The Clinton Exodus Begins

FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I can't bleev you tards just parrot manufactured bullshit without even bothering to see if it is true. All it took was a minute or two to go to Warren and Obama's Twitter and Facebook accounts to see right through the bullshit.

Will you learn?

Nope. You never do. I bet you are already back in line to be lied to some more.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You DESERVE to be lied to, punks. Your stupidity is EXACTLY why Clinton has made it as far as she has. Her evilness is exceeded only by your idiocy.
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

This is the strangest election in history. Mind numbing in the twists and turns.

Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

This is the strangest election in history. Mind numbing in the twists and turns.

Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.
You mean hitlery....
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

This is the strangest election in history. Mind numbing in the twists and turns.

Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.

You mean how they continually trot out their lackeys who will do whatever their corporate masters tell them to do? Sounds like another election process I heard when was that?????

Oh yeah, pretty much any progressive election is always a 99% win for the candidate. Yup. Those are some pretty mundane and boring elections too. Almost like the voters really don't need to show up....
Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.

Anyone but Trump would have easily crushed Hillary. Only the Orange Clown could turn this into a razor thin margin of a race.

But I see little chance for you, the damage of the facts over the last couple of weeks is just overwhelming. No decent person could vote Hillary at this point.
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.
Internal polling must be showing her dropping like a rock.
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

This is the strangest election in history. Mind numbing in the twists and turns.

Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.

You mean how they continually trot out their lackeys who will do whatever their corporate masters tell them to do? Sounds like another election process I heard when was that?????

Oh yeah, pretty much any progressive election is always a 99% win for the candidate. Yup. Those are some pretty mundane and boring elections too. Almost like the voters really don't need to show up....

Not sure what you’re talking about. Our politics was pretty much civil until this small fraction of a man showed up…
Too late now. So who cares, as I stated months ago the winner of this election is the media.
Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.

Anyone but Trump would have easily crushed Hillary. Only the Orange Clown could turn this into a razor thin margin of a race.

But I see little chance for you, the damage of the facts over the last couple of weeks is just overwhelming. No decent person could vote Hillary at this point.
Wrong...only Trump could be this close. Nobody enthused over Kasich or Johnson or Cruz.
Amazing how when Trump isn’t involved, our elections are pretty mundane.

Anyone but Trump would have easily crushed Hillary. Only the Orange Clown could turn this into a razor thin margin of a race.

But I see little chance for you, the damage of the facts over the last couple of weeks is just overwhelming. No decent person could vote Hillary at this point.

he he he…watch and learn on election day loser.
Side Note: The hypocrisy of making fun of Trump's skin color and hand size from the "can't help how one was born" party amuses me greatly.

he he he…watch and learn on election day loser.

Oh, I plan to.

You see, I think most democrats are complete scum, and talking with those on the left on this board confirms that. Lets face it, the leftist on this board haven't even a glimmer of a hint of integrity. You don't care that Hillary is corrupt from top to bottom, only the party matters. Hillary could eviscerate small children on live TV and you would still gleefully vote for her. Party above all - always.

So the question next Tuesday is "how many Americans are like you?" My guess is that the decent people, those with honor and integrity, who want honest government and laws that apply equally to all people, out number you.

We'll find out next Tuesday.

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