The Clinton vs. Trump wet-dream electoral map


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This is how his supporters see it:

2015-08-030 Trump wet-dream EV map - Trump supporters.jpg

This is how her supporters see it:

2015-08-030 Trump wet-dream EV map - DEM wet dream.jpg

This is prolly closer to reality:

2015-08-030 Trump wet-dream EV map - closer to reality.jpg

:D :D :D
Uummmm, I'm assuming that whomever did that last layout believes Texas will go blue in 2016.......
Arizona blue? Virginia and Colorado are purple so they're up in the air.
Actually looking at that last map again has me scratching my head, that definitely is someone's wet dream. :lol:
I think that last map is very possible if Trump is the nominee. I can't see him winning a General Election at all.
As much as many people don't want him running he's currently the popular back-lash against career politicians, how that will end up playing out at the polls is anyone's guess, if it even gets that far. :dunno:
I'm not sure Hillary would not take S Carolina

It will be interesting to see how Trumps anti-Hispanic rhetoric does in Texas. Also how well Republicans can sell a blatant Yankee like Trump in the south
Trump can't get over 230 electoral votes. He may not get half that many.
DF, women and Latinos really don't like Trump. And his Progressive Statism is alienating the far right small government arm of the GOP.
HRC will have an easier time than Obama unless it is Kasich on the GOP ticket.

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