The committee has found more than $20 million in payments from foreign partners to the Biden family and its associates

Sure it did. We treated addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. Instead of getting addicts treatment, like you would for any other disease, we gave them criminal punishment... and we've been doing that for 50 years, we've increased our prison population from 200,000 in 1970 to 2 million today.

People are going to get high, particularly if their lives are otherwise pretty miserable. Where the drugs come from is besides the point, whether it be China, Mexico, Columbia or some Trailer Park in Jesusland.
This seems like a very important topic for you. Did you end up being criminalized & thrown in jail for your crack addiction before?
Sure it did. We treated addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. Instead of getting addicts treatment, like you would for any other disease, we gave them criminal punishment... and we've been doing that for 50 years, we've increased our prison population from 200,000 in 1970 to 2 million today.

People are going to get high, particularly if their lives are otherwise pretty miserable. Where the drugs come from is besides the point, whether it be China, Mexico, Columbia or some Trailer Park in Jesusland.
Silly excuses for Biden’s open border fall short. States along the southern border are overwhelmed with the mass inflow of illegals. This is prompted by Dem / Marxist abandonment of immigration law and an intent to flood the country third-worlders.

Less visible, but a byproduct of Dem / Marxist open borders, is the flood of China-sponsored fentanyl that gets smuggled across the border along with the hordes of illegal aliens.

Americans are dying in large numbers due to fentanyl but that is perfectly fine with Dems / Marxists because those third worlders are intended to be future Dem / Marxist voters. They will also be an overwhelming welfare class but that’s what the Dems / Marxists want.
This seems like a very important topic for you. Did you end up being criminalized & thrown in jail for your crack addiction before?

Nope. I can just see a fifty year policy that hasn't work- has in fact made things worse- as not working.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Nope. I can just see a fifty year policy that hasn't work- has in fact made things worse- as not working.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
But you still vote Democrat...
Your sidestepping and deflection from the topic makes you look buffoonish.

Naw, just randomly watching you generate talking points is boring.

When we treat addiction like the medical problem it is, then we can have something to talk about.

Otherwise, thinking we can keep the drugs out is kind of silly. It's like you people learned nothing from Prohibition.
Naw, just randomly watching you generate talking points is boring.

When we treat addiction like the medical problem it is, then we can have something to talk about.

Otherwise, thinking we can keep the drugs out is kind of silly. It's like you people learned nothing from Prohibition.
Your stuttering and mumbling is pointless. The fentanyl problem is a direct result of the open borders allowed by the Dems / Marxists.
Look, I know you have no ideas that you haven't heard on Hate Radio.
Which is a much duller place since Rush took that well-deserved dirt nap.

Well, aside from stereotypical Dem / Socialist talking points, you never can present a coherent argument. Your fascination with right wing radio hosts suggests you need you broaden your horizons. Joy Reid perhaps?
I understood it clearly. Teen dopers aren't children... and weeding them out early might be a benefit.

I mean, it's hilarious to watch you guys pretend you care about addiction while slashing treatment programs.

I see a lot of accusations and no proof.
Do you admit that the Biden grandchildren were included in the payments? It's all there in black and white bank records. So what on earth did those kids do to earn that money?
Naw, just randomly watching you generate talking points is boring.

When we treat addiction like the medical problem it is, then we can have something to talk about.

Otherwise, thinking we can keep the drugs out is kind of silly. It's like you people learned nothing from Prohibition.
People don't get addicted to Fentanyl, Joe...they simply die from it! Duh?
Do you admit that the Biden grandchildren were included in the payments?
Don't really care... can you show me where a law was broken?

People don't get addicted to Fentanyl, Joe...they simply die from it! Duh?
So we are getting rid of dopers at a faster rate. I'm just not seeing a downside. (the reality is, for everyone who dies, there are a 1000 still using it, but don't confuse you with facts.)
Don't really care... can you show me where a law was broken?

So we are getting rid of dopers at a faster rate. I'm just not seeing a downside. (the reality is, for everyone who dies, there are a 1000 still using it, but don't confuse you with facts.)
You really don't get it, Joey! If you're a government official selling the influence of your're not off the hook if the money is paid to a member of your family. You say you don't "care" because you don't have an explanation for why young kids are getting thousands of dollars when it's obvious they aren't contributing in any way to the businesses of those foreign entities that were giving the Biden's MILLIONS!
You really don't get it, Joey! If you're a government official selling the influence of your're not off the hook if the money is paid to a member of your family.

Well, you are if you can't prove that influence was sold. You guys have yet to prove what China supposedly got for all this money supposedly paid,that's the thing.

You say you don't "care" because you don't have an explanation for why young kids are getting thousands of dollars when it's obvious they aren't contributing in any way to the businesses of those foreign entities that were giving the Biden's MILLIONS!

They were giving Hunter millions... Hunter is a private citizen. He doesn't hold private office.

I'm a lot more bothered by Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and Samuel "Guido" Alito getting payments from Rich Sugar Daddies and making truly insane rulings from the bench than I am about Hunter getting a payment from some Chinese businessman who thought he could open doors.
Well, you are if you can't prove that influence was sold. You guys have yet to prove what China supposedly got for all this money supposedly paid,that's the thing.

They were giving Hunter millions... Hunter is a private citizen. He doesn't hold private office.

I'm a lot more bothered by Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and Samuel "Guido" Alito getting payments from Rich Sugar Daddies and making truly insane rulings from the bench than I am about Hunter getting a payment from some Chinese businessman who thought he could open doors.
They were giving a crack addict millions of dollars, Joey! Think long and hard about that! There is nothing that Hunter Biden had to offer at that point OTHER than access to his father to people that wanted to buy influence! The sad thing is that deep down YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE BIDENS DID BUT YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH INTEGRITY TO ADMIT IT!
Well, you are if you can't prove that influence was sold. You guys have yet to prove what China supposedly got for all this money supposedly paid,that's the thing.

They were giving Hunter millions... Hunter is a private citizen. He doesn't hold private office.

I'm a lot more bothered by Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and Samuel "Guido" Alito getting payments from Rich Sugar Daddies and making truly insane rulings from the bench than I am about Hunter getting a payment from some Chinese businessman who thought he could open doors.
Thomas and Alito didn't get "payments" from wealthy friends! That's a flat out lie.
They were giving a crack addict millions of dollars, Joey! Think long and hard about that!

Half the guys on Wall Street are on Cocaine... just can't get that worked up about it. I have had a few bosses I've suspected were snorting up before work.

There is nothing that Hunter Biden had to offer at that point OTHER than access to his father to people that wanted to buy influence!

Except they kept paying him even after his father left his role.

I'm more worried about the 2 BILLION that the Saudis (who unlike the Chinese, really ARE our enemies) gave to Jared Kushner when Trump was in office.

And then they got a pass when they murdered and dismembered that guy in the Instanbul Consulate.


Again, if you guys were THAT concerned, pass a strict law that prohibits ALL family members of public officials from lobbying or doing business that connects to government.

You won't... because your snouts are deeper in the pig-sty than Hunter's ever was.

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