The Constitution for dummies....The first amendment applies to CONGRESS...not private businesses


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
It's really not that complicated.

Congress cannot make it illegal to go to church.

If I own my own company, I can hire anyone I want to hire and fire anyone I want to fire.

if I own a Jewish deli, and an employee yells to the customers, "I HATE JEWS!!!!""....I may FIRE that person. They get NO FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTION from being fired from a private business.
Yeah no shit

You would think, "Yea, no shit."

There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
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We are well aware of the stupid demands in companies made by owners or managers...It's not just a job, it's a structured life...
The NFL has a choice, fans or players...They don't want to lose either but it is getting harder to play fence sitter...
There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work. No, they are fucking not.
They are in the sense that nothing Trump has to say on the matter means shit. That's who they were giving the finger to, including Jerry Jones!

Just a heads up for look like fucking dipshits when you mention the first amendment with regards to this issue.

It'll help your cause if you don't look so horribly stupid and uneducated.
Just a heads up for look like fucking dipshits when you mention the first amendment with regards to this issue. It'll help your cause if you don't look so horribly stupid and uneducated.
LOL!!! A Trumpista calling someone else stupid! :laugh2:
Just a heads up for look like fucking dipshits when you mention the first amendment with regards to this issue. It'll help your cause if you don't look so horribly stupid and uneducated.
LOL!!! A Trumpista calling someone else stupid!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute the OP, since he is telling the truth and I can't handle it. So I'll call him names instead, and hope that somebody somewhere believes me anyway.
Just a heads up for look like fucking dipshits when you mention the first amendment with regards to this issue. It'll help your cause if you don't look so horribly stupid and uneducated.
LOL!!! A Trumpista calling someone else stupid!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute the OP, since he is telling the truth and I can't handle it. So I'll call him names instead, and hope that somebody somewhere believes me anyway.

The personal attack is always part of their terrible playbook.

#1) Try to discredit the source
#2) Racism
#3) Personal attack

it's because they are not good at getting educated on these issues useful idiots.
First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
It's really not that complicated.

Congress cannot make it illegal to go to church.

If I own my own company, I can hire anyone I want to hire and fire anyone I want to fire.

if I own a Jewish deli, and an employee yells to the customers, "I HATE JEWS!!!!""....I may FIRE that person. They get NO FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTION from being fired from a private business.
Actually, the First Amendment applies to ALL of government...not just Congress. In case you didn't know, Congress only represents one third of our federal government.
Yeah no shit

You would think, "Yea, no shit."

There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
They are exercising their First Amendment rights. Surely you know that. What the issue is (and I'm glad to help point out the correction for you) is that their business is NOT violating their First Amendment rights if they penalize them in some way. However, that becomes a bit of a gray area when the so-called president (part of the government) tries to influence a private business to penalize people for exercising their First Amendment rights...or tries to threaten a business for letting their employees exercise their First Amendment rights.
There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
Protected political speech has been AFFIRMED by the Supreme's as a 1st Amendment protection in Texas v. Johnson (1989). From the last paragraph of the decision;

"Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State's interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction, because Johnson's conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace. Nor does the State's interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and national unity justify his criminal conviction for engaging in political expression."
~~ Texas v. Johnson ~~

Regarding your claim that the players, in that moment, kneeling rather than standing is not Amendment I protected expressive conduct, you're fucking wrong yet again fool, as usual! And the "activist judges" bullshit your type pulls out at moments like this wont fly at all given even super conservative Antonin Scalia, et al, voted with the majority. You and your ilk are just WRONG that the player's actions was not Constitutionally protected conduct.

There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
Protected political speech has been AFFIRMED by the Supreme's as a 1st Amendment protection in Texas v. Johnson (1989). From the last paragraph of the decision;

"Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State's interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction, because Johnson's conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace. Nor does the State's interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and national unity justify his criminal conviction for engaging in political expression."
~~ Texas v. Johnson ~~

Regarding your claim that the players, in that moment, kneeling rather than standing is not Amendment I protected expressive conduct, you're fucking wrong yet again fool, as usual! And the "activist judges" bullshit your type pulls out at moments like this wont fly at all given even super conservative Antonin Scalia, et al, voted with the majority. You and your ilk are just WRONG that the player's actions was not Constitutionally protected conduct.

Not by private companies.

If I walk into an office where I work and yell:

"DONALD TRUMP IS A RACIST!!!!"...I would likely be fired. That is not protected speech. My company can fire me for any reason in almost every state.

Try wearing a NAZI SS uniform to work at a Jewish Deli in Brooklyn.
You know, you guys might have something about not being allowed to protest during work, but trouble is, this protest has ZERO effect on the game or who is going to win.

It doesn't even stop the flow of the game, because it's done during the time the anthem is being played.

Yes, if their protest somehow interfered with the game, you might have had a point, but it doesn't.
There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
Protected political speech has been AFFIRMED by the Supreme's as a 1st Amendment protection in Texas v. Johnson (1989). From the last paragraph of the decision;

"Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State's interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction, because Johnson's conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace. Nor does the State's interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and national unity justify his criminal conviction for engaging in political expression."
~~ Texas v. Johnson ~~

Regarding your claim that the players, in that moment, kneeling rather than standing is not Amendment I protected expressive conduct, you're fucking wrong yet again fool, as usual! And the "activist judges" bullshit your type pulls out at moments like this wont fly at all given even super conservative Antonin Scalia, et al, voted with the majority. You and your ilk are just WRONG that the player's actions was not Constitutionally protected conduct.

Not by private companies.

If I walk into an office where I work and yell:

"DONALD TRUMP IS A RACIST!!!!"...I would likely be fired. That is not protected speech. My company can fire me for any reason in almost every state.

Try wearing a NAZI SS uniform to work at a Jewish Deli in Brooklyn.
BUT< BUT< BUT! Fuck all your BUTS and qualifications to wiggle out of your horseshit claim that those players had no 1st Amendment right to take a knee if they wished. You wrote this asshole;
There are LOTS of people claiming the NFL players are exercising their first amendment rights by kneeling while at work.

No, they are fucking not.
On the clock or off the clock does not interrupt one's Constitutional rights, JERK!
First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
It's really not that complicated.

Congress cannot make it illegal to go to church.

If I own my own company, I can hire anyone I want to hire and fire anyone I want to fire.

if I own a Jewish deli, and an employee yells to the customers, "I HATE JEWS!!!!""....I may FIRE that person. They get NO FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTION from being fired from a private business.

Pretty much true- except the First Amendment applies to all laws by states and local communities too.

However, your right to fire someone is not protected by the First Amendment- you certainly can fire someone for most things- yelling that they hate Jews certainly would be okay- but firing someone for being Christian would not be okay- you run into other laws at that point.

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