the Clinton's body trail.

I'm willing to wager right now that Hillary will not run for President in 2016. Or ever again.
I'm willing to wager right now that Hillary will not run for President in 2016. Or ever again.
you could be right ,but she would love to be president .the only way she will not run is if the dems prevent her.
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No, more like I get tired of people beating a dead horse.
do you not think this dead horse will be kicked if she runs ??

Of that I am certain, though I do not think it will get any traction but on the fringes of the campaign.[/QUOTE ]the woman comes across as mean and arrogant at times .anything in her past that could lend credence to her being so will have an impact.
WSJ Editorial Page - John Fund, WSJ Editorial Page Editor (?), the man who introduced Rush Limbaugh to many East Coast movers and shakers, kept feeding the Vince Foster Fantasy to a gullible right wing public.

Sad...but true.
although there is a lot of conjecture stemming from rumors about what happened it is just one of many incidents that will be resurrected. ....that is the reality of politics today.
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Vince Foster? Seriously?

I guess somebody is scared shitless Hillary is going to run in 2016 and is test firing some of their old 90s ordnance to see if it has any of the old boom left in it. :lol:

Some people are just too transparent.

It signals an absolute bankruptcy of ideas. Gotta haul out some of the old fireworks since the armory is still out of superior ideas and no resupplies of them are coming.

Keep throwing shit and hope no one notices we aren't offering any solutions to the problems we face!

Who cares about Hillary? She was tossed under the bus by Democrats in favor of the inexperienced black guy back in 2008. She has drank from the same glass as Joe Lieberman, except in her case she got a consolation prize, with the title Secretary of State. Yep... Democrats destroyed her dreams of following in her husbands footsteps, and the fact that Obama has taken on a very unpopular issue, America is going to push Democrats right out the door in 2014, and 2016. The gun control issue, and War on people's Freedoms will be the the "Bridge Too Far" for Democrats, and they'll be pissing and moaning about the NRA, when they pack their bags and head home.
the Clinton's body trail.

I'd say Lil' Dumbya trumped your fantasy.


the clinton body count is very errily similiar to the kenedy assassination.Just liek the kenendy assassination where so many people who gave versions different than the governments who wound up dying in mysterious deaths,many people who came forward talking about clintons scandals ended up the same fate and there was no reali investigation into their deaths.the official explanations were a joke.Bush and clinton have had a long standing friendship with each other.He is as evil as the Bushs are.
Either Foster was the first account of a real zombie and dragged his own corpse to an obscure park or somebody dropped him off. Once again the liberal media circled the wagons around the Klintons instead of looking for the truth.
Either Foster was the first account of a real zombie and dragged his own corpse to an obscure park or somebody dropped him off. Once again the liberal media circled the wagons around the Klintons instead of looking for the truth.

kinda like they did with Bush as well which you always ignore.:rolleyes:

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