church were the original radicals, even hiding their political motivation behind the mask of religious. Our founding fathers realized the dangers in mixing the 2 that leads to abuses so they seperated church and state.
In a reality world, truths need no forced conversions, terrorist techniques nor conquering, only a lie needs that kind of help.
Food for thought.

Thanks for joining the discussion.
It's to show the early church were the original radicals, even hiding their political motivation behind the mask of religious. Our founding fathers realized the dangers in mixing the 2 that leads to abuses so they seperated church and state.
In a reality world, truths need no forced conversions, terrorist techniques nor conquering, only a lie needs that kind of help.
Food for thought.

Thanks for joining the discussion.
The purpose of the establishment clause was to prevent the federal government with state established religions. Of which half of the states had at the time of ratification.
because you believe you speak for Him. You don't.

There you go proving that you think you are God by your comment & claims.
I rest my case.
The fact you make a living example of previous verses I left is just icing on the cake you left me.

Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?
The 'establishment clause' in the constitution was directed at one government entity.....the central federalist government's congress, as the entire constitution is not a list of rights, its a guarantee of what Big Brother Fed cannot do...its negative in nature. Thus, the establishment clause was drafted and ratified by THE STATES to guarantee freedom 'of' religion at the state and local level. In essence it was a firewall from having the central government dictate a one faith religion upon the entirety of the United States.

The founders of this nation were just years removed from having to combat such a circumstance in Europe where everyone was basically governed by Rome through the political hierarchy established by the Roman Catholic Church. The United States came into existence as the end result of a religious rebellion...i.e., the protestant movement. In fact the majority of US rule of law is simply a mirror of English Law concerning the rights of freedom of life, liberty and property.....and its a simple thing to document the historical fact that Blackstone's rule of law was the greatest legal precedent in the establishment of the majority of our founding documents and laws.

What did Blackstone use to establish his rules of common law? The Jeudo/Christian philosophy found within the pages of the Holy Scriptures.
because you believe you speak for Him. You don't.

There you go proving that you think you are God by your comment & claims.
I rest my case.
The fact you make a living example of previous verses I left is just icing on the cake you left me.

Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?
You don't speak for God.
HaShev, I just want you to know I never read any of your garbage. It is my opinion that you are clinically insane.
HaShev, I just want you to know I never read any of your garbage. It is my opinion that you are clinically insane.
Thanks for the double negative =compliment.
Lets see, you admited you don't know me and don't read the Biblical and historical references in my posts, which you called Bible and historical reality garbage, but can judge me even though you aren't certified to and don't comprehend the simplicity of what I'm saying.
You think a created image of a man who failed to deliver is your god, you believe in the magic of rubbing some beads between your fingers( that you don't know where they've been). You believe in praying to idols and magic powers and spells that St Christopher and Mary and Stick man bring but never seem to deliver. And you go out of your
way to let what you claim is disabled people know they are despised by you & your faith in hopes of bringing them ??? Displacement of your own pain behavior? How can you be in pain with Jesus idol around your neck and St Christopher in your pocket or sitting on your car dash? Why does Christianity need to inflict that pain they suffer from abuses to others, what is in your teachings that teach you to hate those you envy?
Thank you for allowing me to be on topic, tangibly showing an example of that Church abuse(inspiration to suffer & inflict suffering=Sadomasochism) they call love.

"solution for mankind's dilemma
lies in suffering, and through the portals of
death" "Suffering Is Also God's
Gift” - Pope John Paul II Angelus, October
13, 1996, Gemelli Hospital.

Jesus teaching hate and abuse(sadist):

Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14) hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23), thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

Blackrook taking his teachings and manifesting them into the world:

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

and by the way post: 13397128, member: 49643 proves you do read my posts making you a caught liar and forum troll.

Now there's one good thing about your church, that is they tell you to Teshuva when you do wrong. If you can't confess then you admit you know not right from wrong and your teachers have failed you as you oppose your own doctrines of faith.
I have rarely seen a Teshuva here, so we can conclude the OP accurate and validated.
Or as youcd like to call SERVED UP CERTIFIED. :)

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